A sigh of relief slipped past Yuri's lips when the bell rang indicating the end of the lecture hour. With no further ado, Yuri puts his stationery in his bag and then trots out of the classroom; Zhang Wei promised to take him back to the dormitory when he finishes his lectures.


Reaching outside the building, Yuri decides to wait since he does not see Zhang Wei in sight. He stood there for a bit with his hands tightly holding to the straps of his bag until he started to feel a tingling sensation at the back of his head, the kind that one feels when someone is staring hard at them from behind.


Yuri felt a gentle force urging him to look back, so, without thinking much about it, Yuri turned his whole body to the back to feel himself immediately entranced by a pair of crimson-red eyes. Yuri gasped when he saw the person was equally looking at him with so much intensity, but he made no move to break the eye contact he and the stranger shared.