Nate is really a prince!

Loren pov

Two years have gone by,I forgot almost everything about that peculiar dream I had two years ago. Nate still reminds me of it but still I don't think it was a dream. I think I somehow I travelled back in time and if that is so, am a 19 year old male in a 7 year old.

This small arms and legs limit me to things, how frustrating. Even the elders said I speak like someone older. I can't remember how my life was before but now I have dreams, I want to be one of the greatest warrior recorded in history but it seems impossible.

I met a drunkard months ago holding a scabbard. I thought he was useless until I followed him to a certain place not too far from the roads I know. His swordplay looked real, like the ones of a real swordman. It felt exciting. I've been eager to be a swordman but my skills was a mediocre.

He accepted me as his disciple and I have been practicing since then,though is not the main thing yet. But now he's leaving the capital to another province. I have to follow him, what I have learnt, it's not enough.

But to do that, I have to leave home, my sister is already five years old and she knows how to read. The great teacher,I, taught her.

My family have earned extra from me reading and teaching how to read to the people who don't know.

You see, in this kingdom, only the nobles are allowed to learn how to read. Why should it be so?. The rules are mostly impartial to women, at least it allows peasants to own land and purchase noble title deed.

According to my father,my mother was from a line of a noble family,but my great-great-great grandfather loved gambling so much that he even gambled the noble title deed.

My father took me to the family house,which that generation lived in. It had a wide courtyard with many rooms in it but there was no furniture,it was all sold. The house leaked and many other problems.At least we still have ownership to the house. I promise to restore our noble status and renovate this house.

"Loren what are you thinking about while you sit here",I raised my head up,it was one of my friends,selt.

"Enjoy your life little child,allow the adult to think about life",I stared in the blank space.

He scowled," what do you mean by saying that,well that is not the problem now,I have something important to deliver".

" Speak",I said.

" I saw a group of soldiers in front of nate's house,they were not any soldiers,they were the palace inner soldiers.I saw their cloaks,It was of the ones that protects the king personally,they are called the red eagle warriors,and he's leaving with them,but I don't know why" .

I stood up immediately with my heart beating fast in fear,I remembered when he mentioned he was a prince.Those soldiers never came but if they came now,does it mean he's going to stay in the palace?".

" Who wants to meet nate before he goes?".

I turned my head and saw another friend,15 years old lou on a horse.

He helped me up on the horse,"hyah!",he yelled as he rode the horse.

"If you want to see him,we have to head to the palace gates,let's hope to see him there before he enters the palace" ,he said.

I didn't even say a goodbye but why all of a sudden.

We reached near the palace and watched the gates opened from afar when a carriage was near it.

"Nate!",I yelled repeatedly.

The carriage was about to enter the palace and some soldiers stopped us from going forward but I still continued to yell his name with tears in my eyes.

The palace gates closed and I came down from the house and fell on the ground.

It wasn't long after when the gates opened,i saw nate's mother holding nate's hand as they came out.

They were dressed like they were in mourning, someone must have died.

"Loren!",he yelled.

"Nate !",I yelled.

We ran to each other and hugged leaving his mother standing in front of the gate.

"Why didn't you tell me, you were leaving",I asked ,concerned as I cried.we'll be in different worlds and may not talk or see each other again.

Nate voice shook as he spoke,"it happened this morning all of a sudden,I wanted to meet you but I wasn't allowed by the soldier.Am so happy I got to see you before going behind those walls,I don't know what await me there,I've heard that the most dangerous place in the capital is in the palace".

I sniffled," what do you mean what awaits you there.You are going to be happy,your highness,prince nate",I bowed and raised my head back.

He sobs," I'll look for a way to see you again".

" I'll find a way to see you",I said.

" How are you going to do that,are you coming as a servant?",he asked

" No,am going to train hard,am going to make myself great,I'll be worthy to stay by his highness,prince nate side and protect him,do you remember when I joked about this words?".

He sniffled and nodded.

I smiled as I cried," don't get shock when I become great,nathius.

A soldier came and bowed to him," your highness,we must enter now,His majesty dislikes delay".

Our hands left each other slowly as he was taken away and all I could do was cry as I watched him disappear as the gates closed.

It was an unforgettable day,I cried so hard,nate was my best friend and I was closer to him than mother comforted me in her arms that night. It was Two days remaining before I leave with my master.

The next day,I barely did anything,I barely talked,I was so obedient to my parents. That night I massaged my parents feet and when I was done I walked with my sister outside holding   a lamp.

I found a place to sit,so i sat down with my sister and gave her a piece of paper to read.

"Dear mother and father,an going to learn swordmanship,archery,spearmanship and many more from a good master u know,I've known him for a year.Am found to come back to be a great warrior and not just a foot soldier. I figured if I want to achieve great things,I must leave here.My master said we might come back after a short while,but I don't know how short or long,his short while may be. Dont cry,I'll be safe and don't worry you'll still recognize me if maybe we stay for a long time.I loren,will achieve great heights and my name will be recorded with the brush as nd ink of gold in history.I hope you eat well mother,I hope God gives you the strength father,your son,loren.

"Are you going somewhere,older brother?", she asked.

I smiled and patted her head,"read it again, although you cannot pronounce some words correctly,at least I want it to be understandable".

She read it more than three times before we went back home.

I folded the paper into a square shape and gave it to my sister,"when you wake up tommorow,read this to our parents and don't forget,okay".

She nodded.

I made sure my parents were fully asleep. I packed some of my clothes inside a small sac and filled my money pouch with coins and I snuck out of the house.

I turned back to look at the house i lived in,I don't know when I'll return.I looked forward and kept walking ,avoiding the soldiers as it was curfew.

I was scared,but one needs to fear to be brave,a quote from a book,I read.

My heart was beating fast due to fear,I finally reached my master's cottage and threw stones on the wooden window. He opened the window,saw me and opened the door.

The next day we embarked on our journey,I imagined how my parents will look after that letter have been read to them.

I'll miss them so much,Ill miss this friendly people here,I'll miss nate and all of my other friends. Though I travel with fear in me,it will be my motivation.