TROUBLE II: The Devil Pays A Visit


Bruno, who felt the slight tremor beneath his feet, panicked.

Yuri was down there.

Hurriedly standing on his feet from his chair, he scrambled towards the stairs with terror written all over his face, but he was stopped by a surprisingly bulky male staff.

"You can't go down there, that seemed to be something dangerous." The bulky man said in a gruff voice, yet politely.

"So?" Bruno asked with wide eyes, looking at the man like he just committed a treacherous act.

Bruno practically appeared like a madman walking to his death in the eyes of the other people present.

"So, you can't go there, ever heard of not going underground during an abnormal tremor?" The gruff man sarcastically asked, looking Bruno dead in the eyes with an unamused expression.

"So?!" Bruno screamed to the man's face, looking livid, almost at the brink of snapping the man's neck. If he did not look crazy earlier, he sure does now.

"You are going to get hurt!" The man screamed back, his voice more than just a few baritones deeper than Bruno's.

"No, the person who is about to die is my younger brother who is down there probably scared shitless, and in pain!" Bruno spat out, taking the man aback by his words.

"I still can't allow you down there." The man calmly said after schooling his expression.

"Watch me." Bruno defiantly spat but was harshly pulled back as he was about to head down the stairs.

"I will not-" The man was about to speak again, but he was interrupted by a more violent tremor that was powerful enough to mercilessly throw people across the room and knock them off their original positions.

Sounds of people's screams and the shattering of glassware filled the room. The parlor increased in catastrophe as Bruno's heart did, he wasn't an exception to the tremor's violence, but he worried more for Yuri, his Yuri. As he was about to scramble towards the stairs again, he felt a hand around his ankle, and in an eye blink, found himself harshly face-planted on the wooden floorboards of the ice cream parlor.

"At least, wait for the earthquake to simmer down a bit, or else, there would be no one saving no one." The gruffly man said in a reasonable voice that annoyed Bruno to no end.

'How dare he stop me from saving my Yuri, he is probably scared out of his mind. If it were to be another situation, I would have crushed this human's head with my bare palm, I need to get to Yuri!' Bruno frantically thought to himself as his purple orbs narrowed down on the dark-skinned bulky man whose wrist was still around his ankle.

'It's a demon, not a damned human!'

'Luci damned guards!'

Bruno knew that this was beyond a natural disaster, he was sure that something dark was going on down there, from someone equally as dark in personality.

Someone was trying to send an army from one of the realms to this one, the portal is the one causing this much trouble.


His intuition never went wrong.


The sound of sirens could be heard from a distance, voices of desperate reporters mulling over each other, creating an unpleasant combination to Bruno's sensitive ears. Getting up with little to no fight left in him from exhaustion, Bruno dragged his feet out of the ice cream parlor that now holds one of his worst memories with a hunched-over back.

The drive back to the dormitory was an uncomfortable one, even though he was the only one present in the vehicle. What he thought was going to be a beautiful day, turned out to play the role of Newton's third law of motion.

Reaching his dormitory floor, a shocked expression graced his features at the person he saw in front of him. Running forward, Bruno jumped into the awaiting arms of the towering figure and his bawling ensued.

"L-Luci, y-you a-are here, I-I-I-" Bruno stuttered, finding it hard to make up a complete sentence as his cries filled the hallway.

The man, Luci, wrapped his arms tighter around Bruno's smaller frame, desperately trying to comfort his distressed mate.

"It's alright, I'm here." Luci comforted, placing gentle pats on Bruno's curly hair.

"Y-You came." Bruno hiccuped through sniffles, raising his head to look at Luci with teary red-rimmed eyes as he clung desperately to Luci.

"Yes, Samantha is here too, he is worried." Luci calmly said in a leveled voice, maintaining eye contact with his distressed mate.

"Come home with us-"


"For a while, just for a while, and I will send you back here to your brothers, later."

Bruno's gaze traveled to the floor, contemplating his mate's words.

"The kids miss you," Luci said, using his only trump card.

"Fine, I will come along."

"Thank you," Luci muttered under his breath, then placed a gentle kiss on the top of Bruno's hair.

"Just for a while, Luci"

"Of course."

"Let us get in, the others are waiting." Luci urged, pulling his mate to the common room.

"Samantha!" Bruno squealed, running towards the man that has a shocked expression on his face.

"Don't call me that," Samantha grumbled but wrapped his arms around Bruno.

"I missed you so much," Samantha muttered with his face buried in Bruno's mop of hair.

"Me too," Bruno mumbled, relishing in the warmth Samantha offered.

"Where is the boy?" Luci's deep voice was heard in the room.

Hearing this, Bruno broke his embrace with Samantha and then stood upright to stare at the seniors in anticipation.

"Healing up in his room." Lin Feng replied in a shaky voice.

"Where is Andreas and Jason?" Luci asked with a deep frown on his face.

"Zhang Wei and Chen Ling are absent, but they are well informed about the incident." Lin Feng seethes, glaring sharply at Luci, which resulted in the latter releasing a snicker.

"Ready or not, your brother is going to know who he truly is today," Luci said with his arms crossed against his chest.

This statement drew a worried expression on each senior's face, not looking forward to when Yuri would come to know of his real identity.

"That is if he remembers." Zhang Wei's calm deep voice resonated in the quietened room, appearing from thin air, his deep voice startling the other seniors.

"Andreas." Luci greets with a nod of acknowledgment.
