Chapter 71: Beating all of them up

Yao Nan activated his Ice Lock to attack Cao Guang. Instead of defending it head Cao Guang threw a Fiery Fist in Yao Nan's way, forcing both of them to dodge last second.

Cao Guang gave up on casting Star Patterns and went back to the basics with Stardusts. Seven stars aligned and released a Greater Fire Burst.

His basic spells were at the forth level, they couldn't just be blocked with basic spells, Yao Nan was forced to continue dodge or activate his magic equipment, yet Cao Guang could easily cast dozens of those.

Yao Nan's equipment was spent in half a minute as was knocked out of the match. Yao Nan having to withdraw meant that no one was guarding Bai Hong, From there on they fell like Dominos. The only thing keeping them in the match was their equipment but when he was free to cast spells that advantage went away.

Cao Guang could have done nothing and they might not have won anyway against his beasts. Yet he ended the match earlier to prove his point.

"Now do you get what I was saying, Yao Nan you will lead the team into the wilderness, have anyone you want assisting you"

The group finally left the training arena they were supposed to vacate half an hour ago.

The group made their flight to Ordos with a solemn air. They were no longer in a mood to celebrate their rather easy victory over Imperial College after Cao Guang's rather easy victory against the eight of them.


"So what's the plan from here?" Cao Guang asked Yao Nan.

"We take this path to the second nearest reported nest of Hollow Bones Mares, Yan Liling and Lu Zhangtian will scout for us as we move as a group behind them"


The plains of Inner Mongolia had a variety of demon beasts, but they had a similar characteristic, speed they were faster than other demon beasts on average.

Ocassionally they would be attacked by Desolate Beasts from Beijiang or demon wolves from South who had gone astray. Hence it was a characteristic almost every beast here shared.

Hollow Bones Mares were no different.

They were fast and nimble and some of them could use Wind magic better than humans.

It still was the breeding season for these beasts so they would be spending a lot of time in their nests compared to any other period of time.

It meant a few of them had to act as a diversion to draw some of these beasts away. The group now had been in the plains for a week and visited quite a few of the their nests and finally selected one after a lot of scouting.

The nest had less than fifty monsters in total, but about forty five of these were Warriors. At best this group could handle ten of these creatures.

They were thankful now for being beaten by Cao Guang even if they didn't show it on their face.

"About thirty five of these beasts have full fighting capacity, even if we drag them away we can't keep them occupied, they are faster and stronger we can try to split them up again but we will end up dying alone. How the hell is this an easy assignment.

I get it that they won't move from the nest for now and the fact we haven't been attacked out here for a week, but how the hell is this an easy task. Even your summouned beasts may not be faster than them and they are fastest we have" ranted Lu Zhangtian looking at Cao Guang and Nie Huan.

"It is true we can't outrun or outlast these creatures unless we were Advanced mages, and this is weakest nest we could find. They have strong herding insticts for a nest without any Commanders or Advancing Warriors".

It was rare for beasts to be so subservient when there were no higher ranked Beasts, such patterns were only seen in insect type monsters.

"Then that's what we will do, because it is the breeding season not many of them will leave the nest even if we provoke them and we can't outrun them, then we will kill them in an ambush and repeat until only the ones we need to capture are left" Yao Nan spoke up when the group was feeling down drawing a smile from Cao Guang.

Yes, if we can't outrun we can kill them and keep repeating until only the infants were left. Why did it sound like something a villain would say?