He won this round!

In silence, the two boys glared at each other. One stood at a solid 6 feet (1.83 m) with broad shoulders and bulging biceps, while the other was lean and reached just his chest region. One was fair and almost pale. Standing so close, his fairness made the contrast in their skin tone more glaring.

For New, these few days when he was without Anurak were almost miserable. The only thing holding him down was his pride. All his life, he was pampered and always got his way. Except for his mother, who was strict and sometimes hard to deal with, nobody ever addressed him disrespectfully as Anurak had done at the pit. Despite his infatuation with Anurak, his pride and ego were bigger than his desires. He already made up his mind to put Anurak in his place before things got out of hand.