Chapter 24:- Part 1 - Showbiz

At Shen Chang Liu's house , Shen Chang Liu was seen calling out to Mo Zhi Yang ,"Yang-Yang , Yang-Yang!" who was walking inside the living room without noticing the surroundings. He catches up to him and asked ,"Yang-Yang , do you really care about my family background that much?" with a worried expression on his face.

Mo Zhi Yang replied ,"No , I'm just a little tired and want to sleep." while looking back at Shen Chang Liu with a sad expression on his face. He was standing outside his room.

Shen Chang Liu said ,"Tell me , what's going on?" while grabbing Mo Zhi Yang's hand tightly.

Mo Zhi Yang told ,"The flowers outside are so beautiful...You will meet more and more beautiful flowers in the future." while breaking the eye contact with Shen Chang Liu and staring outside the window at the full moon in the sky.

Shen Chang Liu asked ,"What flower? Yang-Yang , what are you talking about? Are you still blaming me for hiding things about my family?" while anxiously looking at Mo Zhi Yang.

Mo Zhi Yang replied ,"Don't be nervous , I'm really just tired." while pulling Shen Chang Liu closer to him. He further said ,"When I'm tired , I want to rest. This is normal." and he cups Shen Chang Liu's face with both his hands.

Shen Chang Liu looks at Mo Zhi Yang walking inside the bedroom with a worried expression on his face. He thinks ,"I intended to tell him about my family after I'm done with the showbiz retirement stuff. Obviously , He's still blaming me for hiding it from him , isn't he?"

After closing the door of the bedroom , Mo Zhi Yang lits a cigarette and leisurely sits on the couch while smoking the cigarette.

System asked ,"Sir , do you really mind Shen Chang Liu's family background?" while hovering around him.

Mo Zhi Yang replied ,"Of course , I don't mind." 

System said ,"Then why are you..." but was interrupted by Mo Zhi Yang , who told ,"You have to think about this by yourself~" 

System said ,"Hey! Knock it off!" while pointing a finger at him anxiously.

The following day , Shen Chang Liu was seen entering the kitchen while calling out ,"Yang-Yang?" He had worn an over-all black outfit ; black shirt with white stripes near collar , black pants , and matching with belt and shoes. In accessories , he had a black choker around his neck and a black band on his wrist.

Shen Chang Liu sees no one inside the kitchen area. He thinks ," Is he out?" Then , he sees a note beside the food kept on the dining table. He said ,"Huh? There's a note." which was written by Mo Zhi Yang.

Shen Chang Liu picks up the note which said ,"I've packed all the stuff for you to go filming. Don't forget to eat breakfast." He thinks ,"He is still so considerate , but why do I feel so insecure..." with a gloomy look on his face while looking at the note written by Mo Zhi Yang.

Shen Chang Liu calls a number and told ,"Help me check on Lu Liang's activity recently."

And , in response was heard ,"Yes , Mr. Shen." from the otherside of the phone call.

At the training institution , where Mo Zhi Yang works , Mo Zhi Yang and two students were walking out of the main gate towards the entrance of the institution. The two students waved their hands and said ,"Goodbye , Teacher Mo."

Mo Zh Yang looked back at them and waved his hand. He told ,"Bye-Bye." A flower bouquet was suddenly in front of his face. He looks up and sees Lu Liang standing in front of him. He asked ,"Senior Lu , why are you here?"

Lu Liang replied ,"A-Yang , I need to talk to you." with a smile on his face.

Mo Zhi Yang thinks ,"I didn't tell him the address of the school. Therefore ,he knows someone that is familiar with me. Ah , It is probably Su Bai."

Lu Liang told ,"Take it , A-Yang." wile giving the bouquet in his hand to Mo Zhi Yang.

Mo Zhi Yang said ,"No , Senior Lu , I can't take this flower..."

Lu Liang asked ,"I will leave in two days. As a goodbye present , can I invite you to another meal?" with a sincere expression on his face.

Mo Zhi Yang replied ,"About this..." but was interrupted by Lu Liang as he backs away from him.

Lu Liang told ,"It's just a meal. I don't know if I still have a chance to see you again after I go abroad." while walking closer to Mo Zhi Yang.

Mo Zhi Yang sees Shen Chang Liu sitting inside his car parked at the other side of the road , looking at both of them. He thinks ,"Shen Chang Liu...?" He said ,"I'm just afraid of being photographed by paparazzi. It wouldn't be good for Chang-Liu's image." while a sigh escapes from his lips as he tries to avoid looking at Lu Liang and had a gloomy expression on his face. He further said ,"Senior , Let me think about it..." and he takes the flower bouquet from Lu Liang.

As Mo Zhi Yang was saying this , Lu Liang secretly smirks and holds Mo Zhi Yang's arms with his hands. He asked ,"A-Yang , in fact , you know , the wrong kind of love will not last. Why do you have to...?" as he tries to inquire something related to their relationship to Mo Zhi Yang.

Mo Zhi Yang replied ,"I know...I'll answer you later." while avoiding looking at Lu Liang with a sad expression on his face.

Shen Chang Liu , who was looking at Mo Zhi Yang and Lu Liang from across the road , had an angry expression on his face , seeing their closeness. He thinks ,"Why is Yang-Yang here with Lu Liang?"

After Mo Zhi Yang left , Lu Liang took out his phone and sent a message to Su Bai saying ,"The fish is hooked." with an evil smirk on his face.

In the evening , Shen Chang Liu enters his house , thinking ,"What is wrong with my Yang-Yang?" As he enters the living room , he sees Mo Zhi Yang was in a drunk state , sitting on the floor with the sofa behind him while closing his eyes and a few alcoholic bottles rolling on the floor. He gets shocked ,"Huh? Yang-Yang!" while looking at the state of Mo Zhi Yang after returning from the institution.

When Mo Zhi Yang hears Shen Chang Liu's voice , he looks at him in a drowsy state and said ,"Chang-Liu , come here."

Shen Chang Liu kneels down beside Mo Zhi Yang. He asked ,"Yang-Yang , why are you drinking?" with a worried expression on his face.

Mo Zhi Yang had his head looking down and calls out ,"Chang-Liu!" He looks up at Shen Chang Liu with a smile and said ,"We...should break up." and he had a blush on his face due to the drunkness.

Shen Chang Liu was shocked by Mo Zhi Yang's response.