The massacre by the demon

"No one ever lies to me!",Ramus yelled.

Nate kept trying to release himself from Ramus grip as he was strangled by him.His face turned red and he could hardly breath.

Kresna kept screaming and crying at the sight of what she saw while her mouth was covered.

Nate wanted to kick him but Ramus threw him to his bed and straddled him while he coughed.

"Do anything that I don't like and believe me, I'll order my guards to kill her and still do what I want to do to you!",Ramus threatened.

Nate could have tried to escape.He already saw a dagger not far from the bed But kresna was held by the guards with her mouth covered and a sword placed on her neck.

He stopped struggling and removed the thought of trying to attack Ramus.

Ramus ripped nate's shirt as he licked his chest,"Be my boytoy and I'll pay you 100 times what you earn as a physician,you won't have to worry about a thing",he traced his hands down to nate's belt.

"I won't take your sister out of this chamber.She'll watch every single thing that I'll do to you.She should watch how I'll punish you for lying".

Nate was truly disgusted and wished for a miracle to happen.

"My lord!",one of the guards stormed in, panicky.

Ramus slammed his hand on the bed,"who dares to disturb me!".

"My lord,your fa______".

There was fear in Ramus eyes as the footsteps approached inside the chamber and he immediately got off from nate.

Nate sat up and looked at the person who entered.He was taken aback.It was the south province governor,consort labyrinth brother,his uncle,lord hermein.

They released kresna and she ran to nate while the guards greeted him.

"Forgive me for what you saw",nate said as he hugged  her.

He came forward towards I and Ramus.

He paused,   looked at Ramus with disgust and slapped him,"it's this how I raised you!,haven't you brought  me enough shame already!".

Lord hermein kowtowed to nate,"Your highness,forgive me for this insult my son has done to you,I am terribly at fault!.If you wish for my head to be cut off.Then i won't complain,your highness".

"Lord hermein,you are of good nature but your son isn't,he won't even beg for forgiveness while you kowtow",kresna said while she glared at Ramus.

"Kneel!",she commanded and Ramus immediately obeyed.

"Raise you head",she ordered ramus and he obeyed.She slapped him continuously until she felt pain on her palms.

"You can stand",I said to lord hermein

"Your son should remain on his knees and lord hermein I hope you give him the punishment he deserves!",kresna yelled, furiously.

Nate and kresna walked out of the chamber with lord hermein.

Lord hermein stood in front of nate,Your highness,let me order a new set of cloth for you" .

Nate looked at his shirt,"very well, then".

He ordered a servant to do the job.

"Your highness,his majesty thinks you're dead,why don't you return to the palace?",lord hermein asked.

"I am dead,lord hermein.A dead man.can a dead man go to the palace,lord hermein?",nate asked.

"But you and the princess lives.They were rumors that general loren saved your life from the fire with prince keystone but it wasn't possible because the 4th prince,prince keystone is dead".

"We are all dead man",nate said.

"Your highness,I don't mean in the same position as you.He is completely dead.He was killed by prince aris in the rebellion and was buried last year May his soul rest in peace".

Nate paused as he couldn't believe what he heard and turned to lord hermein slowly,"it's his body.... that was buried?",I stuttered.

"Yes,your highness".

Nate list balance and placed his hand in the wall for support.

"Your highness,am truly sorry for your loss".

"Prince keystone,dead?,then who have I been seeing?his ghost?. no,I have to try something later",nate thought to himself.

The maid brought back the cloth and handed it to nate.

He changed in an empty chamber and came out of his residence with kresna by his hand,escorted by lord hermein..

Nate peeked over his shoulder,"We did not see each other this day.Dont speak to anyone,not even my mother, that you saw I and kresna.If you speak ,I'll speak of what happened in your son's residence".



I went back home immediately I left Ramus residence.I looked at the mirror and it was very noticeable that I was hit.

I sat across the dining table waiting for loren to come back because it was getting late.I suddenly heard a knock on the door followed by loren's voice calling my name.

I opened the door and he smiled. His smile faded as he looked closely at my face before he entered and closed the door behind him.

"What happened to you",he asked, worriedly.

"I got hit, trying to separate two men during a fight",I lied as I removed his cloak,avoiding his eyes.

He turned to me,"look at me, nate",he said.

I looked at him,trying not to flicker my eyes or even blink so he wouldn't find out that I was lying.

"You're lying,nate",he said as he stared at me.

"Am not",I said as I walked to the room.

He followed me behind,"why don't you want to tell me.Didnt We promise each other to hide no secret from each other?".

"Loren it's really nothing",I said, trying to convince him.

