Birdy hummed to herself as she cleaned her kitchen counters. She'd been alone in her apartment for a few days now and she had adjusted well. The first two days had been uncomfortable and a little lonely but now she was enjoying having her own space.
She did miss Alex though - the two had been texting back and forth but Birdy hadn't revealed that she'd moved. The guilt of doing it behind Alex's back had her feeling too nervous to just get it over with. Rationally, she knew that the situation would only get worse the longer that she waited, but she was too chicken to do it.
It didn't matter anyway because Alex was due back today and she would soon find out that Birdy had left. As the time crept closer for her flight to land, Birdy started to feel anxious. She wasn't sure how Alex would react but she knew that the other woman would be hurt by her decision to just leave.