Chapter : Eight

After hanging his call there was a cute smile had appeared on his face looking the portrait. Now the painting was almost done, there was a sort of satisfaction on his face seeing painting which was done by him.

Taking his coat which was hanging on the chair, he walked out of the studio. He started to drive his car, he placed one hand on the steering and other out off the window, he just wanted to feel the cold wind which reminds him the night he met Priya. Her thought wouldn't miss him turn into pink panther.

The car stopped in front of a small villa. Parking it , Mick rings the bell. To the sound of buzzing bell, the door was opened by a teenager girl who had a fair look and a lin complex. She was dressed in her green night outfit. As soon she saw Mick she said. " Finally, someone remember that they even have a house and a little sister who will always wait. Now don't waste your time, I wanna sleep now. If I won't then there will be a dark circles under my eyes then I won't look pretty for tomorrow. Just shut the door behind you and be ready for tomorrow. I don't want to hear excuse from you".

Saying this she just walked into her room. Mick was bewildered from her words. She didn't even wait a second to look at his response or ask even about his dinner. Scratching his head Mick walked into his room.

It was early in the morning ,when Mick's door has been knocking. Lora his sister was trying to wake-up him on the time. " Hello lazy goose don't you think you need to wake up. The breakfast is also ready and this is the last wakeup call, even if you won't wakeup now, then forget about coming out. Do you understand?".

She screamed in her high pitch. Once she finish her words, Mick opened the door saying " Were you born with some disorder. From childhood you didn't had . I guess as you got this recently. Oh May god help you to cure your rare disease ". Saying this he just shut the door on her face.

"Mickkkk.... " She screamed his name again and walked to her room to carry her work.

After an hour Mick came out of the room dressed in a peach colored suit, that was making him look more handsome. His sister was dressed in a peach gown. She looked gorgeous in that with her open hair style.

Seeing him she said " Not bad God have blessed me with a good looking brother, I hope I will attend his marriage next year, if any silly girl fall for him. Anyway... " Saying this she started to laugh. " I think you are going to come by all your own haa".. Telling this he walked near the car. "Hey wait, you can't do that ". Screaming it she got into the car.

Lora was the younger sister of Mick who stays with him ,she came to London for her graduation . She is a person whom we can call as beauty with brain.

They were travelling to city which is located 100km away from London. It was a small city filled with big brains. Mick and Lora had spent their childhood days in that city, their mother was a school teacher and father was a photographer. He was famous for his skill.

Never mind how small or a big event was held in city ,they made sure that photoshoot should be done by his father. From his childhood Mick had a great intrest in photography , he used to attend those events along his father and admired his work. This was one of the main reason he choose to be a photographer.

On the other hand their mother was well known teacher in city. She always used to dress in classic style, that gave her more professional look. She used to take free classes for the children who couldn't afford the wages of the school .

Almost every child of the city was familiar of her teaching. She was awarded for her teaching work as well. Though she had stop working in schools from past few years, but she didn't stop her teaching , she started to work with NGO and help many people to get educated.

The car was stopped at their destiny. Looking at Lora ,Mick said. " We get go, wake up now ". Hearing it she rubbed her eyes gently and she looked around and saying. " Not bad ,I guess we came on the time ". Telling this she get down the car.

As soon she get down the car one of her cousin walked towards them. " How are you guys. You people look little tired. Still there is a time for wedding. By that time you people can have some rest. Lora follow me, let me introduce you to the bride ". Telling this her cousin grabbed her hand and walked inside the hall.

She was younger sister of groom. She was dressed in a peach gown and her hair style gave her a lovely look. She had a charming smile on her face that made her attractive.

"Hey how did you girls forget me anyway I will catch up later" Mick said when the girls walked away, saying this he turned behind . For his surprise ,there was a gentleman dressed like a groom had a smile on his face and looking at him. "Milo, oh my god you really look great. I am sure the bride won't take eyes off from you haa.. ". Saying this he gave a small hug to the Milo.

" Thanks for your compliments, it's been a long time we met each other. Let's go everyone are waiting there". Telling this Milo walked into the hall

Merle groups...

It was a busy afternoon where Priya was working for her new project. Entering the cabin Eva greeted her. " Are you fine now?"Priya asked. " Yes, I am alright, ma'am here is a information which you had asked, there is a small meeting with HR team in evening and that's it about today's schedule". Eva said this while hand overing a file to her.

" Alright, I will go through it. Book my tickets to Paris for next week and make sure that nothing should go wrong in my absence..". Priya was about continue her words but she was stopped by a buzzing of her phone.