He pulled me to face him then he placed his hand on my neck and I could see the worry in his eyes.

"This is a mark of strangulation,Who did this to you? And you can't tell me that it's as a result of separating a fight?",he asked as he stared at me.

I removed his hand from my neck gently,"you don't have to worry about it.I want to sleep".

He placed his hand on my cheek as he gazed at me,"I will find out even if you refuse to tell me".

He pulled me with his hand on the back of my head and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead,"does it hurt?".

I leaned my head on his chest as I hugged him,"yes",I muttered.



I waited for nate to sleep and made sure he was fully asleep,before I went to kresna chamber to wake her up.

But to my surprise,I saw her awake.she was sitting on the bed.She said she couldn't sleep and I asked her why but she didn't say anything.

I sat on the edge of her bed and asked her what happened to nate.She still didn't say anything.

"What did you see?",I asked but she still didn't reply."If you tell me what happened to nate, I'll make sure thid person won't harm him again".

She began to tell me what happened.


I went back to my chamber and brought out my sword from under the bed and stared at it before I left the residence and rode out from the house to the description of the residence in the town as described by kresna.

I was dressed in black, revealing only my eyes.I finally saw the residence. I tied my my horse to a tree and climbed over the wall.

I just wanted to scare him and give him a mark but instead I was the one fear came to.I was shocked as I saw dead bodies of maids and guards everywhere and blood splatted everywhere.

It was like they were killed at once.And from their bodies,it looked like they were not killed by a mortal.

I went inside the residence and it was the same thing.No living being.

I came out of the residence and to my surprise I saw someone in a black cloak backing me.

His head was covered with his hood while his sword was dripping blood.

I unsheathed my sword,"are you the one that did this!?,who are you!?".

"Me?,you know me".

It sounded like dibengi's voice but it couldn't be him.The massacre wasn't done by a mortal and I am sure of it.

He appeared in front of me with his head hunged down.

It made me panic because he just vanished from where he stood and appeared in front of me.

But I still held my sword firmly.

He raised his head and looked at me and I was utterly shocked,i couldn't speak.He looked at dibengi but it didn't feel like him His eyes were red.And I felt the murderous aura.

I froze.

"I saw the little play here in the day and I somehow knew you would come later to scare Ramus but won't kill him".

"Loren, isn't it amazing that we understood each other so deeply?",his red eyes litted up.

"But I did more than scare him off,I even killed everyone here with just a single strike",he chuckled.

"Who are you!",I yelled because of the anger I felt,seeing he used dibengi's face.

"This a surprise gift to you,loren.I hope you like it",he said as he raised his hand to caress my face and I turned my face away.

He grinned and  clenched his fist,"see you later,loren", he vanished.

I exhaled.That was truly terrifying.

"It can't be dibengi",I said to myself.



General loren returns!,General loren returns!",a woman yelled as she ran along the road.

Have someone identified loren?.I walked worriedly with kresna to akells place to meet loren.

"Am telling you,she saw the ghost,he became a vengeful ghost.Everybody in this part of the south province knew how lord Ramus and his guards abused both men and women but couldn't report it because he was the son of the south province governor",the first lady said as she arranged her goods.

I walked to the where the ladies gossiped to listen.

"The massacre in lord Ramus residence was because of his wrong doings.Because his cup was full,general loren's ghost could not stand it anymore,that's why he came",the second lady in the next stall said.

"He didn't have to kill everyone in the residence.Not everyone was guilty",the third lady argued.

"Don't you understand?,he took the innocent souls with him and they are living a good life in the afterlife",the first lady said to the third lady.

"I wish he was our king.He could just destroy our kingdom enemies in the blink of an eye.And I wouldn't care being his queen",the second lady blushed.

"Queen?,you wish.Your face wouldn't cut it.You can pay attention to how I carry myself and maybe you may be chosen as his concubine",the second lady said and they laughed.

"Good day",I greeted the ladies.

"It's a good day indeed,what do you need?",the first lady asked.

"I don't need anything but I want to know.How did you know it was loren sorock ghost that was responsible for the massacre?".

"He said so himself and there was a witness,her name is sori.she's the only survival of the massacre.she was a maidservant in his residence".

"Do you know,where this lady lives?".


I went to akells place but I couldn't find loren.Later,akells told me he left earlier.

I had to see the witness named sori.

Together with kresna,I rode my horse to her residence based on the description the lady told me.

Loren trained kresna with a different sword.He hasn't held his sword in a very long time.

I knew something was wrong when he carried his sword today. How does he know what happened.

"Kresna ,did you tell loren anything?".

She hesitated.


"I only told him what happened,I didn't tell him that we met your uncle".

