still alive


"Loren",I could hear dibengi calling my name repeatedly but I was enable to open my eyes or even move my body.

I tried opening my eyes,I was conscious but couldn't do anything, I tried again and again.

I tried again and I was able to open my eyes slowly, the place looked blury but I could see a person's face near mine. I opened again and saw dibengi clearly, startled, I pushed him, "you're too close",I muttered weakly.

"Ouch",I could hear dibengi.

I groaned in pain as I tried to get up, the outside was dark already, I rubbed my head and felt the piece of clothing that was use to cover my wounds, I still felt pain there.

"Ahh..,Dibengi, how many days has it been" ,I asked weakly.

" What? ",Dibengi laughed.

" What's funny",I asked in a serious tone.

" It's still the same day brat",he spoke as he munched his meat.

" The same day? And is that meat? ",I asked as I saw the meat on his hand.

"Of course",he said enthusiastically. "Should I take you outside?".

"Quick, dibengi, take me there".

We came out of the tent and I bumped  into someone and when I looked up, I apologized, but this person looked familiar.

"Loren, how are you, do you remember me?",the person asked.

Someone I know?, I thought to myself.

"Can't you remember the person who took you to the palace to see nate for the last time?",he smiled.

My eyes widened, "selt?!, It's this you?, You look old!".

He held his chest,"that stung my chest,you yourself have grown too,I guess your twelve now".

"And you're 20 years old now,are you married?".

He laughed slightly,"no,not yet".

"Right,selt,what are you doing here?".

"I was one of the foot soldiers,I saw you in the battlefield but I didn't know it was you then,I wondered about who that boy was,and when I saw you unconscious on the ground.

I ran with you on my back,then I found out from your loud friend here,that you are loren sorock.

And when he told me your age and the age you entered the unknown,I knew you were the loren I know,you are really something,loren",selt clapped.

" I thought I will die,it was really scary.That's right, introductions,even though you know each other names,selt,this is dibengi,one of my sworn brothers.dibengi,this is selt,my good friend from my province".

" Pleasure to meet you",they said to each other.

" Selt,can I have my own share of meat before we keep talking?".

Selt laughed," sure,but first,the crown prince wants to see you.

The soldiers were merry,since they won the battle.

We walked to the crown prince tent and then I kneeled but couldn't bow because of the injury,"greetings,your highness,the crown prince".

The crown prince chuckled and clapped his hands,"loren,do you know what you did,today".

"Your highness,I troubled you with my injury",please forgive me".

He crouched,held my hands and stood me up," you've done well,loren,not many people of your age could have done what you did today.

He placed his hands on my shoulders,"I see greatness in you,loren sorock, something big awaits you In future,I know it.What you did today is already recorded by the historians and I know in future you will do more.

He leaned closer to my face," do you know who your spear hit?".

I shook my head

"Their commander".

My eyes widened,"huh".

"If only you could enter the palace now however since it is against the rules,I'll reward your family".

I went on my knees,"this lowly one in front of you doesn't deserve this",I pleaded.

The crown prince crouched and held my arms again, "you're right,you don't deserve this,you deserve more".

I broke out in tears," your ..highness",I said with a shaky voice".

"Give a greater potion to loren and the unknown warriors,luckily none of the unknown warriors died,meat and liquor be served!",the crown prince commanded.

"Your highness,I shall take my leave".

He nodded

I walked to selt,"how are my parents doing?".

"Your parents are well,only that they miss you and still hope for your return,she lost hope after you didn't return for two years,but I have good news to tell her now".Also you have a younger brother,his name is vitski.

He faced me,"loren,everyone is waiting for your return,when are you returning?".

"In four years time",I muttered.

He let out a deep sigh,"that's sad,don't grow too much so I'll be able to recognize you".

I laughed.

"So loren,I saw some girls that came with you,do you like any girl in unknown?",selt asked.

"They're  all boring, they're pretty but am not into them,I prefer spending time with my sworn brothers and I wait to see nate again,am sure he won't be boring",I nodded.

Selt laughed,"your words might seem confusing,some people might understand your words in another way,be careful when you speak".

I frowned," what's wrong with a boy that loves spending time with his brothers and wanting to see his long time friend again!".

Selt laughed," alright,alright, nothing is wrong,let's enjoy ourselves".

It was the first time I tasted liquor.I saw dibengi dancing like crazy person,if people ask me if I know him,I'll deny him.

Drums were played,we danced and ate.I spotted dibengi stealing meat so I went to join him,we hid it in a paper ,then inside a cloth,we might not taste anything like this till we leave unknown.

I showed my signature dance,the Wednesday dance,I don't still know where that name came from,but I've loved it since I was little.

The next day,the unknown warriors embarked on the journey back to unknown,and again we were given something to drink which made us unconscious.

In unknown while lying in the infirmary with my sworn brothers with me,I asked dibengi for the meat so we can share with our brothers.

He said he thought I meant eat it for them instead of keep it for them.As expected of dibengi.


Back in the capital,selt told the folks and loren parents about the battle.His parents were relieved that he was still alive,but where worried since selt said he was injured.The story spread everywhere in the capital and then to other provinces in the kingdom.

Story tellers and plays told the story of the twelve year old that fought incredibly in the battle.

As per the crown prince request,the king awarded loren's family with 70 pieces of silver.

Then the next year, 1497,the crown prince died from poisoning,a poison made by prince nate.