" Ma'am it's me a bartnder". The voice from the other side said. "Tell me what's the update? " Priya said this in a cold ton. "Ma'am, you said to inform if someone come looking for this person right, just now a person dressed in a brown suit have came here , if you want to know who is he then come fast ma'am". The bartender said this looking at the man who came to meet the goon.

Priya stood from her place and said " Share me the location I will be there soon ". Saying this she ended the call. Eva was confused by her behavior and asked" Is everything alright Ma'am ". " Now it will be alright, I got to go ask my bodyguard to wait in parking area ". Saying this she walked into her small room.

The bodyguard were waiting for her in parking area. Priya came dressed in her casual outfit. " We have less time, hurry up we need go for the location which I had shared you ". Saying this she get into the car.

It took few minutes to reach their destiny. As soon the bar attender saw Priya entering the hospital,he ran towards her and said " The person who came here had left the hospital few minutes ago,but he gave me this to give you". He gave a card which had a address of a amusement park.

The card was given by a person who came to see the goon. He was dressed in brown suit , had worn a branded watch on his right wrist,he had covered his face with a black mask.

When the bartender was talking with Priya ,he overheard his talk and left the card behind him saying "Ask her to meet me tonight ,if she wants to know whom am I?".

Priya turned the card upside down and saw a note behind the card. " Let's me at sharp nine". Seeing that Priya sighed looking at bartender she asked "When did he left ". " Few minutes before you arrive" He replied. "Where is the goon. Did anyone else came to see him?". Priya asked him in a cold ton. " His friends came but no one stayed more than 5min ". He said while taking her to the ward.

The goon was sleeping on the his bed. His hand was fractured, due to the punch which he received from bodyguard his face turned into cyanosis near his cheek . And he was still not such strong enough to talk with anyone.

One of the bodyguard went near the window and opened it . He looked out whether he could find any clue, but he didn't find any clue and nodded his head signing no one is there.

" What did the doctor said? ". The other bodyguard asked for the bartender. " Doctor said nothing is serious, there are mild fractures and he will be alright soon". Hearing that Priya rolled her eyes towards him and said " Alright then, ask one of his friend to take care of him. Your work is done ,you can leave now"

As soon he heard that he was clouds at nine.Take the car saying this Priya walked out of the hospital.

It was around eight . The Merle groups was empty there were no employees or any staff who works there. The building was filled with silence.

Eva entered Priya's cabin. It was filled with darkness. With the help of street light which was entering her cabin passing the glass wall, Eva saw a silhouette of a female resting on the seat. She turned on the light and was surprised to see Priya there.

Because of the sudden light Priya couldn't tolerate it. She covered her face and start to blink her eyes for few seconds. " Eva what are you doing here at this time? ". Priya asked walking towards her. " Selina called me telling that you haven't reached mansion yet. So I thought to check out here once. Now tell me why didn't you go to the mansion yet? ". Eva asked her in a serious ton.

Priya didn't gave rights to anyone to question her. But Eva was not only her assistant , she was also her friend and well wisher, not only that Eva was honest with her from the day she joined to work with her. This had built a bonding between them which gave her rights to question Priya that to till an extant.

Though Eva questioned Priya in a serious ton but, inside her there was a fear about Priya. " I have some work to do ,completing it I will go to the mansion". Saying this Priya took her coat which was hanging on the couch.

Eva was about to ask her something, but she was stopped when there was a sudden entery of a bodyguard. " Ma'am the car is ready ". He said looking at Priya.

Eva was confused by hearing his words but didn't made a courage to ask her out.

Watching her wrist watch Priya said " Alright then we will reach the location by half an hour " . She said looking at the bodyguard. Rolling her eyes towards Eva she asked " Why don't you come with us, it's already late. We will drop you on the way ". Agreeing to it Eva went with them.

Abundant amusement park....

After travelling half an hour they reached the address which was mentioned in the visiting card. They have reached 15 min earlier then the mentioned time.

" Miss, it's a amusement park. No people will come here. They say due to loose , this park had been closed from past few years. I didn't get why did that jerk called you her only when the city is so big". The one of the bodyguard said looking around.

Priya didn't reply anything to his words. The other bodyguard said " Miss, it's Sharp nine can we go inside now? ". Priya nodded her head signing yes. Before getting into the park she ordered one of her bodyguard to stay in car so that if anything goes wrong he can help them out. She also asked him to get inside the after one hour from they entering the park.

Priya along with her bodyguard walked inside the park. The park was filled with pin drop silence. As soon she walked few steps near inside park near the giant wheel. The lights turned on.

" I knew you would come here". Said a voice. She looked around to know from where the voice comes but she couldn't figure it out.