"Brother, how is he?" A panicking Sam questions when he sees Zhang Wei stepping out of Yuri's room.

"You did not hear what transpired in his room?" Zhang Wei asks, glancing at his nine anticipating brothers with a raised eyebrow.

"What transpired?" Lin Feng who was quietly seated on one of the common room's couches solemnly asks.

"Yuri is not waking up anytime soon." Zhang Wei casually says, taking a few strides to move closer to his brothers.

"What?!" The nine brothers scream in question, their eyes wide in shock.

"His magic awakened, his body needs to adapt to it, so it is going on a quick sleep." Zhang Wei answers, quoting Lucifer's previous words.

"What do you mean?" A senior asks, his confused expression almost comical.

"Dark portals are made from dark energy, he came in contact with it while trying to instinctively clear off the portal which unfortunately led to the abrupt awakening of his magic; therefore the needed sleep." Zhang Wei explains in a slightly weary voice.

"How long does he need?" Another senior hesitantly asks with a worried frown.

"According to Lucifer, it should take him at least five hundred years to recuperate." 

Hearing this, the seniors grew tensely quiet, each of them trapped in their thoughts, the mental stress of the evening's incident clearly showing on their faces.

"What now?" Chen Ling asks, speaking up for the first time in a weary voice.

"We need a powerful mage or sorcerer on par with Lucifer in terms of prowess and possesses light magic and energy." Zhang Wei smoothly answers.

"Roman." A senior mutters under his breath, gaining the attention of other seniors.

"Yes, Roman." Zhang Wei states, a deep frown gracing his flawless features.

"But he disappeared," Sam speaks up, looking at Zhang Wei with confused eyes.

"I will find Apollo, he will help." Zhang Wei mutters, convincing himself rather than his brothers.

"Let me come with you, brother." Chen Ling eagerly offers, willing to do anything to help Yuri.

"No." Zhang Wei firmly declines.


"His magic is now exposed, hungry demons around would sense that his vast amount of magic is vulnerable and they would want to feast, you will stay here to protect him." Zhang Wei explains.

"Forgive me, older brother." Chen Ling mutters in apology, growing flustered for missing such an important point.

"Chen Ling, you are in charge till I return; in your absence, Lin Feng will take charge." Zhang Wei authoritatively stated, his gaze travelled from Chen Ling to Lin Feng.

"Yes, brother." Chen Ling and Lin Feng simultaneously reply with firm nods.

"Agapitos, Aster, Anax, and Trimurti, return to Edom, and wait there for further orders." Zhang Wei orders again, glancing at four bulky seniors who nod at him respectfully in acknowledgment.

"Bacchus and Paris, remain here with Chen Ling and Lin Feng, help with patrolling the dormitory radius regularly. No use of magic unnecessarily or unnecessary summoning of portals." Zhang Wei stated with an air of authority surrounding him.

A series of 'Yes, brother.' was said by the nine brothers in compliance with their older brother's words.

"I would have put up a strong veil, but that would just cause unwanted attention from high-ranking demons." Zhang Wei mumbled, but he was sure that his brothers heard him.

"Be rest assured older brother, we will do our best in protecting our Yuri." Chen Ling assures.

"I do not expect anything less." Zhang Wei mutters.

"B-Brother, you did not appoint any duty to me." Li Wang hesitantly spoke up, earning a silent room as the other seniors looked at the oldest expectantly.

"You will come along with me, Georgios." Zhang Wei answers.

Hearing his brother's words, Li Wang straightened his back and stared at Zhang Wei with wide shocked eyes.

"O-Of course, brother." Li Wang stutters, trying to come out of his shock.

It took the seniors by surprise when the oldest prince of Edom chose Li Wang to accompany him on his journey. They had thought that he would rather travel alone, or if he wanted someone to accompany him, he would choose Chen Ling or Lin Feng.

Li Wang on the other hand was the most shocked by his brother's words. He had always looked up to his older brothers, especially Zhang Wei for as long as he could remember. He finds this as a golden opportunity to do something productive with his oldest brother and probably increase his soulcount with his most admirable brother by his side; the thought of this sends excited chills down his spine as an unsettling smile makes its way to his face.

"Very well then, we leave in five seconds." 

With a flick of his finger, a dark swirling portal appeared before Zhang Wei. Without looking back, Zhang Wei stepped through the portal with a startled Li Wang stumbling after.

The other seniors were left bemused by Zhang Wei's bluntness, sighing in relief at the diffusing tense atmosphere that seems to always follow Zhang Wei anywhere he goes.

On the other side of the portal

"Wow, brother, this place is so filled with humans." Li Wang cried out in suppressed joy, looking around at the humans moving about doing their daily activities of hustling and bustling with a childlike excitement gleaming in his eyes, a glint of mischief in his sparkling eyes.

"Quiet." Zhang Wei quietly mumbles, gazing around with calculating narrowed eyes, gauging each human as they went on with their businesses.

Looking up to the sky, Zhang Wei spoke in a loud voice;

"I am Zhang Wei, I seek the presence of the king."

Li Wang stared at his brother with confused eyes; other nearby humans also looked at him with weirded-out expressions as they murmured amongst themselves, but Zhang Wei paid them no mind.

"Brother, what-" Li Wang tries to question his brother's actions, but was once again hushed by Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei lowered his gaze from the sky to glare at his brother with sharp eyes, successfully shutting Li Wang up.

"The people of Aetolia are known for their vast knowledge in the wielding and manipulation of magic. One of their most impressive discoveries is the 'theory of illusion'. This situation does not support me explaining things in depth, but what I need you to know is that when we stepped through that portal earlier with the aim of reaching the king in our minds, we will come in contact with well-groomed illusions inevitably; and this is one of them." Zhang Wei explains, glaring around at the humans around with a calm stance but watchful eyes.

"What do you mean, brother?" Li Wang asks, not understanding what was 'unreal' about where they are.

"Listen to their heartbeats." Zhang Wei simply states.

"They are- They are in sync." Li Wang mumbles, a look of shock on his face as realization dawned upon him.

"The human heart beats at certain pumps and speeds per second, ideally the heartbeats of thousands of humans in the same place could never be in sync." Zhang Wei explains, still looking around with watchful eyes.

Again, Zhang Wei looked up at the sky with a sharp glare, then mumbled this time around;

"I, Prince Andreas of Edom demand an audience with your king, King Michael George of Aetolia."