I guess I can't.

Alex was undressed and ready to go into the bathroom in her bathrobe when Andrew badged into her room without knocking.

She was shocked and immediately crossed her hands over chest covering her body to protect herself.

Andrew didn't say anything and just walked towards her,she kept moving back until her back touched the wall.

She was speechless and her throat became dry.

Alex was lost in his eyes,she didn't know what to say or do at that moment but she took her time to admire his perfect jawline, his flirty brown eyes and pointed nose.

She admitted to herself that Andew was a good looking man.

Andrew leaned in and looked at her blankly, he portrayed no emotions on his face and whispered into her ears in a very dark tone.

"Get ready, we have to be somewhere "

She didn't give any response as she was too focused on the gap between them.

His hot breath on her skin made her shiver a little, Andrew noticed and smiled sheepishly.

Alex cleared her throat and Andrew moved back.

Dan opened the door and Andrew instantly left the room at the spur of the moment.

Dan glared at her sister suspiciously but Alex quickly went inside the bathroom leaving her brother in the room because she wasn't ready to answer any of his questions as she herself didn't understand what just happened.

She got into the bathroom to have her hot bath and kept thinking about what happened a while ago,she couldn't get it out of her head and was beginning to think she was going crazy but she knew she has never felt that way before, what she felt at that moment,she hasn't felt anything close to that with any guy before.

But she decided to let go of the thought and just get ready.

"But where are we going?" She muttered to herself.

She let go of the thought and had her bath peacefully.

A well slitted red dress was placed on her bed with a shiny gold pair of shoes and earrings with matching bracelets to accessorise with. She came out of the bathroom and saw Angel waiting by the corner of the room.

"Come,let's get you ready," Angel said to her, smiling.

Alex gently sat in front of the mirror.

Angel blow dried her wet hair and styled it in a swoop ponytail,she applied little makeup on her face but Alex felt it was too much.

"Don't you think this is too much?" She asked.

"Of course not," Angel replied. "Moreover, sir told me to make sure you look your best" she said smiling.

Alex didn't respond but wondered where they were going that required her to look her best. She was sure it was one of these rich people's grand parties.

She was nervous.

Alex stepped into her dress and looked at herself in the mirror.

She was speechless.

She smiled shyly.

"You look stunning," Angel complimented her.

"Thank you, " she said.

Alex stepped out of the room and saw Andrew waiting for her by the door. She felt her body tingling in a way she didn't understand, hormones rushed through her body and she didn't know what to say or do at that moment.

She stood there looking down at him from the stairs.

Andrew was dressed in his perfect black suit that fit his physique so perfectly. His well styled hair and perfect jawline with a great height.

Alex admitted to herself that Andrew was truly a good looking man.

"Oh no what's happening to me, why am I not talking? This is becoming awkward " she was having conversations with herself inside her head.

Andrew stared at her blankly, there was no any kind of emotion on his face,he didn't portray any.

Alex couldn't understand why he stared at her that way and was curious of what he thought of her at that moment.

Andrew cleared his throat.

"Shall we?" He asked.

She nodded and walked down the stairs. They both walked out of the room and exited the building.

The car ride was silent but Alex decided to break the silence.

"Where are we going?" She asked him.

He didn't respond and looked away.

Alex knew he wouldn't answer but decided to ask anyway, moreover she thought she had the right to know where he was taking her but forgot Andrew wasn't the easy type of guy.

She kept quiet and looked the other way to enjoy the car ride even though she was nervous.

They arrived at their destination and Andrew went down to open the car door for her.

She was shocked.

He held her hand and they both walked inside the building.

Alex finds it weird because she wasn't used to this and secondly, why was the person who was ignoring her a few minutes ago now acknowledging her and being caring in front of other people.

Andrew noticed how reluctant she was.

"Just act like we're a thing, this is part of the contract, remember?"

"But you didn't tell me or prepare me for this"

"But we're here already, so act right," he told her, smiling.

Alex was speechless.

'Just who is this guy' She asked herself.


Alex followed Andrew as he greeted his colleagues and introduced her to them as his wife.

Alex still didn't know where they were or what they were there for but she knew instantly from the way these people dressed, they were also some rich folks like Andrew.

Andrew continued to introduce Alex to his colleagues. He held her waist and she froze instantly. He looked at her and smile and whispered into her ear.

"Please act right"

"You didn't tell me we were doing this" she said nervously.

"But we're here already, doing this so act right " Andrew said clenching his teeth together.

Alex sighed.

She nervously smiled at few persons that acknowledged her and greeted her respectfully while ignoring others who looked at her with jealousy. She was sure those were people that secretly loved Andrew but she looked away,it was non of her business.

Alex sat down and watched as Andrew was having a conversation with his colleagues. She didn't know what they were talking about but she admired his composure and eloquence.

She kept staring at him and what happened the other day flashed back and she immediately stood up to excuse herself but when she was about to rush into the bathroom, a waiter mistakenly poured a drink on her dress.

"Omg" she exclaimed.

"Ma'am, I'm so sorry " the waiter said,pleading.

Andrew saw what happened and walked up to her.

He removed handkerchief from his pocket to clean up her dress. She watched as he gently cleaned her up and his fingers slightly caressing the exposed part of her thighs.

She shivered.

He felt her shiver a little and got up.

"We should leave now"

She nodded and they left.