The Pretty Sister Who Often Invites You to Dinner

  The next day Steve took the train to Manchester for a trial with his agent.


  Arthur didn't accompany Steve to Manchester, he would have looked like a handbag assistant. He couldn't just add Steve to the City squad when they were trying him out, could he? Even if he wanted to do that, the head of the City team wouldn't give him a chance, and it would only involve his good brother.


  Soon after, Arthur received a call from Steve, who had successfully signed with City's first team.


  Arsenal have no idea of keeping anyone in the team and the first team midfield is full of talent. Wenger has had Steve training with the first team for a long time and knows his weaknesses against the run of play and his slow progress.


  How easy is it for a player to dramatically improve their fitness? Steve has been working hard but not much has changed. Arthur can't help much, he got his fitness from driving, not practicing.


  Steve already deserves the name of a genius for breaking into the first team of a Premier League side at the age of 18, but is just a long way from the national team of his dreams.


  Arthur is currently starting from a much lower base, yet has a much higher ceiling, and who knows how far he can go.


  The Premier League usually kicks off in mid-August, and Steve is staying in Manchester to train with the team next and won't be returning to London anytime soon.


  Arthur still has to wait for news of Florence's bankruptcy, it's useless for him to go to Italy now, the team doesn't even have a new owner yet.


  Even if Arthur remembers the time, it's still hard to avoid some anxiety.


  Fear not, fear not.


  In case he doesn't pan out and sign in early August, there's no telling where he'll go next.


  He was also a little nervous at the thought of going to Italy alone to find a job. His second uncle and aunt did not have time to accompany him to Italy and could only give financial support. His cousin was even less likely to accompany him abroad, being too young.


  But he still hasn't looked for an alternative team and intends to go for broke.


  On July 14, Arthur played all 20 games and another rookie mission was accomplished.


  The reward this time was a soccer shoe made of five color combinations of black, green, blue, purple, and pink. The sneakers had a common style and the colors looked so weird that Arthur was numb inside.


  He suspected that his future nickname would be "Playboy", and it was a fucking flower not a playful flower. But he couldn't not wear it, the attributes of the equipment were tempting.


  Like the flower socks, this is a beginner's training sneaker. When he trains with them equipped, the speed at which the skill represented by the color improves increases by 20%.


  With the two pieces of equipment stacked, Arthur's experience could be increased by 40% when practicing stopping, long pass, short pass, dribbling, and shooting techniques. These five items will be what he focuses on training with half the effort.


  Somewhat irritatingly, he didn't get any more newbie quests, only signed up advancement quests. He was strong enough to head to the newbie village to practice and wouldn't keep getting benefits.


  He tried on his new shoes the next day and they were very comfortable and tailored.


  Soccer shoes are boots and important partners for soccer players. Soccer shoes have good support, shock absorption and stabilization for the feet, and can assist the athlete's play. These shoes are better than all the sneakers Arthur has ever worn, even if they don't look good he put up with it.


  Arthur kicks around with people and feels stronger for the change. He tries to break with the ball and there are displays of passing four people in a row on speed.


  Arthur was in a very good mood and returned home in the afternoon happy to have someone to share his joy with. As he opened the door and entered the house, he cried out mid-sentence, "I'm home!"


  Second Aunt Jolene called from the living room, "You just got back? Emily's been waiting for you for a long time."


  "I can't just leave without finishing a soccer game." Arthur was traveling light to play soccer and didn't have his cell phone with him, so no one else could reach him.


  The living room sofa sitting on a tall beauty, wearing a sky blue dress sweater dress, looks very simple design tailoring, but should not be cheap, splicing elements show higher fashion taste. The lace air sleeve design at her shoulder, with a bit of princess-like delicacy, giving people a sense of cold and fresh.


  Arthur recognized Emily Blunt instantly, with features that had changed little from the future, just a little boyish and full of collagen. Now she was pretty much a star, if not a philistine.


  Emily and Arthur looked at each other, and their eyes and expressions suddenly turned a little dull. (ˉ hosting')


  In Emily's point of view, Arthur approached the living room all in slow motion. He's a little dirty from his kicking clothes, but washed with water and white, plus a hint of a smile too handsome.


  Arthur found her expression amusing and smiled without words. "hoareyou?"


  "finethankyou, andyou?" replied Emily dully, learning English with the same set of materials all over the world.


