BLUE BALLS.: The Mage's Quest III

"Yuri, get up," Ramses whispers in a sleeping Yuri's ear.

"Ramses?" Yuri asks in a sleepy voice.

"It is me," Ramses whispers in answer.

Yuri nuzzles closer to Ramses, involuntarily purring when he feels Ramses' skin against his.

"Get up," Ramses says, then moves to lift Yuri off the bed, then heads to the bathroom while still snoozing Yuri in his arms.

"We are here," Ramses announced, placing Yuri on wobbly feet.

Yuri leaned against his mate, sleepily closing his eyes with his arms still wrapped around Ramses' neck.

"Let me help with your clothes, then," Ramses says with a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

Hearing Ramses' words, Yuri yelped loudly and his eyes flew open in surprise as he stared at Ramses with wide eyes and mouth looking at Ramses accusingly.

A deep chuckle reverberated from Ramses' chest at Yuri's dramatic look and his arms came around a pouting Yuri's slim waist.