Chapter 18:- Part 1 - Showbiz

Inside the bedroom of Shen Chang Liu's house , Shen Chang Liu was seen hugging Mo Zhi Yang tightly white trembling and crying softly.

Mo Zhi Yang thinks ,"Huh ? What does he mean ? Didn't I give him give all the answers he wanted , and also a sweet confession. How come he isn't happy ? Why is it so hard to make this asshole satisfied ?" He asks ,"Chang-Liu , did I say something that made you unhappy?"

Shen Chang Liu replies ," Yang-Yang , are you gonna hate me ?" while breaking the hug and looking at Mo Zhi Yang with pitiful eyes.

Mo Zhi Yang said ,"Why do I have to hate you ? Hate you for being too handsome ? Or because you're spoiling me ? Or...Hate you because you are not strong enough ?" while holding Shen Chang Liu's hand and placing it on his cheek and and look at him with blush in his checks.

Shen Chang Liu pushes Mo Zhi Yang down on the bed and gets over him. He told ,"Yang-Yang , I'm much older than you , you really don't mind ?"

Mo Zhi Yang avoids looking at Shen Chang Liu with a blush on his cheeks and said, "Chang-Liu , we finally by get together , can we not talk about these little things. I will be sad..." while a few drops of tears escaped from his eyes.

Shen Chang Liu's devil mind thinks ,"Ah , Little guy , pretends to be pitiful with me ?" He swallows hard as he looks at the face of Mo Zhi Yang and comes closer to him while saying ,"Ok...I won't mention it anymore." while touching Mo Zhi Yang's cheeks lightly. He moves his hand towards Mo Zhi Yang's lips and further said ,"Yang-Yang , you are so sweet."

Mo Zhi Yang told ,"Ah...Chang-Liu..." as they get intimate with each other.

Shen Chang Liu said ,"Don't stress out about it , Yang-Yang~" while outside the window of the bedroom , a bird was chirping loudly.

Mo Zhi Yang thinks ,"I've already regretted it , I shouldn't have said it. You don't look like 32. If you told me you were 23 , I would've believed you." while gasping softly with blush on his cheeks and he was sweating due to breathless exercise.

Shen Chang asks ,"Tired ?" while rubbing Mo Zhi Yang's head

Mo Zhi Yang replies ,"Yeah~" with a blush on his face.

Shen Chang Liu thinks ,"I'm not surprised that you're tired. If I make you tired , you won't get out of bed and can't think of other men , you will always be mine." while hugging Mo Zhi Yang tightly with a grin on his face. He said ,"Yang-Yang , let's do it again , shall we ?" while biting Mo Zhi Yang's collarbone.

Mo Zhi Yang told ,"Don't...Uhm ! Ah..." while trying to suppress his moans by biting his fingers.

Shen Chang Liu asks ,"Yang-Yang , tomorrow , in order to thank Senior Lu , shall we invite him to dinner !"

Mo Zhi Yang replies ,"Erm...Okay." while he was hazy conscious due to continuous intimacy.

The next day , as Mo Zhi Yang wakes up , he thinks ,"My hips...I can't remember when it was over last night...Why do I feel that I'm a 32-year old man ?" while pressing his hand on his back and a gloomy look on his face.

Shen Chang Liu enters inside the bedroom in a good mood and asks ,"Yang-Yang , are you awake ?"

Mo Zhi Yang thinks ,"Good for you , you are in a good mood." while looking at Shen Chang Liu's cheerful face.

Shen Chang Liu said ,"Drink some water first , your throat went hoarse last night." while standing by the bed with a glass of water his hand.

Mo Zhi Yang gets inside the quilt avoiding looking at Shen Chang Liu due to embarrassment. He told ,"No !"

Shen Chang Liu asks ,"Are you tired ? Shall I massage your waist for you ?" while coming closer to Mo Zhi Yang's face.

Mo Zhi Yang angrily replies, "Humph~"

Shen Chang Liu lightly messages Mo Zhi Yang's back with his hands making Mo Zhi Yang relaxed. He asks ,"By the way , Yang-Yang , didn't we say that we are going to invite Senior Lu for dinner. Do you have any contact information ?"

Mo Zhi Yang replies while looking at him ,"Yes , what's wrong ?" which makes Shen Chang Liu unhappy.

Shen Chang Liu said ,"It's nothing , you should invite him to dinner today." while kissing Mo Zhi Yang's ear.

Mo Zhi Yang told ,"Tonight ? Ok , I will text him."

Shen Chang Liu thinks with a smile on his face ,"It doesn't matter if you have his contact , just delete it when we're done dealing with this."