escape from unknown

The crown prince coronation took place.prince kylis was chosen as the crown prince and his wife, the crown princess.

The crown prince position as the commander was to be given to another person. The crown prince was not the only commander in the kingdom. The position of commanders, generals and other high ranks in military was only to be given to nobles and royals.

Months passed by, prince nate, the 7th prince continued to study herbs, both poisonous and medicinal as he devoted his life to it since he was ten years old.

Training in unknown continued, it was becoming hectic,some cried during the training but didn't give up because they will enjoy the fruit of labour. As for archery, dibengi was the best among his peers so he guided his friend, loren, so it will be easy for him to pass the horse archery evaluation.

At night, loren master, taught him the ways of the dagger,to make him more than the warrior he should be. He hardly rested but trained tirelessly.

Prince jers took a liking into writing and continued to climb the walls of the palace to go outside. He met a 10 year old peasant girl who was in love with art and they became friends.

There was peace until the 7th month of that year. Report reached the king and the crown prince.The crown prince begged to command for the last time.

The report was that an enemy country were to attack the kingdom with a large army. The generals in the east, west, south, north and capital province were to be alert. The crown prince rode the horse with seven generals and their armies,the red eagle warriors,the golden horse warriors, and foot soldiers to the north province as it was the border at which the enemy kingdom are going to.

Report reached unknown,and they made more armours and weapons and food supplies to support them at the border of the kingdom in the north province.

The achievers stage in the unknown were told to get ready for war.They wrote and submitted their will to the masters.They were given something to drink as they entered the carriages to go outside.loren hid among the food supplies carriage which was covered with a woolen cloth.

They went on the journey and reached the campsite at the border,which was in the was seen as a border area.


It was nightine when we arrived after travelling for days.

I tried to climb a tree but I felt a presence behind me,so I immediately pulled out my dagger to attack.

"It's me!"

I looked at the person and furrowed my eyebrows,"dibengi?".

"Brother!",he spreads his hands enthusiastically.

" How did you get here?",I asked surprised of his presence.

He hit his chest, " I followed you but was in another carriage,that's how I got here,so the question now is,what are you doing here loren?".

" Am joining the war",I said as I chested out.

Dibengi laughed," brother,are you looking for ways to die?"

" It is a way to die but I will die happily",I smiled.

Dibengi shook his head," you read too many military books,I knew it!,I could have stopped you then".

I folded my arms," even if you tried to stop me,I won't stop".

I looked at his hand," why are you holding a horn?".

" This?,I saw it in the carriage,we can blow it in times of trouble here",he threw it to me.

We heard rustles from the bushes and I panicked.

Dibengi held my hand," quick,someone's it's coming,let's climb the tree".

We climbed the tree.

" These soldiers almost caught us",dibengi exhaled in relief.

I looked closely at the soldiers," if these soldiers are ours,why did they unsheathe their swords and walking in a sneakily manner",I whispered to dibengi.

When we realized it wasn't out warriors,I blew the horn repeatedly and our soldiers became alert. I heard the clangs of swords and soon the enemy warriors were captured.

some soldiers checked the woods for other spies that may be around.

I heard a soldier asking who blew the horn.From his dressing I knew he was a commander.

"I don't think I'll come down",dibengi looked frightened as he saw the dead bodies."aren't you scared,loren?".

"Enjoy yourself then,if your lonely,chat with the ants",I climbed down and reached the ground.

"Wait for me!",dibengi said as he was climbing down,he fell to the ground.

"My butt!",he yelled.

"Are you okay?",I helped him up.

"Am dibengi,am always fine",he stretched his hands and screeched," my bones!!".

I noticed a presence but before we could act,swords were already on our necks.

Heavens help me.

We were taken to the camp,I was glad that it wasn't the enemy but our own soldiers.

They forced us on our knees with the sword still on our throats.

I saw the back of the commander and one of the soldiers spoke.

" commander,I think they're spies,even though they're children,if they refuse to tell us where other spies are hiding,we should do what needs to be done".

" Shame on you!,I understood what you said,how can you talk about killing innocent children!huh!", dibengi yelled.

I wanted to hid my face but couldn't.dibengi,if you keep talking,our heads might fall to the ground.

I looked at the commander who's back was still facing us,"we are not spies,we are from this kingdom".

"Yes, exactly!",dibengi yelled.

I pleaded with dibengi in my mind.

One of the masters who escorted the achievers came forward, went on her knees and bowed,"your highness,they belong to us".

Your highness?,does that mean the commander is a prince .

The commander gave a signal and the swords were redrawn from our necks.

"Your highness,I'll take them and keep them under my control,they weren't suppose to be here",another master pleaded.

"Were you the ones that blew the horn",the prince asked.

Dibengi and I stood up and chested out,"yes commander!",we chorused like real soldiers.

The commander turned and walked towards us with a smile.

I thought commanders and generals never smiled.

"You have saved lives today,brave warriors?",he said.

Did he just call me a warrior?,I thought I was flying in the sky.

"What are your names?" He asked.

"Dibengi nigromeshisahius, commander!".

What?,I held my laughter,it was the first time,I heard dibengi last name.

The commander looked at me"What about you?".

"Loren sorock, commander!".

"Loren sorock?",he looked at me like he was trying to recall something.

"Come with me to my tent",he walked away and I followed him.

I didn't only get to see a commander,I got to see a prince and am going to his tent,is he close to nate?,oh what more of joy is coming my way?.

As we entered I side,I saw a real strategy table and I couldn't take my eyes off it

"Is it the first time you're seeing it",he asked with a smile on his face.

"Yes!",I said with enthusiasm.

"Have a sit loren",he gestured.

I am actually sitting with the commander.

"Would you like a cup of liquor?".

Liquor?,dibengi said he drank liquor before he came to unknown,I wonder how it taste but I must decline the offer and comfort myself.

"It's already an honor sitting with you, comm....prin... royal comm... prince comm____".

He laughed,"Your highness,the crown prince",he completed.

I went on the knees immediately," greetings your highness,forgive me for not acknowledging you earlier",I bowed.

" It's okay,you can stand",he said calmly.

So this is the crown prince,I looked at his body,he was built,will I get to be like this in a few years time.

" Loren,what are you thinking of?,I said you can stand".

I snapped back and sat down on my chair.

" Loren,do you know prince nate?",he asked.

I stood up immediately," YES!".

Oh this is embarrassing,I sat back on my chair,I should have learnt how to talk to a royal.

" He's my childhood friend,but he later lived in the palace,I don't know if he remembers me",I looked down.

" He does".

I stood up again," really!",I asked with happiness,this has to be the joy I wanted most and once again,I didn't comfort myself in front of a royal,I sat down again in embarrassment.

" I've been looking for you,since he bugs me to find you,I thought you were dead since I couldn't find you,it turns out you were in unknown.

You know,I told him,you may be dead and he said no,that you're not, you're just where I can't see you.

I would've never imagined that we will meet line this. Well since you're in unknown,I guess we might meet in a few years again".

" Yes,your highness!".

" I guess I have good news to tell him now",he smiled.

" Your highness,if I may ask,how is nate,I mean prince nate doing?",I asked with concern.

" Prince nate?",there was a little moment of silence," he's fine,he's well",the prince smiled.

Why was he silent for a moment.

I went on my knees," Then can I....umm,forgive me for the troubles am about to cause you,but, please...can I have papers and use your ink to write letters that you'll send to him?",I don't know where I found the boldness to demand such from a prince,a crown prince exact.

"Of course, he'll be glad".

I raised my head up,"what?,really?,can I?",I asked as I jumped with joy.

I have never been this happy.