Chapter 10: Wilford's on Seventh

Aurelie could only look around her in dismay.

Select Hospitality members were checking their gear and collecting what they could from the mess around them as stage hands ran to and fro.

“What’s broken?” asked Ross bluntly.

“Our PA system!” Tobin exclaimed, running a hand through his black hair.

“What about the back up system?” Ross inquired.

Adrian shook his head and shrugged. “That one is still getting repaired from when we performed in the rain.”

“See if one of these guys can fix the PA,” Ross said to Tyson. “Or see if there is one here that works with our equipment.”

Adrian and Tyson scattered as Jace began to pick up the pieces of their broken PA system.

“There’s no fixing this,” Jace held up a crushed piece of the PA. “If they don’t have one here, we are in trouble.”

Tobin paced, his hands clasped behind his head, his boots making a steady thump, thump, thump on the ground.

Jace put down the piece of broken PA, and went to his friend.