A while after the ice cream parlour incidence- EDOM.


"What did you say?" A slouched figure seated on what seems to be a throne made out of liquid fire asks in a bored tone, the hood of their dark cloak covering their dark malicious eyes and unamused expression.


"M-Master I-I-we t-the p-p-port-" A hunched figure kneeling before the cross-legged figure answered in a trembling voice, but was cut off by the impatient dark lord.


The figure on the throne cut off the trembling demon before him with a tsk.


"What a waste of my time." The cloaked figure mumbles with a tsk then snaps his finger. The sound his fingers made echoed in the large throne room and liquid fire started erupting from different pores of the crouched demon till he combusted into nothing with a shrill scream.


"Who is next?" The cloaked figure on the throne asks dryly whilst twirling his fingers in the air lazily.