
In the snare of night, she was prone to attack. She jolted afoot at the tree in front of her and turned over her body to the presence behind her. Xander crossed his arms above his head to shield the attack. She leaped off him and assumed an attitude of surrender.

 "What are you actually doing here?" Xander dropped down his hands and inched forward.

 "You are quick to ask questions," she tossed her hair over her shoulder. "I can ask you the same thing too, Xander."

 "You followed me, didn't you?" he said. "Just when I thought you had stopped being obsessive," he slapped his palm over his face and groaned. "Back off Faye. Just back the fuck off."

 "Don't point your fingers at me," she furrowed. "I know what you are doing. You have been acting suspicious and I am going to get to the root of it. Whoever it is you are protecting…" she turned to look around the bushes. "I will find out Xander. And trust me when I do, I will—