Love for Kanishka

Aryan liked Kanishka in his heart but never knew it.

Kanishka tries to ask Aryan many times. But he never answers. Then she thinks that she will meet Nayantara, the tears of her mother.

Nayanthara gets angry because she doesn't know anything about Aryan.

Kanishka think about it, let us decide that she will go to Aryan's village.

After going to the village it is revealed that his wife today was Sameera who had died.

When she comes to know that Aryan had another wife, she starts crying and feels very bad.

But she decides that she will erase Sameera from their hearts. She secretly goes to their house and hiding from her mother Nayantara's eyes, she goes to their room and writes Aryan's diary there. Anushka steals Aryan's diary.

Kanishka reads Aryan's diary and feels very good reading it because she loves him very much.

Then Kanishka starts wearing clothes like Sameera and does make-up like her. When Kanishka's photo is seen, she is wearing a saree like hers.


 Kanishka also goes in front of Aryan wearing the same saree. At first, Aryan keeps looking at her but he does not want to forget Sameera and to awaken Kanishka in his life. That is why he scolds Anushka and tells her to never come here wearing a saree. She starts crying a lot.

But all the habits of Sameera had come into Kanishka. Even Kanishka could not understand why she was doing this. She had simply started behaving like Sameera.

Kanishka was going away from Aryan, then Kanishka resigned and started living at home.

Aryan was not happy there because he had started loving Kanishka in his heart but that was the reason why he started feeling sad. Nayantara was seeing everything that Aryan was very sad.

He had decided that he would have to do something.

Because he sees his son Aryan crying like this..

She couldn't see it so she goes to Kanishka's house and asks Kanishka will you become my daughter in law but Aryan was still saying no.

Then Nayantara and Kanishka make a plan together and Nayantara tells it to Aryan.

That she is dead yesterday, then he goes to Kanishka, she is alive and Aryan expresses his love.

Aryan and Kanishtha also became happy but once again Kanishka attacks Aryan with a knife.

When are you coming, he asks me and asks why are you doing this, Kanishka says I am not Kanishka, I am Sameera, Aryan have you forgotten me, oh no, I did not understand, I still love you but why are you attacking me like this, Sameera then Sameera tells that I have become very lonely after dying, I only want you and I will kill you and make you mine.

Then Nayantara comes and attacks Kanishka from behind. Kanishka falls unconscious and Nayantara ties Kanishka up.



Aryan starts crying and says why does this happen only to me, when I loved Sameera, Sameera was not there but now I don't love Sameera, I love Kanishka, then why did this Sameera come, how did she meet me, she will never leave me.

Nayantara says that son, when I was a witch, I could solve this problem in a jiffy but now it is beyond my control, why can't I take out Sameera from Kanishkar Keru

We need to take the help of a tantrik


Aryan says mother we will call a Tantrik, then both of them call a Tantrik, performs Yagya and asks Sameera's spirit why have you come, then Mera says that Arya did not save me and saved his mother Nayantara, we both could have lived together but you did not do that, you chose your mother Nayantara, who herself killed him in one go, was this the reward of my love, that is why I have come to take Aryan, I will kill Aryan and then after that he will be mine, no matter how the Tantrik says you will go, tell me what you want, Sameera's spirit sitting inside Tanish says I will go but

After taking Aryan tax, the Tantrik says that son, Kanishka will have to be purified by bringing water from 7 rivers

Aryan says everything Maharaj I will do the same then Aryan goes near Ganga river and brings water of Ganga river then he goes near Saraswati river and brings water of Saraswati river then he brings water of Yamuna river

Then he goes to the Tapi river and brings water from the Tapi river. He also goes to the Purna river and brings water. Aryan goes to the Godavari river and brings water from the Godavari river. Then he goes to the Krishna river and brings water from the Krishna river. In this way, he purifies Kanishka with the water of 7 rivers. Sameera's soul leaves Kanishka and enters Nayantara. Aryan and Ishq think that everything is fine but still, from within Nayantara, Aryan asks Kanishka to marry him immediately. And when they are getting married, Nayantara, in which Kanishka is playing, drops Sameera's wedding mandap. Sameera's foot gets hurt due to the falling of the mandap and their wedding gets cancelled.