A New Shift In Power

"Are you sure about this? Should i tell them? I figured . . . I'll go tell them now", The cop said as he hung up. The cop ended the call and headed over to Cyrus and Sophia. "Hey guys", said the cop. "Hello", said Cyrus. "I have some news for you two", the cop said. "What is it said Cyrus and Sophia. "I just got off the phone with Dr Simmons himself", said the cop. "The man who invented The Simmons Center", Sophia said. "Yep", The cop said. "But what does he want to do with the place now", said Sophia. "Well I'm glad you ask because he wants to rebuild it", said the cop. "That great news", said Cyrus. But who's gonna be in charge", said Sophia. "That's the really good news. Because he wants you two to be in charge", he cop said. "Wait WHAT", Cyrus said. "Well you and your family's but he wants the face of the company to be you to", said the cop. "OMGTHISISAMAZINGNEWSICANTBELIVEITICANTBELIVEIT", said Sophia. "So . . . we aren't the owners but we are the owners", said Cyrus. "Well your parents are most likely gonna take over but what's most likely gonna happen is that you two still get to chose what happens and what doesn't happen", said the cop. Cyrus was so happy that he started to get a little light headed and let the force of gravity pushed him to the floor. "We should get him to a hospital", said Sophia. "Yes we should", said the cop. Cyrus then stood up faster then you could say this sentence, looking like he won the lottery. "Do our parents know yet", said Cyrus. "Dr Simmons should be informing them now", said the cop. "I have to go tell them", said Cyrus as he ran from the scene. Sophia look at Cyrus running from the scene and smiled. "That's my Cy", said Sophia as she ran after him. 

The rest of the gang headed back to the Anders place and tried to hide in case Liz was coming for them until they got a call from Cyrus and told then everything. "Well i guess were safe", said Casey. "How is Penny doing", said Cody. "Doing better", said Zeta. "I have to ask but why didn't you come with us", said Luke. "Never mind the questions", said Tom. Penny then started to wake up with a pain in her neck. "Penny you alive", said everyone. "What . . . what happened", Penny said. "You were trapped in a glass cup until Cyrus saved you like in the movies", said Casey. "Wait where's Cyrus", said Penny. "He was battling a human Ursula and defeated her", said Casey. "I bet he did", said Penny. Just then Cyrus and Sophia opened the door. "Its been a while", said Cyrus. "Son. Welcome back", Tom said. "With a bit of news", said Sophia. "Did you two do something big", said Bailey. Cyrus and Sophie were turning a bit of red as there eyes turned away. "That's not the news. We have been chosen to take over Simmons Center", said Cyrus. "No way", said Everyone. "Yes and its from Dr Simmons himself", Cyrus said. Just then the phone rang and Tom answered. "Really", said Tom. "Ok bye", Tom said as he hung up the phone. "Well he's not lying", said Tom. "So did we just become the royal family? Because i would look fabulous in a coronation dress", Casey said. "Sorry sis but i would take that spot", said Penny. "No fair", said Casey as she went off to her room. "Well my family will also be in charge two because that makes all the sense", Penny said. "Yep", said Cyrus. "Well i have to get going because this chapter has been going on for way to long now", Bailey said. "Yea its about time", said Zeta. "Bye", said Sophia. "Bye", said the rest. "Well we should be going. The Mushroom kingdom needs us by now", Bailey said. "Yea true. I just have one question. Is there any chance we could still communicate? We both have a lot of information to share", Cyrus said. "We will see", Bailey said. "Call us when another Villian comes to attack", said Luke. "We will", said Tom. "See ya", Cody said as the three left. "Well we should be going to bed now", said Zeta. "Yea I'm gonna hit the hay", said Cyrus. Everyone also went to bed ending a long day.