Fumbling with the brown envelope in his hands, Yuri dropped everything in his arms to go over the acceptance letter he received with shaky hands. The letter was addressed to Galanis Yuri Flor, who was him. He froze when his eyes caught the address of the school at the top of the paper.

"China?!" Yuri gasped out in shock.

In a frenzy during his estate's incident, his parents told him to run without looking back, they told him not to come looking for them, who knew that they wanted him as far as possible from the continent he grew up in.

"Asia?" Yuri muttered in disbelief, his wide teary eyes scanning the documents again to make sure that he wasn't hallucinating.

Scrambling to the box at the center of the room, Yuri unzipped it hurriedly and then opened it impatiently. The box was filled to its brim with clothes, but the brown envelope placed on the neatly folded clothes stood out. Picking up the envelope with shaky hands, he turned its opening upside down to pour out its contents on the white tile, he saw a short book fall out of the envelope with a few papers. Looking at the cover of the book, he saw written in bold letters; EMERGENCY PASSPORT, and below the logo, 'United States of America' was written in cursive handwriting with golden ink.

Choking back a sob, Yuri placed his documents from the truck and the phone on top of the clothes before zipping the box.

He hastily left the apartment, pulling his box after him with one hand, and his plushie in the other. The envelope that contained his travel documents was neatly tucked under his armpit.

Yuri drove out of the building's parking lot and towards the airport with a purpose made resolutely in his mind.


That's the least he could do to repay his parents' hard work.


Meet Galanis Yuri Flor, who was formerly a Xi before his surname was changed. Yuri is the only child and son of Xi Chris Chang and Gelanis Sophia Hera.

The Xi family is an ancient dynasty that had wealth and fame passed down through generations for centuries. Century by century, the dynasty grew larger in wealth, fame, lands, and properties throughout the world. The 'Xi dynasty held great power and authority in economics, politics and regional economics in the world. Yes, they are that powerful, but the flaw to all these is that; only one person could inherit it all, just a single heir. And no, the system of inheritance is not Primogeniture, rather the heir is chosen by the person who is the current head of the dynasty, that is, a stranger could be the heir, if that's what the dynast wants.

Xi Chris Chang happens to be one of the dynast's sons, then. He was by no means the brightest, nor was he the strongest amongst the dynast's seventeen children, but his father chose him to be the next dynast of the clan on his deathbed.

Xi Chris Chang grew up in a polygamous family, where there was so much competition, and the fact that there were just two girls in the lot didn't help matters. Chris never had a real 'relationship' with his father, he even doubted that his father knew he existed, so it was a surprise when the dying dynast chose him to be his predecessor. From being the sore thumb of the family, he became the most important, the most sought for. People tried to get closer; to get in his favor, even his father's other wives- they went as far as offering him their daughters as a wife, but how could he bed his sisters?

Chris never met his biological mother, given that she had passed away during childbirth with Chris. Chris's mother was the third and last wife of the dynast, so Chris was in no way the eldest or special to warrant such an inheritance. He was always quiet, reserved, but fierce.

When Chris was twenty-one, he was officially coronated as the dynast of the Xi Dynasty. That was when Chris knew that the life ahead of him wasn't going to be a pretty one. At the age of twenty-five, he found Sophia during one of his business trips to Greece, surprisingly she was the head of the company he wanted to sign a deal with, they clicked, and Sophia left all her life in Greece to follow Chris to America.

They both lived a happy life until they started receiving death threats and sudden ambushes. They became frustrated when it seemed like an everyday thing, so they decided to fight back, they did their investigations and found out that the attacks were coming from Chris's family.

The Xi family was known for being at the top in business and economics, having successful companies across the globe, but this was just on the surface, it's just a faux for humans.

The Xi Dynasty belongs to the underground world. From gun dealers, drug lords, weapons dealers, and nuclear weapons dealers, to the mafia world, each son and daughter of the Xi Dynasty was either of these, if not all. The family controlled the black market and the underground world.

Yet, this is also a facade. The Xi Dynasty is an ancient dynasty as mentioned earlier, but there is more to it. Chris's and Sophia's meeting was no mere 'coincidence', Chris being chosen as the heir was no mere 'luck'. There is more to the Xi Dynasty that no one knows, something deeper than being part of the mafia or leading great companies. There is a generation-long secret within the Xi Dynasty, not even Chris's step-siblings or father's wives know about this secret.

Chris and Sophia did not keep their son away from the world because of some mere enemies that could be handled with guns and nuclear weapons, they kept their only son away from the world because of the 'shadows' that lurked around Earth.

Shadows beyond the human eyes.

And there is a probability that these 'shadows' are going to come for their son.

Chris knows that his cursed lineage has brought problems for his son.

And he was not going down without a fight.