Milestones, New Features

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  A matchup of lower-level teams was given extraordinary significance because of the 7-0 scoreline.

  Arthur's performance was so good that he attracted local sports reporters to interview him after the game. Whether it's Fiorentina's first win of the season or the team's "new Batistuta", it's all good news fodder.

  Arthur introduced himself and then atmospherically stated the goal. "I'm here to help Fiorentina get back into Serie A, and today's win is a good start."

  The short-haired, middle-aged male reporter asked, "You speak Italian very well, did you do your youth training in Italy?"

  "No, I used to live in London, coming from Arsenal's youth camp. Italian is something I took the time to learn because I wanted to come over here and develop. I know there aren't many English players here, but I'm confident I can play good soccer in Italy."

  Arthur deliberately revealed some information to deepen people's impression of him. If he had been performing well, the media would surely have dug deeper into his past.

  As for the reason for coming to Fiorentina, of course it was because of the idol. "I love this team and have seen a lot of Bardi's games. I hope to become as strong as him in the future, if not stronger than him."

  The reporter laughed, "Would that be too big a goal?"

  "As a child I learned that you can't be a man without dreams. Those who dare to think are more likely to succeed." Arthur has the system as his backing card and is more outspoken than all the young players.

  As a traveler, he understands the importance of "traffic". If he plays in the C2 league, if he keeps a low profile, he won't be able to get any exposure. He has to pack himself at all times and be a dominant star.

  With his dominance, strength and face, it would be hard for him not to be hot in a few years.

  Journalists love Arthur's style of speaking so much, high profile people make news. A high profile British foreigner is more eye-catching and can galvanize the local players' desire to win. Whether Arthur plays well or poorly next, it creates news.

  All the media has to do is put out Arthur's original quote, and many people in the future will compare him to Buddy, and the heat will be on in a heartbeat.

  The reporter also asked Arthur to comment on the team's coach, Virchoward.

  "Pietro and I hit it off right away. The team has just been rebuilt and we haven't had much time to gel, I actually don't even have all the names of my teammates yet. I'm glad he's willing to believe in me and we're confident that we'll get through this together."

  The reporter laughed, "You guys got a big win today, do you think the next games will be tough?"

  "Today's opponents were not strong, but we are not close enough and who knows what will happen in the next matches. We are a new team and we have to give our best in every game."

  Viljovod gave an interview and complimented Arthur. "Arthur is the most talented player in the team and he's at his best in training, so I made him the centerpiece."

  The reporter asked, "He inherited the No. 9 jersey and has a strong style of play, do you think he can be the team's new Batty?"

  "It's too much to compare him to Bardi now, it's just a normal game and we're a C2 team now. Let's compare in the future when he can kick 20 goals in multiple seasons in Serie A."

  The reporter asked, "And what heights do you estimate he will reach in the future?"

  "I can't predict that, it depends on how hard he works and some luck." Virchowald has seen countless talented players scrapped for a variety of reasons over his two-decade career.

  He thinks Arthur's style of play is injury prone, Ronaldo and Vieri are examples.

  Luck is really important, Ronaldo was seriously injured in 2000 and his opponent didn't even touch him. He stepped inside a dark hole in the pitch on a run and was out for a year and a half. Bastian's talent was undoubted and it was even more unlucky that he retired at the age of 29.

  But Virchowald wouldn't advise Arthur to change his style of play; how can you not hustle when you're young if you want to be a star?

  Arthur returned to the locker room with his teammates and many congratulated him. It's relatively rare for any rookie to score a goal in his first career game, and it's doubtful we'll find a second one in the history of solo five-goal games.

  After chatting for a while Arthur went to take a shower and pulled up the system to check the rewards.

  His task of playing in his first career professional game and scoring a goal went off without a hitch and was rewarded with a junior training kit, the Red Vest.

  He entered the props warehouse and saw a red sleeveless tight tank top in there, which was relatively normal.

  The props he got this time weren't ugly, but Arthur wasn't happy about it. Because the prop only had one color, it meant that there was only one training he could get a 20% experience bonus for wearing it, and it was still shoveling.

  He hadn't been practicing his shoveling and didn't feel like there were many opportunities to use it.

  As a striker, he rarely retreats back into his own penalty area, and there is little point in shoveling the ball forward. The chances of breaking up the ball by pressing forward are too low, and even if he manages to break up the ball, his current skill set makes it difficult for him to carry the ball past a couple of people and score a goal.

  Players can also be carded for using a flying kick. Accumulating three yellow cards results in a one-game suspension, a red card goes down on the spot, and a further one-game suspension is imposed afterwards.

  It's such a waste to have new props and not be able to not use them.

  Practice your shoveling for one more specialty, Veljo Ward must be good at this you can teach me, 40% experience bonus.

  Once I visualized myself as a game character and practiced as if it were a game, the experience of 40% more was too appealing.

  Arthur wanted to practice shoveling, not to break the opponent's ball, but to just grab the point and shovel the shot. If he could practice this move, it would be equal to one more shooting skill. .

  He received a reward poor and difficulty related, just participate in a professional game, scored a goal to complete. The previous two beginner props were good because they were "newbie packs" and now he's not a newbie.

  He went back to the general page and found that the Milestones and System Mall sections were also flashing, meaning there was new content.

  He clicked into Milestones first, and there was one item in there. "First professional game of his career with a hat trick."

  Good news, he reached the milestone fruitfully also had a reward, gaining the primary training prop Pink Wristguard.

  The pink color was for adding experience with the ball, and he had 60% experience stacked for all of his ball carrying training, the most experience increase of any technique. But he couldn't smile at all, because pink was the color he hated the most.

  What the hell is me training with two pink wrist guards? Plus there's pink on the socks and shoes too ... It's not a superstition, it's fucking full of teenage girls.

  Arthur was helpless, in order to practice his dribbling skills faster, he still had to use this wrist guard. The striker's inability to break through with the ball was a major weakness, and his physical strengths could not be fully utilized.

  He is gifted with the body of a tiger and wolf, unlike Ronaldo who is so injury prone. As long as he practiced his technique to reach that level of Big Luo, and could still just wave, he would be invincible.

  He improves just as quickly with the 40% bonus, and can't give up a faster rate of improvement just to save face.

  It's been a while since his ball-carrying skills have been boosted by attribute points, and his previous fast progress was due to a low starting point. If he wanted to become a ball carrier early, he had props to use.

  Some guys can't develop good ball carrying skills for their entire careers, ball sense determines the ceiling. He now has ways to make up for lack of ball sense and break the ceiling.

  From that perspective, it's worth it to spend even more on what he's wearing.

  The system mall opened, bringing Arthur an even bigger surprise.

  This game he gained not only props, but also 15 points similar to game currency. Winning the game gained 10 points, and five goals gained 5 points, meaning 1 point for 1 goal.

  He excitedly looked at the things available for purchase in the mall.

  Nice guys, can't afford any of them ...