A witch and a werewolf

The flesh-eating curse was a deadly curse. It could kill a human in minutes, an ordinary vampire or werewolf in an hour, and a high-grade creature in a few hours. This was why Sienna couldn't help but worry about the werewolf's condition.

High-grade curses could only be cast by skilled witches, so she assumed the man must have encountered one. Although he seemed to be a werewolf from a strong lineage, given his dark gold irises, it was difficult to deflect a curse from a powerful witch.

"That sounds bad," the man said, breathing heavily.

Sienna realized that he must have known about the curse she mentioned, based on his reaction.

Is he an official on a mission? She wondered, noticing the man's decent clothes under his cloak, suggesting he was someone of high status. But this part of Durnam was rarely visited by wealthy people.