why me?.


"Alex!" Her best friend called out screaming at top decibel,while running as fast as she could towards the restaurant.

"Alexandra!!" She called again,this time louder than the first time.

Alex heard Abigail's voice,she rushed out of the restaurant to her best friend who was breathing heavily,gasping for air with sweat streaming down her forehead.

"What happened?" Alex asked.

"Dan…." She said,still trying to gasp for air as she opened her mouth,using her hand to lure air into her mouth so she could breathe.

"Dan?" Alex said barely over a whisper with widened eyes. She dropped the restaurant's apron on the floor and immediately started running to the hospital.

"Dan Smith," she told one of the nurses at the reception.

"Room 12" the nurse answered.

Alex rushed down to room 12 where her brother was lying unconscious, she looked at him through the window with tears rushing down her cheeks.

Alex went down on her knees,sobbing really hard while praying to God to save her brother and let him live as she's scared to lose another loved one,her only family.

Abigail knelt beside her,pulling her into her chest,gently patting her back and whispering some encouraging words into her ear even if she wasn't sure of how the situation would end up. She's still there for her best friend, being optimistic about the whole thing going on.

The doctor came out and the two girls were quick to stand up to hear what the doctor had to say.

"Are you Dan Smith's guardian?" The doctor asked.

"Yes we're " they said in unison. Making the doctor curious just who they're to the poor boy lying on the sick bed.

"Dan will be fine, he fell down and had concussions but won't be discharged today as he needs proper medical attention till he's fully better" the doctor explained.

"Dan fell!?" Alex shouted looking straight at Abby and realising she didn't even bother to hear what happened to her brother before rushing down to the hospital.

Abigail told Alex about how she was preparing Dan's breakfast in the kitchen and heard a loud noise from the room. When she got into the room,Dan was already lying unconscious on the ground, but she was lucky to get help and call the ambulance to get Dan safely to the hospital.

Abigail said she also didn't know how Dan fell from bed. She was also scared at first thinking his illness probably started again when she heard the noise but was stunned to see Dan on the floor. She explained.

Alex was left speechless but she kept sobbing. The doctor excused himself, leaving the two best friends in the corridor to talk.

Alex bent down crying and asking God why it had to be her,why everything bad has to happen to her and her brother since they lost their parents in a car accident.

Dan has been on medication since they lost their parents in a car accident 3yrs ago. He was diagnosed with a panic attack due to the trauma the incident caused him. Alex has been working every day and night to make ends meet and provide for herself and her brother. Also to live a proper life but Dan's medication fee has been taking too much of her savings.

"He's awake!" Abigail yelled joyfully, pulling Alex out of her thoughts.

Alex wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand and quickly rushed in to sit down beside her brother. She looked at Dan pitifully and didn't realise tears were running down her cheeks.

Dan held up his hand and wiped the drops of tears from her sister's cheeks with tears in his eyes apologising for making her worried and always causing her so much trouble.

Abigail stopped him and cupped his face in her hand,telling him that she will do anything and everything for him to just be okay and happy. They both smiled and hugged each other.

"That I won't take!" Abby yelled and quickly moved closer to the two siblings and joined them.

"Someone's jealous," Alex mentioned.

"Yes I am," Abigail admitted.

"I just can't get enough of both of you, thank you for loving me" Dan said,smiling.

"You're welcome Dan," the two best friends replied.

Alex stared at the both of them,smiled and hugged them. They hugged her back and enjoyed one another's embrace.

"Hmmm" Dan murmured.

"What's wrong Dan?" Alex asked.

"My chest" he replied

Abigail rushed out of the room to get the doctor because they sensed he was having his panic attack again.

Alex and Abigail were asked to leave the room when the medical practitioners arrived.

"He was fine just now"

"What's happening? " Alex asked nervously.

Abigail took her best friend out of the room and left the doctors to do their job.

"Dan" Alex sobbed.

"Shushhh," Abigail said, patting her back.

Alex and Abigail sat down quietly while waiting outside the room,the past seven hours has been a rollercoaster of emotions for them. They stared at each other till they fell asleep in each other's arms.

The shining early morning sun kissed their skin. Alex and Abigail were jolted awake from their sleep.

Their bodies felt really weak because they slept on the same couch. Spent the entire night snuggling into each other to give each other's comfort as it was cold throughout the night.

Alex and Abigail walked up to the room door to check on Dan.

The doctor came out of the room and they both sighed anxiously.

"Good morning ladies" The doctor greeted.


"Dan's panic attack is worsened, his medical fee will also be increased if you still wish to use this hospital as his medical centre".

They both listened as he was telling them about Dan's condition.

"You may now excuse me" The doctor said leaving the two ladies speechless and empty.

Abigail moved closer to her best friend and gave her a comforting hug knowing she was at the verge of having yet another mental breakdown.

"How will I get the money?"

"Will I be able to save Dan?"

Alex asked these questions with shakiness in her voice.