"Sam needs you more right now."

"Where is he?" Lucifer completely broke the hug.

"Come with me," Bruno said with a sniff and teary red-rimmed eyes.

Bruno led the Devil to a room upstairs, which surprisingly did not have a door, but white curtains complemented the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room to prevent the full glare of the sun from disturbing the peacefully sleeping Hybrid.

The room was a very spacious one; with just a king-sized bed and a single couch, all in white colour. Conclusively, the room possesses a soft decor.

Sam was lying on his back with his chest, bare; revealing his now full chest and a very visible baby bump. His chest rose and fell as soft breaths escaped his lips, an equally white blanket was draped over his lower half.

Lucifer and Bruno could not help but gawk at their beautiful mate who was ethereally beautiful with pregnancy glow.