A new Identity, A New Purpose

"Now that we know the various identities you have in relation to others, I have one more question on your identity. Anurak Dæd-Câd. Outside everything you presently are, who do you want to be? Let me rephrase that. What do you want to be?”

“I want to be an engineer. I want to work on race cars.”


Master Ken was caught off guard.

After checking out Anurak's background, he assumed that the boy would say he wanted to be a professional biker.

“I thought you like bike racing?”

“I do.” Anurak nodded. Not surprised that the man knew so much about him.

“So, why a mechanical engineer?”


The response got stuck in his throat.

He indeed wanted to take his chances at bike racing, but Sophea was completely against it. She was the one who decided that he would become a mechanical engineer. But would it be okay to mention her name here?

“Bike racing is dangerous.” He replied in a low voice, unable to meet Master Ken's eyes.