The Oasis Wails

"I remember telling you to come back home alive," Lucifer said, peering down at River who was lying tiredly in bed.

"Oh, I am sorry." River guiltily said, his voice scratchy with his eyes- downcast.

"Tsk." Lucifer tsked and turned his head away from River's direction defiantly.

"Do not mind him River, he was just too worried." Bruno chimed in after sending a jab to Lucifer's side.

"Yes. He is such a worry wart." Sam said with a scoff, looking down at River with a soft expression on his face.

The mate trio were standing around River like a little fence as they poured their excessive love on the poor platinum-headed Angel.

River yelped when Sam suddenly wrapped himself around him like a large koala bear; Bruno followed suit too, taking River's unoccupied right-hand side.

"Ah. What are you guys doing?" River yelped in his scratchy voice. He complained outwardly but did not make a move to push the duo away.