Chapter 18: The Studio on Main Street

Tobin stayed until late in the night, playing games and talking with Aurelie’s family. Mr. Hawkins seemed to warm up to Tobin, and by the last game piece was placed, they were joking like old friends.

“Your father just cares about you,” her mother whispered. “Your brothers talk about Tobin’s not-so-charming escapades too often, and your father wants you to be careful.”

Aurelie groaned inwardly. “I really care about Tobin, Mom.”

Her mother winked. “I know, Aurie.”

Aurelie watched Tobin shake her father’s hand as they said goodbye for the night.

“I’ll walk you to your car,” Aurelie said.

They walked down the driveway to where Tobin had parked under a tree.

He took Aurelie’s hand and turned her, kissing her gently.

“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Tobin murmured. “I’ll pick you up at your apartment.”

“I wouldn’t miss it,” Aurelie replied.