  Arthur thought the man was even more adorable, and it was crazy that the original had been ignoring her and just keeping her as a buddy.


  In fact, this is quite normal, the two used to be childhood friends, too familiar to change the relationship. Now the traveler has become Arthur, and the childhood friend has become the Skyfall line.


  Emily laughed and asked, "Why do I get the feeling you're a little different?"


  "What's different?"


  "More cheerful than he used to be." Emily looked at him and thought for a moment, "It's like Zorro has become the mayor."


  Before, Arthur always had a frown on his face, but now his frown was completely relaxed, with a smile at the corner of his mouth. This little change made his whole temperament different, very sunny.


  Arthur smiled, "I think you're a little different too."


  "What's different?"


  "Prettier and extra stylish, so worthy of a future Hollywood superstar."


  "Really? I wore it casually, heh heh heh heh heh. (Dressing up for two hours)" Emily laughed as her upper teeth leaked out and rushed to cover her mouth. Arthur had never complimented her like that before, and Super Thunderbolt was invincibly happy.


  "Looks like you look good in anything." Arthur added.


  Emily fanned herself in the face with her right hand, a little hot. "You never used to be like this, it's like you're a different person."


  "I used to be a goalkeeper and I used to get smothered with a burst of shots on my head, so my brain is showing. Recently I switched to playing striker, my brain is much clearer and I dare to express my inner thoughts." In Arthur's opinion, the original body was a show-off.


  "Hahaha, it's good to switch to playing forward." Emily laughed.


  It's not a matter of what position you play, it's a matter of who you are. Emily doesn't care, he finds the chatty Arthur more attractive than he used to be when he was "ascetic".


  The original couldn't have complimented Emily like that and didn't think she was pretty.


  In Arthur's memory, the original often complained about Emily's "Batman chin". Now he thinks that Emily's feature is not a flaw, but rather an advantage in the entertainment industry, easier to be remembered by the audience.


  Brigitte Lin has the kind of chin that made her famous in Asia. It's sad that there are no memorable actors, there are a lot of these people who look beautiful at first glance and then turn their heads and people forget what she looks like.


  The three chatted for a while about Emily's schooling and acting in plays, not about soccer.


  Second Aunt Jolene was very surprised, she remembered Arthur as a mute, straight man of steel, but today he was enlightened?


  Emily was particularly happy and offered to treat Arthur to dinner, which she had often done before.


  "I'll treat you and then go to the movies. You wait a little while I'm going to take a shower and change my clothes, I can't go out like this after just playing soccer." Arthur, unlike the original, knew how to be courteous.


  He couldn't go out to dinner and always let the girls treat him because he had a change of heart in his family, it was outrageous. He had pocket money and had saved up a bit of personal money from not spending much at the Arsenal training camp.


  Arthur quickly showered and changed into casual clothes and went out with Emily. Both of them walked on the street with super high turnover rate, both very eye-catching. Arthur attracted the talent scouts to hand over their business cards, and Emily was a beautiful 170c tall woman who looked quite good together.


  They first went to a Japanese restaurant for okonomiyaki, Emily had always wondered what it tasted like but had never been here and was afraid she wouldn't know how to make a fool of herself.


  Then they go to the movies and pick the zombie sci-fi flick Resident Evil, which is currently in theaters.


  The first Resident Evil film starring Milla Jovovich is a classic, and while Arthur has seen it many times, it's the first time he's seen it in a theater. He was drunk and picked this movie to show off his boyfriend's strength.


  As it turned out, he had miscalculated, and unlike a lot of young girls who snuggle up in their boyfriends' arms in fear, Emily watched with rapt attention and enjoyment. She exited the theater still wanting more and exclaiming that she had enjoyed it.


  "It's so good, I want to make this kind of monster movie in the future, the female lead fight scene is so cool."


  "You'll get your chance later." Arthur laughed, the parallel world Emily had been in more than one monster-fighting movie.


  In addition to her masterpiece Edge of Tomorrow, starring with Tom, there are Silent Land I and II, which her husband directed and starred in. She's fit to be a female fighting star with an athletic body.


  She's so interested in this type of movie that she even forgets to send a nymphomaniac and misses the opportunity for the two of them to take a closer step in their relationship.


  Waiting to get home, Emily reacted ...