Chapter 7: An Unexpected Visitor

Aurelie watched him go before turning back to look at the rest of the band.

“I’m sorry,” she began, but Jace waved her to silence.

“It’s not you,” he sighed and took off after his friend. Before he went far, Jace turned around. “I meant what I said before, if you ever want to come to a concert, come to the back and I’ll take you backstage for a tour.”

He then jogged out of the Taqueria.

“Here we go again.”


Tyson and Adrian looked at each other and rolled their eyes. Ross cleared his throat.

“Tobin really was thankful for your kindness and discretion,” Ross clasped his hands in front of himself on the table. “I’m sure you’ve heard about Tobin’s lack of control over his emotions. I’m sure he’ll calm down soon and will return.”