PLAIN SECRET: Not so Oblivious

Leaving his brothers to their devices in the common room, Zhang Wei made his way to Yuri's room; strolling down the corridor to stop at the doorstep of the last room. He raised his hand to open the door and was welcomed by the sight of his half-brother, Apollo embracing Yuri, with his mate; Michael standing by the foot of the bed watching his mate.


"That was quite fast." Zhang Wei says, walking through the door and shutting it behind him.


"O-Older brother Z-Zhang Wei?"


Zhang Wei snapped his gaze to a weary Yuri who had called out to him in a scratchy voice.


"I am glad you are alright." Zhang Wei mumbles with emotions constricting his throat as his eyes carefully scans Yuri's body to make sure he is truly alright.


"Yuri stared at Zhang Wei with confusion written on his face, not catching what the older had said.


"I am glad you are okay." Zhang Wei repeats, this time louder.


"If you are glad that I am okay, won't you be embracing me?" Yuri asks with hot tears gathering in his eyes, blurring his vision; staring at Zhang Wei with a look of confusion.


"Right," Zhang Wei mumbled, then took quick strides towards Yuri's bed.


Zhang Wei immediately scoops Yuri in his arms when he gets close enough, burying his nose in the crook of Yuri's neck to deeply inhale his scent.


"You are okay." Zhang Wei mutters, pulling Yuri closer and placing him on his lap.


Apollo watched his brothers embrace each other with a wide smile on his face. He cannot lie; he was a little bit shocked when he saw the vulnerable side of Zhang Wei.


Yuri who was still confused as to why he woke up to two strangers in his room with one almost choking him with their tight hug, reluctantly broke the hug between him and Zhang Wei to look up at the older with questioning eyes.


"W-What happened?" Yuri asks in a hoarse voice.


"What is the last thing you remember?" Zhang Wei asks with a concerned frown on his face.


"The ice cream parlor- the bathroom, an earthquake. The tremor threw me across the room in the bathroom, I don't remember anything after that. I think I had passed out by then." Yuri narrates, jumbling over his words in a panicky state.


"Ok," Zhang Wei states, releasing a sigh of relief.


"You are okay now." Apollo voiced out making Yuri's eyes travel to him.


Yuri who was still unfamiliar with the strangers scoots closer to Zhang Wei with wide eyes, eyeing Apollo and his mate; Michael. This action did not go unnoticed by Apollo who showed a pained expression at the actions of Yuri.


"Who are they?" Yuri asks in a small voice, his gaze travels from the mate duo to Zhang Wei.


"This is Apollo and his husband, Michael. Apollo is my half-brother." Zhang Wei briefly introduces.


Yuri's eyes widened in disbelief; his gaze traveling from Apollo's face to Michael's, then he opened his mouth wide as if he just realized something.


"K-King Michael?" 


Zhang Wei and Apollo visibly paled at Yuri's words, while Michael just raised an eyebrow at Yuri's words.


"And K-King Apollo?" Yuri asks with his eyes wide in anticipation.


"Of Eat- no, Aetolia Kingdom?" Yuri asks with confusion in his facial expression, this time sounding a bit unsure.


Zhang Wei and Apollo paled more when they heard Yuri's words. The king's gaze was now narrowed on Yuri.


"How do you- what do you mean, Yuri?" Apollo asks, a worried expression etched on his face.


"My mother told me stories about two kings- King Michael and King Apollo who married after being in each other's presence for over a century without King Michael being able to detect that his soulmate was King Apollo and that they grew to love each other immensely after King Michael realized that his mate who was once a servant in his kingdom was King Apollo" Yuri narrates, a small smile creeping to his face as he reminisced about when his mother would relentlessly tell him the stories of two Kings who were destined to be together. She had always said their stories with a fond smile on her face.

"Y-Yes, we got the names from the book, they are like nicknames. We have read the book too, right Michael?" Apollo asks stuttering in panic.

Michael only hums in answer, his eyes trained on Yuri with a skeptical look on his face.

"That is not true because my mother wrote the book herself, it is the series of 'The Doofus King and his Charming Prince' bookshelf. She has a whole shelf dedicated to works on the Kings, it is her original." Yuri claims with a wide smile, thinking that Apollo just had a mix-up with another book.


"The story had a funny title, though," Yuri says, chuckling a bit at the weird book's title.


"It says 'The Doofus King and his Charming Prince'. She said King Michael was the Doofus King and King Apollo was the Charming Prince," Yuri says with a large smile on his face, remembering how often his mother called King Michael a Doofus.


"Your mother is a great storyteller." Apollo shakily says with a forced smile. The young boy had seemingly summarized he and his mate's whole life in simple words.


"I know it sounds like a fairytale, but I know King Michael and King Apollo are somewhere out there loving on each other," Yuri states, his smile growing wider.


"Why do you say that?" King Michael asks, finding interest in Yuri's words.


Yuri's gaze traveled to the king. He was surprised that the king spoke to him for the very first time.


"Because they are real. My mother told me that fairytales also exist, somewhere beyond the world we see. My mother taught me of dimensions and realms of the world, she also told me that demons and angels and real." Yuri explained with a wide smile on his face, then spoke in a hushed voice; "She also mentioned that the Devil was real, he came to my bedroom." Yuri says in a whisper.


Apollo's and Zhang Wei's expressions turn to one of shock as they both frantically scream;


"What?!" Zhang Wei and Apollo simultaneously scream in question, their eyes wide in shock.


"What? The Devil was here." Yuri solemnly answers, looking at the trio with a confused frown on his face.


"Interesting," King Michael mutters with a small smirk playing on his lips, now seeing Yuri in a new light.


"He stood right there," Yuri says, pointing to a spot near the foot of the bed.


"Yuri, I think you need sleep." Zhang Wei mumbles softly, but Yuri hears him.


Yuri shook his head in defiance, looking up at his senior he said something that almost made King Apollo pass out;


"You are a demon; the other seniors are demons too. The only person who is not a demon is Sir Michael, and I can sense that he is a great magician."