
Alex woke up very early on a Monday morning, she was so excited and curious that morning about this new phase of her life, her unknown journey she was about to embark on.

Excited because her brother will be getting proper treatment discharged as soon as he feels better. Curious because she doesn't know how her new life will be or how it will end,it was a mixed emotions that morning.

Alex was quick to discard the negative part of this morning feel,she just wanted to handle one situation at a time and today was the day she was signing her contract with Andrew.

Alex made breakfast, ate and left the house. She dropped some for Abigail who was still sleeping and snoring loudly in her room.

She also dropped some at the hospital for Dan.

"Goodluck Alex and thank you "

"You're welcome little brother "

Alex left and was on her way to Miller's Investment and co that morning, praying to God and summoning her ancestors to not fail her.

While she was praying and summoning her ancestors, a car suddenly parked beside her.

"Get in"

"Who are you?"

"Do as I say,I'll explain in the car"

Alex was scared but got into the car anyway.

She was wondering why someone would drive her in such an expensive car.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I'm Mr Miller's driver,I'm sorry if I was rude. Good morning "

"Ohh,I see. Good morning "

Alex kept quiet wondering why Andrew would ask someone to drive her to his office.

"Is he in a hurry?", "Am I running too late?"

She inwardly asked herself these questions.

The car remained silent throughout the ride. She looked out the window enjoying the views and serenity that morning alone with her thoughts.

"We're here"

Alex realised she was far gone in her head without noticing if they were in front of the building or not.

"Oh alright, thank you"

She got down from the car,adjusted her dress and brushed down her golden brown hair.

She took a deep breath.

"I've done this before, I can do it again " she encouraged herself and stepped into the building.

"Good morning sir "

Just like the last time,there was no response.

At that point,Alex knew Andrew wouldn't be easy to deal with. She thought to herself to avoid his troubles as many times as possible and learn to deal with them in times she wouldn't be able to avoid them.

"Good morning sir" she greeted again to make sure if he heard her the first time.

Still no response.

Now that she was sure he heard her and just didn't want to respond. She kept quiet, remained standing till he said something.

"Sit down," Andrew finally responded.

She sighed and was glad he at least said something and not made her remain standing in front of him looking stupid.

"The documents are ready and I want you to to through them carefully, take your time"

"Okay sir"

Andrew handed the documents to her. "Stop the 'sir',I told you the last time,does it make sense addressing your husband as sir?" He complained.

"My name is Andrew"

Alex snorted.

"The documents are yet to be signed and he's already talking about being my husband, my husband my foot" she whispered to herself.

"Excuse me?"

"Huh? Nothing,I totally get what you mean, Andrew…."


Alex silently went through the documents, carefully digesting each rule and was sure she won't have any problem with this man sitting right in front of her as long as he doesn't trouble her or break the rules himself. She was sure they'd co-exist in peace.

It was stated in the document that Alex and her brother will have to move in with him the next weekend.

Alex felt sad she wouldn't get to spend enough time with her best friend and colleagues but she'd make sure to spend those little remaining time happily and memorable with them especially with her best friend, Abigail.

"Your brother's hospital bill has been settled, he will be treated and transferred to a VIP room"

"Huh?!" She exclaimed. Alex felt so happy at that moment,she didn't even ask how Andrew was able to do that or how he knew the hospital his brother was in,he was a man of influence after all, she thought.

"I hate wasting my time when it comes to business, you shouldn't waste my time Alex"

At that moment,Alex realised Andrew was a strict businessman.


Alex was now done navigating through the documents thoroughly, she signed it and handed it back to him.

"See you next weekend Andrew"