Continuing to get stronger in consecutive matches

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  Arthur is not in the habit of going on Italian websites, he speaks Italian well enough and has more difficulty reading the words. He feels awkward even going on British websites, so he can't use the internet to keep up with the growth of his popularity.

  The next day he attended the team's training session still the most serious one, not complacent because he scored more goals in the first game.

  He's gotten better with his teammates and can talk to anyone. Arthur was practicing his Italian and was happy to talk more. For their part, everyone thought he was a great guy to be around and didn't have the stature of a talented player.

  Talents from youth camps tend to be proud and arrogant, because they have been praised since they were young and inevitably feel that their talent is superior. Arthur certainly wouldn't be of that character, and he couldn't get along in London without someone praising him.

  On August 25, Emily Blunt and Arthur said their reluctant goodbyes and flew back to England alone.

  The family calls and urges her to come back to London for a few days before going to school. Her parents were worried that the two of them would not know how to exercise moderation and take proper precautions to protect themselves while they were away, and that they would get someone killed.

  The two made a date to talk online often, and Arthur purchased a computer and hooked up to the internet at home.

  Emily is depressed, it's too difficult to have an exotic relationship, it's going to have to be a long separation.

  It's not like she can't leave without it, she can't just move to Italy and throw away her dreams of stardom to be with Arthur.

  As things stood, the only thing she could do was to finish her studies as soon as possible and enter the movie industry as soon as possible. She believed that once she worked, she could free up some time.

  In fact, once she officially stepped into the movie industry, she only got busier. The stars are constantly on contract, and it's the flop actors who have time on their hands.

  Arthur promises to withstand the temptation to focus on the soccer field. In fact, he's well aware that it's hard for him to be dedicated, depending on how great the temptation is.

  If there was a superb beauty with a hot body and amazing face value chasing after him backwards, it would be hard for a man to top it ah. Not to mention that he was not the same as before he crossed over, and he was in a state of high energy every day.

  Sports stars produce more sex hormones, and while sex hormones can make a person strong and athletic, they can also boost libido, which is one of the objective reasons why athletes are prone to cheating. This is not a secret at all, the media has reported countless times the hot news of the Olympic village.

  The Serie C Cup is about to start on the 26th.

  The management didn't take the tournament seriously, and Virchowald was prepared to arrange for another line-up to play and work out the substitutes. He didn't want to put Arthur on for fear of him getting injured in an unimportant match.

  After Viljovod's morning meeting to announce the starting lineup, Arthur immediately objected. "Coach, I'm requesting to play."

  "Reason?" Virchowald wasn't offended; Arthur's desire to fight fit in well with his tough guy philosophy.

  "First of all, I have plenty of physical strength, I don't need to rest at all; secondly, I want to practice with matches to prepare for the league; and then there's also the tactical need, usually the team uses me as the core of the offense, so if I don't go on the teammates might have a hard time kicking the ball." Arthur held himself up in passing.

  That's right. I'm an integral part of the team's core.

  "Our primary objective is promotion to the league, what if you get injured in a cup game?" Viljovod didn't want Arthur on, singling out the fear of him getting injured in an unimportant game.

  "I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get injured because I've never been injured since I've been playing football. When I was at Arsenal, they said I sacrificed a third of my IQ for a vajayjay." Arthur told a British self-deprecating sneer.

  Many of the players laughed out loud, and so did Virchowald; there were no jokes about sacrificing your intelligence for your body in 2002.

  Viljovod quieted the players and smiled, "Then you'll start on the field instead of Felicity, the other positions will remain the same."

  Felice Evacuo, a 187c, 85kg Italian native, is 20 years old and was born in the ancient city of Pompeii. He overlaps Arthur's position, is physically inferior, and is not yet a good pivot up front.

  In training, he was completely outperformed by Arthur, Rigano and Quagliarella. Alessandro Tucchetta, who is 180c tall, and Ghanaian wide man Bismarck Ekoye have the skills to pull the strings and also outperformed him.

  So Felice is only the sixth forward on the team.

  At the moment, he was numb with two eyes. He didn't even get a chance to play in the I.C. Cup, so when will he be able to play in the future? This is the end of Pompey!

  After the players were dismissed, assistant coach Daniel laughed, "He's so energetic and bold. I think he's the only one on the whole team who has the guts to say on this occasion that he wants to play against your starting arrangement."

  Viljoward said lightly, "That's why he's the only one on this team who has the potential to be a star."

  The weak go against the grain and the strong do whatever they want.

  Daniel asked, "Do you think he's telling the truth? Never been hurt?"

  "It's possible, otherwise there's no way to explain why he even trains so hard, he doesn't even think he's going to get injured. With him and Rigano together, we've got a win on our hands."

  Manager Gali also made a suggestion for Viljovod to give more playing time to Rigano and let him and Arthur develop an understanding. Quagliarella is a loanee and not for long, and even if he plays well, Torino will not trade him.

  The team can have Quagliarella as the centerpiece if they are not strong up front. The team isn't short of scoring points right now, they don't need to help Torino out with players.

  The management and coaches think Arthur is quite a bit better than Quagliarella, and once the loan period is up, Quagliarella can go back to Turin as a fringe player.

  Being able to play made Arthur feel better. Matches were the only way for him to gain game points, and more matches were the only way to get stronger. He didn't need to rotate, and Fiorentina didn't have a European game, so games didn't count for much.

  The game kicks off at 6 p.m. against Brucello.

  The number of spectators who came to the home game was raised to 20,000 at once, and a number of journalists were said to have come.

  The new president of the team, Diego de la Valle, and the mayor, Domenici, were there, and everyone was there to see how strong the newly formed team really was and if they could get promoted. While their previous opponents were too weak, Brussels are a C2 powerhouse and big favorites for promotion this season.

  Many other fans came to see Arthur, hoping he would score consecutive goals.

  At the start of the game, Fiorentina's whole team put up a good fight and pressed ferociously in the midfield. On the offensive side, the players tried their best to split the sides and pass down the middle, looking for Arthur and Rigano.

  Viljovod's tactics are simple, with the central idea being to get the players to fight for their lives on the field. Veteran center back Roberto Ripa didn't play today, and the only players on the field over the age of 25 were Rigano and goalkeeper Ivan.

  Viljovod arranged to play a style of play that was a bit like the 1990-91 Sampdoria side that blew the title out of the water.

  At that time, Inter Milan was led by the German "Troika" Mateusz, Bremer and Klinsmann, while Napoli was led by Maradona. ac Milan's Dutch Three Musketeers were a household name, and Samp won the Serie A title in a miracle with a young lineup. Meanwhile, Vialli got the season's top scorer with 19 goals, and Mancini was crowned Mr. Italian Football that year.

  The advantage of young players lies in their physical quality and fitness, which can make up for the lack of skill and experience with hustle. Of course, the disadvantages of young players are also obvious, with many mistakes.

  Eight minutes into the game, Fiorentina's left back Luca Arriati made a cheap mistake, crossing the ball straight to the opposition. Brucello hit back and the striker got a one-touch chance to score an easy goal.0-1.

  Assistant coach Daniel shook his head, having advised Virchoward when he knew Arriati was going to play as a starting wingback, suggesting a change, Virchoward didn't listen.

  Arriati has always played predominantly as a left winger and is not the type to play wing back.

  But Virchowald had no choice, most of the players who came on trial were strikers and midfielders, with very few defenders, and those who ended up signing were not of a high standard.

  The Fiorentina players didn't panic at all when they conceded the goal, everyone knew how to play and had a backbone on the field.