Rebirth of Aryan

Yes, as soon as Aryan wakes up...

He finds out that his mother Nayanthara is attacking him and he asks about his mother Nayanthara.

that why are you doing this Nayantara says I am a witch if a witch sacrifices her first son then she becomes immortal and then Vikram comes..

And he laughs out loud and says what did you think, you would have killed me like this, now by killing you Nayanthara will become immortal, due to which Nayanthara will have no one...

If no one can kill Nayanthara then my life is in Nayanthara. If no one can kill Nayanthara then no one can kill me either.

Then Aryan says to his mother Nayantara that if you wanted to kill me then you should have told me, I would have let you kill me anyway and then Nayantara kills her son Aryan and then Nayantara and Vikram both start laughing and both of them say laughing that now no one can kill us. Here Aryan's soul is born in the house of a landlord of the same village who had gone to the city. In this birth, as soon as Aryan is born, his mother Anuradha dies and due to this his father Amar does not talk to him. Aryan whose mother died as soon as he was born and his father does not talk to him. Due to this he lives with his grandfather in Mumbai and his father Amar lives in America. Aryan did not get mother's love since childhood but his mother Nayantara used to come in his dreams every day. One day Aryan insists on his grandfather. Aryan is still a 5-year-old boy who insists his grandfather that grandfather I want to go to our house.In our village, his grandfather does not tell him but his grandfather also had to go to his village, so both his grandfather and Aryan get ready to come to their village and come here. Here in the village, Nayantara and Vikram got married. Nayantara and Vikram were one of the rich people and they lived like a normal person. No one knew that Vikram and Nayantara are devils. Nayantara started drinking the blood of the girls of the village and due to this she remained young. Aryan reaches his village and he sees a girl there, she was the reincarnation of Sameera. They were 5 years old and were very happy to meet each other. Both of them start playing. Nayantara is going from there in a car below the garden of our village. Nayantara sees the children playing and suddenly she remembers her son Aryan and then Sameera while playing loudly says Aryan Aryan and then Nayantara's heart starts beating and tears come in her eyes. Nayantara says to herself that it has been 100 years since that incident. But I still remember Aryan, I remember whether I did a good thing by killing him. Aryan goes with his grandfather. Then his father comes to take him and then he goes to America with his father. Here, seeing Nayantara angry, Vikram thinks of adopting a child and then he adopts Sameera and Nayantara and Sameera start living together. Sameera and Nayantara and Vikram start living together. Nayantara used to give all her love to Sameera and Sameera also loved Nayantara a lot but Nayantara could not give up her brutality. She still used to drink the blood of a girl every day so that she could remain young. Although Nayantara also used to miss Aryan but she loved Sameera a lot too. She spent all her time on him. At first, Vikram liked it but later he started feeling bad about all this and he went there to study. He still used to dream of Nayantara in America and in his dreams, Nayantara used to see a child. The child who was seen singing a lullaby to him was none other than Aryan from his previous life. Aryan, who used to have arguments with his father every day, was now going to return to his grandfather. Aryan asks his grandfather that I see a woman in my dream who sings a lullaby and puts a boy to sleep and that boy looks exactly like he looked in his childhood. Then Aryan calls a painter and draws a picture of the woman who came in his dream. Aryan's grandfather sees that picture and tears it and says that son, you forget this dream. This woman is the wife of a rich man of our village. He says that the rich man is a devil and his life is in his wife and says that she had killed her own son to become immortal. She is a witch who kills girls every day and drinks their blood to look young. Aryan feels very bad after hearing all this. Arjun says to his grandfather that please grandfather, let me go, I want to find out the truth about that woman, who she is and why she comes in my dream. She comes everyday, what is her relation with me? Her grandfather says that Aryan son, don't get angry about this, she is very bad.Arjun's grandfather sees the picture and tears it and says son, forget this dream, this woman is the wife of a rich man of our village, he says that the rich man is a devil and his life is in his wife and says that he has killed his own son to become immortal, she is a witch who kills girls everyday and drinks their blood to look young, Aryan feels very bad after hearing all this, Arjun says to his grandfather, please grandfather let me go, I want to find out the truth about that woman, who is she to me and why does she come in my dreams everyday, what is her relation with me, his grandfather says Aryan son, don't get angry about this, she is very bad.Arjun's grandfather sees the picture and tears it and says son, forget this dream, this woman is the wife of a rich man of our village, he says that the rich man is a devil and his life is in his wife and says that he has killed his own son to become immortal, she is a witch who kills girls everyday and drinks their blood to look young, Aryan feels very bad after hearing all this, Arjun says to his grandfather, please grandfather let me go, I want to find out the truth about that woman, who is she to me and why does she come in my dreams everyday, what is her relation with me, his grandfather says Aryan son, don't get angry about this, she is very bad.Now we are immortal and we laugh loudly, we are ours, we say that you are ours, no one can kill us, we say that now we are immortal, no one can kill us, we say that now no one can kill us, we are immortal