I Knows Nothing About Him.

Back at the club, Faith was drinking with some acquaintances when New suddenly appeared and grabbed his hand.

“What took you so …” Faith didn't get to finish his words before his ass was dragged off his couch. Looking bewildered, he had no choice but to stumble after New, who looked furious.

Sud and Eshin followed at a safe distance. They wondered if New was asking to die. Who didn't know that Wan Lee doesn't play with this cousin of his?

New found an empty corner and pushed Faith into it.

“New?” Faith called carefully. He could sense that New was angry about something. What he couldn't figure out was what it had to do with him.

“Wan Lee is your brother?” New asked immediately.

Faith huffed in relief. “Yes.”

“When were you going to tell me?”

“I… I thought you knew.” Faith was alarmed. He thought he was popular to the point of not needing an introduction anywhere in Bangkok.

“What do you know about Anurak's ban?”
