Chapter 38: An Ethical Dilemma

Cao Guang had the antidote made by Qian Liqiu with him, it would be able to save the patients lives as long as they had time.

But that would lead to the poison mage either hiding himself deeper or forcing an escape, depending on their strength. If it was the first he could handle it with his squad's strength, on the other hand if the mage was actually strong enough to break through their line of defence and escape then ambush was the better choice.

His orders were to catch the poison mage anyway and he would be justified in making that call. In the end Cao Guang steeled his mind and decided to ask for an expert's opinion.

He cast the Dimension Summon and brought Fenrir and asked, how strong are the mages in the village right now.

Demon creatures had a strong sense of strength, if he had a Psychic mage in the squad he would have just asked them. Another reason was that wolves had a forewarning to danger.

What Cao Guang was actually testing was did the poison mage make Fenrir feel danger. If the person did Cao Guang would settle for and ambush. 

Awoo woo 

"Not much huh, but then where did this troublesome poison come from, alright Gao Xuan go into the village the antidotes with me, Song Xia and Luo Heng block of the path to Qinling mountains".

Fortunately, the Undead would become a problem for the mage as well. They could use the Ash Garlic trick but any use of magic would alert the Undead making the military's job easier. So Cao Guang could pool his resources to block off one direction.

Song Xia and Luo Heng took their place and Fenrir followed them. While Gao Xuan and Cao Guang approached the village slowly as if they were unaware of the mage.

"We're from the military, we have brought medicines for the disease that has been spreading. The chief of Sunny Goat Village requested our assistance. This matter could become a plague."

Upon hearing the word plague the villager was finally willing to believe Cao Guang and let them in to meet the chief.

They made their way to a temporary tent made by the village for the sick to be isolated. In front of the tent was a middle aged man the villager on guard brought Cao Guang and Gao Xuan to him.

"Chief these people are from the army, they have made a medicine because Sunny Goat Village asked for assistance"

"Is that so?" questioned the guy who introduced himself as Xie Sang "wait even more importantly how did you travel by night?"

added Xie Sang after taking a fighting stance.

"Calm down chief, we used Ash Garlic" Cao Guang explained to the man after taking out an Ash Garlic, "We figured it out from the habits of the villagers".

Xie Sang was placated but not happy about the military gaining more Kno about them.

"You can go in and meet the sick, old Guan our healer is inside" said Xie Sang, he had no intention of going in and had enforced strict isolation from the patients.

The duo went inside the tent and met an old walking hobbling with a walking stick. "I heard you guys speak, you are welcome to treat them" said the old man.

"Then let me" 

As Cao Guang and Gao Xuan went inside the tent, the villager who was standing on guard at the village gate quietly slipped away from the village and made his way towards the Qinling mountains using a basic Wind spell.

"Darn it, those ten would have made a hundred dead infection, my poison would have been completed, the longer it stagnates lesser by chance of breaking through to the Advanced level"

Suddenly a paw came at him from the shadows striking him all the way back. 

Giant Shadow Nails 

Nails of shadow struck him consecutively and immobilised his mind and body, he had barely avoided being struck by the paw using his intermediate wind spell to deflect the strike.


Fu Da, the poison mage had struck his poison spell in the direction of the shadow that his the wolf, but it dissipated into the wind as his spell made contact and thereby he was left with no chance of dodging the Shadow spikes.

He had realised that there was an ambush instantly, he hadn't done anything complicated. He used his basic Wind to dodge and the basic poison spell Breath to attack the caster of Shadow Spikes, but the woman turned into smoke leaving him immobilised.

It took less than five seconds for the battle to end. No one other than Song Xia could have captured the mage and that's why she was sent ahead by Cao Guang. Afterall her cultivation wasn't far off this Fu Da.

He had achieved tier three in wind and poison, Song Xia had tier three in Sound and tier two in Shadow.