Chapter 163: Arriving in India

Lu Zhangtian's loosing streak didn't end their as he lost battles against Song Xia and Mu Yinfeng and narrowly won against Jiang Shaojun and Guan Chen by the time the cruise liner had approached the shores of the Hooghly river.

He had no motivation to challenge Cao Guang by the time the group arrived in the port of Kolkata.

This was supposed to be my tournament, this is not over I will still come out on top, Cao Guang.

Lu Zhangtian was just as vengeful as his younger brother Lu Yulin however the guy was more careful and scheming, he would never do stuff half heartedly especially when it came to revenge.

Cao Guang and his team rested in the hotel arranged for them by the West Bengal military, their mission here would be markedly different from the one in Japan.

Their target was not in a Maritime Battlefield that was open to the public but a remote and dangerous battlefield constantly managed by the Military.

The next morning the team was greeted in the meeting room with their liason officer Rai who would go on to explain their mission to them.

" The mission you have to complete is to hunt a Commander level Bengal Tiger called the Sunderban Tiger, basically it means the Tiger controls the Plant element, it is a rare White Magic creature that is opposed to humans.

The tigers are the greatest hunters on land, far better than any other Monsters when it comes to hunting, but they almost always hunt solo and they also have very limited populations.

While the rest of Demon beast populations increase Tigers are lucky if they maintain their population and therefore strong individually.

The Sand Demon Tigers of Dunhuang are among the weakest being only Warriors at adulthood, the Bengal Tigers and Tianshan Tigers are above that Commanders at adulthood and Monarchs in rare cases, also at the Monarch level they can also use Water Magic so they more than just one advantage as for the Kunlun ones you guys should know better than me.

The challenging part of your mission is the terrain, The Sunderbans, the largest mangrove forest in the world spanning between India and Bangladesh and the habitat of these tigers, not only can they use the trees and plants to improve their magic but the waters of the swamp are laced with a water poison."

Captain Rai talked more about the region with a 3d map of the forest and showed the forbidden zones and places they were not meant to visit.

" Now, the military does a exploratory mission in to the forest every five or so years, you will be part of the mission, so for the duration of the trip you will have to obey my orders, don't worry when you have identified your target and make your move I'll be just an observer and report your results to the Magic Associations and your advisors.

Now to other important details, if a Tiger has the ability to use Water Magic at the Commander level and therefore probably is a descendant of the Monarchs, so you cannot hunt that one, we need an order from HQ for that, and secondly the military has and antidote for the Water poison that you need to invest every day for it to be effective, but it wears off after two weeks of continuous ingestions and needs a month to clear off your systems so you can try again.

So what that means is that if you fail on your first try, you will have either failed this point and will have to move on without the resolution from here or waste a month here, that will be your captain's decision.

We leave in three days and most importantly your kill needs to be atleast a Lesser Commander, Semi ones don't count."

The captain left with his entourage and left the national team members alone in the room to discuss.

From Cao Guang's perspective the hunt was not too hard for him, he could hunt a Lesser Commander Sea Monster at sea with a firm foothold and backup, now they were all that hard pressed other than a lack of time.

Two weeks could go by and if they didn't meet a Commander level creature that met the criteria they would be missing out on the resources from this point. Cao Guang couldn't have that.

But what Cao Guang didn't realise was that the Mangrove forest and the Bengal Tigers were like in a similar situation like Tianshan Mountain and the Tigers there, therefore even a Lesser Commander would be a strain for them to hunt.