
"The demon?" Monica asked, a tight-lipped smile on her face.

"Yes, Mother." River's smile grew impossibly wider as his eyes flickered to his mate, only to find his mate already looking at him keenly, making the pale silver head blush with a pink tint to his cheeks.

"Wha- don't tell me- oh the gods!" Monica stuttered out, looking between her son and the demon in the room.

"You guys are mates?!" Monica almost shrieked out. She had an inkling that they were mates at first, but she brushed it off; she felt a strong bond between the duo when River stepped into the room which gave her the concept that only Damien could stop her son earlier; but the bond could be anything, it could have been a parabatai bond or a bond formed mutually from spending time together, little did Monica know that it was a mate bond.

"Yes, Omma" River timidly said, his face turning a deeper shade of red making Damien raise an amused eyebrow at his mate's flustered state.