Demon kin- Queen!? fight (Prologue 3)

We walk into the room and see a man sitting there on the throne we all take out our weapons

"Ah so the hero's have finally come I was wondering when you would get here! It's just been so boring I haven't been able to leave because of the limit set by the system but that vanishes tomorrow I'll finally be able to destroy the world and no one can stop me! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! So hero's what are your names I want to know the names of the strongest people in the world before I kill them." The demon Queen said, "My name is Apollyon of destruction whats your names?"

My name is Lukas the magic spearman, Abel the sword saint, My name is Merlin the archmage, Valkerae the combat healer, and Mike the Berserker Hahahahah!! Todays the day you die demon Queen!!! You've made our people suffer for to long with your minions you damn bi*ch. I rush towards the demon Queen and infuse my magic into my spear and it starts bursting into flames as I stab at her it hits her direct on but when it clears there's no damage on her body. "Hahah what was that was I supposed to get hurt one of my immunities is that A rank and below Talents don't hurt me. Although your magic power is insane that put a small scratch." Says Apollyon. Well I thought it might be like that welp I can only hurt her through pure magic power guys my fire control does nothing. "That's okay Lukas we can and my skill is perfect for this Abel says as he and Mike start rushing in to fight Apollyon." While Merlin tells me "hey Lukas want to get married after this is done? I know our age gap is a little big I'm 26 and you 23 but want to?"

Sure Merlin I would love to now let's focus on the fight with the demon king I say as I rush in again valkerae casts buffs on all of us and starts rushing in as well to fight with her mace. I stab forward and a blast of magic power comes out while Abel slashes as Apollyon with holy energy and Merlin uses ice cage to trap Apollyon in but before we can do anything more she breaks out and goes to slash at Abel with her claymore Mike jumps in and gets hit instead and is sent flying into the wall dead. I yell Mike as I then go closer to the demon Queen and help Abel to fight her. Apollyon slashes at me this time but Merlin shields me with barrier the S rank magic protection but even then I got hit at sent flying back into valkerae and bash into the wall. Why is she so strong we can barely fight back! Valkerae you able to debuff her I ask. Valkerae says, "I already did this is her weakened i still can't believe she one shot Mike" I would have died if not for Merlin well I'm going back in I say as I see Able fly to the right side of the room badly injured I yell to him "drink a potion valkerae won't be able to get there in time!!" as I stab towards the demon king Merlin shoots out fire storm and it goes toward Apollyon and she just waves her sword and it destroys it and the wind pressure gets sent at Abel again he gets cut in half dying. "Shit!!" "Merlin cast that I will give you time" I say Merlin than starts chanting to get a spell ready as I also chant to send out icicle lance it hits her in the abdomen hurting Apollyon more as valkerae punches her in the face Apollyon gets sent flying into the wall she gets up and slashes at Valkerae but missed because I moved her I stab towards Apollyon and take her arm off. Merlin finishes her spell and sends it to Apollyon as I take Valkerae out of harms reach Merlin casts perfect cube on Apollyon to trap her the spell the strongest barrier spell ever found. The smoke clears out as we see nothing I get up with Valkerae only to see Apollyon appear out of nowhere and slice valkerae's head off I stab toward Apollyon again she dodged and seemingly teleports to Merlin trying to kill her I use blink and get Merlin out of the way. "Merlin we need to win somehow we can't let her get out of here we already weakened her a lot but we need to make it to where more people can grow we can't kill her." Merlin says, "i agree we can't kill her but we have to try" I say, "agreed" "hahahah!!!" Apollyon starts laughing while saying, "this is the most damage I've taken from anyone That Abel weakened me a lot but you Lukas took advantage of my openings but I'm called destruction for a reason." She gathers in her hand what seems to be a pure red ball and sends it towards us Merlin teleports me out of the way and gets hit. "Merlin no!!!! Damnit am I still too weak if only I could go back" I hear laughing and I look up at Apollyon to see her have a wide grin she says, "so your the last alive I have a question how did you get so powerful?" I reply, "why the hell would I tell you that Apollyon!" I try standing but can't I notice one of my legs are gone as she walks towards me. "So little Lukas the last alive now what should I do with you your interesting you don't have a strong talent and you should have a limit yet your here how? Unless no don't tell me you have that item shit!" When she says that I notice time around me stop and the system screen appears in front of me and asks in a feminine voice "would you like to go back?" I ask, "what do you mean by that and what's your name?" The feminine voice reply's, "my name is Gaia I'm the creator of the system and that clock that is now your heart is the co-owners creation for worthy people that I allowed him to make but with all the requirements I didn't think someone would be able to use it." I ask the co-creator of the system?" Gaia replied, "ah yes I forget you don't know who that is his name is Chronos primordial god of time he made that clock to give someone a second chance to make things better." "So what your saying is that I can go to the past to fix my mistakes?" Gaia replies, "yes and you get to choose one person who's memories go with you so they remember as well." Before she can even finish i say "Merlin let her memories come back with me so she remembers." Gaia replies "even if you get a debuff?" "Yes it is much better and I get to be with my girlfriend I don't want to rebuild that awkwardness I've known her since childhood but we didn't get together until I was 21 and it makes it easier on me." Gaia replies "hmm okay the debuff you get is that you have to retrain your mana control normally you would go back with that control but you'll have to relearn it no others." I say "that's not really a debuff?" Gaia replies " I know, welp anyways I was sent here to let you know the second effect of that clock you found. Here's what it does. A screen pops up

Chronoses clock (Godly item)

Effect one: multiplies the experience gained from monsters and effects gained by training by 300.

Effect two: rewind time back to the beginning of the apocalypse with the clock with one person coming with you, but you get a debuff.

Effect three: when you go back to the beginning you get at least one SSS rank ability when you go there limit up to three SSS rank abilities.

Effect four: when you go back you keep all of your titles and they are strengthened by 5 times.

Effect five: you are able to see the stats of everything nothing can now hide from your eyes. Effect six: Chronosus blessing, you can not be affect by time based spells or abilities unless you allow it to do so. "wasn't there supposed to be only two effects?" Gaia replies "no you were only strong enough to see that there was two but there was more. Well you'll start from the beginning Apollyon will not remember and she'll awaken at the same time that won't change. well maybe you know how butterfly effects can be." "Well Gaia can you thank Chronos for giving me this chance I know I will be able to change our future because of this." Gaia replies with "nah you'll be able to do it yourself." the next second time resumes and I get my neck cut off by Apollyon while I seem to blink and I'm in my room before the fall.