Chapter 16: Concert at the Steel Phoenix

Everyone at Aurelie’s table stared.

“Aurelie!” cried Tobin. “Oh, look what I did to you!”

He grabbed some napkins and started wiping at Aurelie’s shirt and jeans.

“Can I get some more napkins?” he called hotly. “Oh, Aurie. I’m sorry.”

By now, people were noticing just who had stepped in the door. There were whispers and photos being taken, and Aurelie knew at least one person was recording.

“It’s okay,” she whispered. “It was just a drop.”

“Why don’t you sit down with us?” Braxton suggested.

Jace, who had been standing behind Tobin stepped forward dragging a chair.

“That sounds good to me,” he said.

Tobin cast a furious glance at the crowd forming nearby, but pulled up a chair beside Aurelie. She took his hand for a moment, and found it clenched tightly.

“What brings you here?” Jason asked once the band members settled in and got their drinks.

Tobin tapped his glass impatiently.