The Ritual Of Rebirth II

Damien gently placed River into the bathtub that was half filled with salted water; River's nose and lips were barely above the water level as his body lifelessly soaked in the water. River was made bare in the salted water, with Monica standing by the entrance of the bathroom as she stared with lost eyes into space.

"Monica," Damien called out to the hybrid, snapping her from whatever trance she was in. Monica's gaze moved to Damien slowly, her dead eyes looking at Damien questioningly.

"Huh?" She dumbly asked.

"It is time" Damien answered, looking Monica in the eye with no emotion.

"Oh." Monica walked towards the duo to kneel in front of the tub River was in with her hands placed on the edge of the tub.

"Sit three meters away from the tub at the center." Sam muttered to Monica.

"Okay," Monica quietly said, doing what Sam told her to do.