Chapter 3: Shadows of the Past

Maya leaned back against the silk cushions of her chaise lounge, her eyes tracing the city skyline from her penthouse. The night was a silent witness to her thoughts, filled with the ghosts of her past and the echoes of choices made. The events of the past few days still simmered in her mind—Lucas's innocent affection, Richard's wild desires, and now, the unexpected visit from Julian. But her mind kept wandering back to one thing: the job with Jameson.

Jameson was different. Not just because of his wealth or his influence, but because of his past—one that eerily mirrored her own in some ways. They had both clawed their way to the top, but while Maya used her body and wits, Jameson wielded power like a weapon, carving out an empire in the ruthless world of finance.

Tonight, she had an appointment with him. She would need to be sharp, focused, and ready to play the game at a higher level. But first, she had to deal with Lucas.

Lucas had been getting too close, too attached. His constant texts, the way he looked at her with those wide, earnest eyes—it was becoming a liability. She needed to keep him at a distance, but she knew she couldn't just cut him off. Not yet.

Her phone buzzed, pulling her from her thoughts. It was Lucas.

*"Maya, I need to see you. Please. I can't stop thinking about you."*

Maya sighed, running a hand through her dark hair. She needed to manage him carefully. Lucas was too naive, too new to this world to understand the stakes. She couldn't afford to let him become a problem.

*"I'm busy tonight, Lucas,"* she texted back, keeping her tone light. *"Maybe another time."*

She set her phone aside and turned her attention to the mirror across the room. Staring at her reflection, she remembered a different time—a different Maya. A young girl, hungry and cold, wandering the streets with nothing but her dreams and a will to survive.


Maya had been seventeen when she ran away from home. Her mother, a waitress struggling with addiction, had never been able to provide much. Her father—a man she had never met—was just another ghost in her life. The streets of New York were unforgiving, but Maya learned quickly. She learned that beauty was a currency, and charm could open doors that money couldn't.

She met a man named Viktor, who offered her shelter, food, and a way out. He taught her the art of seduction, the power of allure. But Viktor's kindness came with a price. He was a pimp, and Maya was his most prized possession. For years, she worked under his thumb, perfecting her craft, learning how to read men, how to make them want her, need her.

But Viktor underestimated her. He saw only a girl desperate for survival, not the woman she would become. And when the opportunity arose, Maya took it. She left Viktor bleeding in an alley, a knife in his side, and took his money—her money. From there, she climbed. She knew what she was good at, and she knew how to get what she wanted.

**Present Day:**

Maya's gaze hardened. She had come too far, sacrificed too much to let anyone—or anything—derail her. She glanced at the clock. It was time.

She slipped into a sleek, white dress—elegant yet commanding, designed to draw the eye and hold it. She grabbed her purse and headed out, her heels clicking on the marble floor as she made her way to the elevator. The night was still young, and Jameson was waiting.

Jameson's private suite was in a hotel known for its discretion. As Maya walked through the lobby, she felt the eyes on her, the whispers that followed her. But she paid them no mind. She had one goal tonight, and nothing else mattered.

Jameson greeted her at the door, his expression unreadable. He was tall, with sharp features and a gaze that could cut through steel. He was dressed in a tailored suit, his hair slicked back, every inch the powerful mogul he was.

"Maya," he said, his voice smooth and low. "You look stunning."

Maya smiled, stepping inside. "You don't look so bad yourself, Jameson."

He poured them both a drink and motioned for her to sit. "I've been thinking about our last conversation," he began, handing her a glass of whiskey. "About what you said—about wanting more."

Maya took a sip, her eyes never leaving his. "And?"

"And I think I have a proposition for you," he said, his tone businesslike. "A partnership. I've seen how you work, Maya. You're not just a pretty face. You're smart, ambitious. You could go far with the right backing."

Maya's heart quickened. This was what she had been waiting for—a chance to rise above the petty games of seduction, to make real money, to hold real power.

"What's the catch?" she asked, her voice steady.

Jameson leaned back, studying her. "No catch. Just loyalty. I help you, you help me. We both win."

Maya knew better than to trust a man like Jameson completely. But she also knew that in this world, you had to take risks to reap rewards. "I'll think about it," she said finally.

Jameson nodded. "Take your time. But don't take too long. The world moves fast, Maya. And so should you."

As the night progressed, Maya and Jameson discussed their plans, their ambitions. She found herself intrigued by him, not just as a man, but as a partner—a potential ally in her quest for more.

After their meeting, Maya returned to her penthouse, her mind buzzing with possibilities. She had taken a step tonight, a significant one. But as she entered her room, she found Lucas sitting on her sofa, his face pale, eyes wide with fear.

"Maya, I'm sorry," he stammered, standing up. "I—I know you said you were busy, but I just…I had to see you."

Maya's eyes softened, just for a moment. "Lucas, you can't keep doing this," she said gently. "I told you, I have things to take care of."

"But I need you, Maya," he pleaded, taking a step closer. "I…I think I'm in love with you."

Maya felt a pang in her chest, a rare flicker of emotion. Love. It was a luxury she could never afford. Not in her world. She moved closer to him, placing a hand on his cheek.

"Lucas," she whispered, her voice soothing, "you don't know what you're saying."

He grabbed her hand, his grip tight. "I do, Maya. I've never felt this way before."

Maya's eyes darkened. She needed to end this, before it went too far. "Go home, Lucas," she said firmly. "This…this isn't going to work."

Lucas's face fell, his eyes filling with pain. "Maya, please—"

"Go," she repeated, her voice cold. "Before I make you."

He stared at her for a moment, then turned and left, the door closing behind him with a heavy thud. Maya stood there, her heart pounding. She had done what she had to, but why did it hurt so much?

She sank into her chair, her thoughts a chaotic swirl. Lucas's words, Jameson's offer, her own past—all of it weighing on her. She closed her eyes, trying to calm her racing mind.

She had chosen this path long ago, and she wasn't about to turn back now. No matter what, she would keep moving forward, keep fighting for the life she wanted.

No matter the cost!!!