"Sam, I need you to gather detailed information on Yuri's earthly parents," Zhang Wei orders, his eyes darting around in a calculative manner.

"Yes, older brother Zhang Wei," Sam answers with a slight bow, then vanishes from the room almost immediately.

"What are you up to, Zhang Wei?" Lin Feng asks.

When Zhang Wei hears Lin Feng's question, instead of answering, he immediately vanishes from the room, leaving an astounded Lin Feng to the sound of crickets back in the dormitory.

Zhang Wei appears at the mall parking lot, intending to find something for his little Yuri.

"What do humans like?" Zhang Wei asks as he walks toward the mall's main entrance.

"He is not entirely human, you know?"

Zhang Wei looks to his side, searching for the owner of the dead voice. He's met with a hooded Ramses, whose red eyes gleam beneath the dark hoodie he wears. The duo makes no move to halt their walk.