Samira and Aryan go to Grandfather's house

While Sameera and Aryan are packing to go to grandfather's house, Aryan sees a photo in Sameera's bag which was of a woman and Aryan says.

Whose photo is this? Then Sameera says that this photo is of my mother, Aryan, of your mother. Aryan starts crying loudly and he says.

That at last I found the woman whom I was looking for since so long. Sameera asks why and whom were you looking for. Aryan says that since day before yesterday I have been seeing a woman in my dreams.

I have tried many times to find the woman who sang a lullaby to put the little child to sleep, and I once drew a picture of her.

I had shown it to my grandfather but my grandfather used to say that it is a picture of a devil, then I put it aside but now you are saying that you are your mother, so please I want to meet her. Then Aryan and Sameera get ready to go to grandfather's house. Grandfather is very happy to see Sameera and he says that daughter, where did you find such a beautiful wife and then Sameera takes grandfather's blessings. Grandfather says that always remain a married woman daughter and always keep laughing and playing. Sameera is very happy to meet grandfather. Then Aryan says that I have to go to Sameera's house. Sameera and Aryan go to Sameera's house. Arya meets Nayantara and says to Nayantara that mother, I used to see you in my dreams. I don't know what is the relation between you and me, but yes, till date I have seen you as my mother. Then Nayantara says then look at Nayantara, how can this happen, how can you see me in your dreams. I have not seen you till date, I have also not seen you till date, but I saw you in my dream. After some time, she starts thinking. She sees in the black horse near her that the son whom Nayantara had killed has been reborn. Nayantara starts crying thinking all this. Nayantara goes to meet Hariyal and hugs him and cries a lot and tells him to forgive her son, but Nayantara could not reveal her truth to Aryan so she becomes quiet. Vikram is watching all this and he starts planning to kill Sameera and Aryan. Vikram tells Nayantara that you have started looking very bad, I think you should drink the blood of beautiful girls and sends her to the nearby village where there were a lot of beautiful girls and she climbs the banyan tree and waits for the girls. Here Vikram was ready to kill Aryan and Sameera.

Vikram mixes poison in Aryan's milk. While doing this, Sameera sees him doing it. When Arya starts drinking the milk, Sameera throws away his juice. Sameera came to know that Vikram had mixed poison in Aryan's milk, but Aryan did not know everything because she feels that by doing this, Aryan will not let her meet her mother. So she says to Aryan that how many days will she stay at her maternal home, we should go to grandfather's house. Then Aryan and Sameera go to grandfather's house.

 Sameera came to know that Vikram was hatching this conspiracy. Sameera takes Aryan to his grandfather's house and starts living there. Grandfather is very happy to see them both and says that son, now you should not go anywhere, stay here only. Aryan and Sameera started living a very good life and Aryan's dreams had also disappeared. Sameera had a picture of the witch in her bag.

There was Nayantara's picture, grandfather sees it once and says to Sameera, daughter how did you get this picture, I had torn this picture earlier also, from whom did you get the picture of the witch in our house, Sameera says the picture of the witch is my mother, grandfather, you cannot say this about her, grandfather says oh son she is really a witch, then Aryan also comes there, RNB goes how can she be a witch, I consider her my mother, grandfather, then grandfather says it is a very old story of 100 years ago, this witch had killed her own son and became immortal and her husband's life, that is, your father's life is in this witch, while when Nayantara was returning to her mansion from the nearby village, she saw that Aryan and Sameera were not there, Sameera was not there, seeing this she asks Vikram that where are Sameera and my son Aryan, then Vikram says that they have gone to grandfather's house, then Nayantara thinks that we have to do something, I cannot live without my son, I have got my son after a long time. I have met him, I will die without him. Nayantara says that I will go and meet him, I cannot live without them, they both are my life. Vikram says that you should leave them both. Vikram starts thinking in his mind that because of these two, Nayantara loved both of them more, now they have gone, that is why Vikram had stopped following them both. Then Vikram tells Nayantara that look, we both are ghosts, we both cannot live with them, you let them both be happy. Then Nayantara says that okay, then I will never meet them both. Vikram becomes happy by Nayantara saying this and says that now I do not need to kill them both, but Nayanthara sees them both in the glass sphere.

Grandfather is very happy to see Meera and asks her, "Son, where did you find such a beautiful daughter-in-law?" Grandfather is very happy to see Sameera. Grandfather is very happy to see Sameera.