"When did you tell him?".

"Yesterday night.He came to my room and asked what happened to you.I didn't want to tell him but then,he said,he will make sure lord Ramus never bothers you again".

I kept on horseback riding to the destination.It was in a remote place.

I saw loren coming out of the horse,so I came down and carried kresna down from the horse.

Loren looked like he has seen a ghost.He didn't even notice when I was walking towards him.

"Loren!",I called aloud for him to snap out.

He was surprised to see me.

"People are saying that you are responsible for the massacre In Ramus residence.I want you tell me the Truth".

"Go back home with kresna",he said with fear.

"Is the lady telling the truth? Or did she start a rumor".

"She lied,that's why I came to ask for her reasons".

"Let me see her",I said as I walked to her door.

"The dead tells no tales",loren said as he pulled me away from the door.

I turned to him,"what do you mean?".

I didn't want to believe loren killed her,so I released my hand from his grip and walked to her door again.

"She's dead,no need to check.You shouldn't see such things".

"Did you kill her?"I asked as I stared at him,refusing to believe he will use his sword on innocent people.

"Let's go home,first",he said as he held my hand.

"No,you should expl_____".

"I said,let's go home first!",hey yelled at my face and I froze.

He placed his hand on my shoulders as he leaned to my face,"I'll explain everything at home.But now,please,obey me, nate".

I've never seen him so worried but I deeply hoped,he didn't kill them.


I and loren sat on the bed in our chamber.

His elbow was on his laps while his hands were intertwined as he kept shaking his leg.

I didn't say anything and waited for him to speak so I won't be yelled at.

"It was a demon",he finally spoke.

"I went there in the night when you were already asleep to instill fear on Ramus.But I was the one who fear came to.

They were all dead,when I arrived.

And when I was about to leave.I met the demon.Hw took the face of someone I knew but it wasn't him.It didn't feel like him".

From the way he looked I had to believe him.But a demon?,it's unbelievable.

"Who's face did he take?",I asked, curiously.

He was silent and he stood up,"stay in the house with kresna,don't ever leave until am back",he said as he walked out of our chamber.

I followed him with concern,"where are you going to?".

He opened the door,"nate,please just listen to me.You and kresna shouldn't leave the house",he said as he left the house and closed the door.

I stared at the door as I heard the sound of his horse as he rode it away.


I felt hands on me while I laid on the bed and it woke me up but I didn't open my eyes.

"Loren,what took you so long",I asked sleepily as I smiled.

"Was it your body?",the person asked as he chuckled.

I got up immediately because it wasn't loren's voice.

I felt chills run down my spine as I faced the person who stood across my bed wearing a black cloak with his head hung down.

"Do you think loren is happy being with you?,don't delude yourself".

All his training in unknown is all waste,because of you!.He dreamt of being a general and if he couldn't,he will be a great swordman that will be known.But what is he now?,a common blacksmith,all because of you!.

Loren isn't happy.If only you died,he could have continued with his good life,but you survived!.

Can't you see you are weighing him down,your highness!?",he yelled.

With every word he spoke it was like arrows striking me.

" I don't know who you are or how you entered this house but I will tell you that loren is happy and he loves me.He have many chances to return to his position,but he didn't and he chose to be with me!",I yelled and immediately,the person raised his head and looked at me.And I saw the face of a demon.


I gasped as I woke up while I sat across the table.

It was already dark outside.

"He can't harm you,not even in your dreams,don't let fear take the better part of you",prince keystone said as he peeled an orange

I immediately remembered when lord hermein told me that prince keystone body was buried.Thwn only one thing came to my mind.

"What are you still doing here,aren't you supposed to be in the heaven realm?",I asked as I expected him to be surprise that I knew.

"A belonging of mine is here,I have to destroy it by destroying myself,this is the last time you'll ever see me.Even when you return,you won't still see me.I won't even return to light,I will be completely destroyed",prince keystone said calmly.

"I don't understand your words but which god are you?"I asked.

"God of reincarnation",he said as he passed the plate of peeled orange to me.

"Am grateful",I said as I began to eat the orange.

"Don't wait for loren,he won't be back for some weeks.I met him along the way and he borrowed golds from me.He travelled to another place.You can sleep and you can leave the house after today,as you wish.It will be safe after today".

My eyes widened,"weeks?,loren didn't tell me that",I was pissed.

I sighed as I look at prince keystone,"Do you know about the demon that massacred the people in Ramus residence?".

"The same demon that appeared in your dream.But don't worry, night,he will be taken care of very soon.

He smiled as he faded away.

That startled me,"he could have given me a warning first.