"Ramses!" Yuri screams in both shock and happiness.

Ramses raises his head with faux confusion written on his face, his face softens when he sees a bubbly Yuri.

"You do not have to yell so loud." Zhang Wei mumbles to himself as his face set to a frown.

"Yuri," Ramses states in greeting, then walks closer to Zhang Wei and Yuri's table. "Fancy seeing you here."

"You too, what are you doing here?" Yuri asks with wide gleaming eyes, perked up in excitement.

"Eat. Obviously." Ramses replies with a short chuckle.

"Apologies Ramses, he is that dense." Zhang Wei sarcastically says with an eye roll.

"Please, sit." Yuri politely offers, gesturing to the vacant seat at the table.

"Thank you," Ramses mutters with his eyes never leaving Yuri's face as he sits down.

"Older brother Zhang Wei told me that you are his godfather." Yuri simply states with wide curious eyes.