Chapter 1416: A Choice
Suddenly, a little girl came running into the house. She had seen Rean appearing and was excited. "Rean, Rean!"
Rean saw the little girl and smiled in response. "Oh, it's Rafatia. What is it, little lady? You don't seem to be that afraid of me anymore. Why is that?"
Rafatia turned a little red before explaining, "The great Kentucky told me you weren't a bad guy, and you helped mommy, so I decided to trust you as well."
Rean didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing that. "The great Kentucky said that, huh?"
Rafatia then quickly changed the topic soon after, asking, "Forget that. Where is Rana? She disappeared after you left."
That was obvious since Rana didn't really exist. It was basically Rean manipulating his Light Element. Since he left, so did that fake Rana. "Oh, her? I'm sorry, little lady, but fairies are an extremely busy race. After she finished helping you and her business with me, she returned home."
"She's gone?!" Rafatia couldn't help but become sad. "Will I see her again?"
Rean patted her head and nodded, telling her, "But of course! Didn't she say you're extremely cute? She loves cute little girls, so she'll definitely come back to see you again."
Rafatia's sad expression disappeared as fast as it came. "Really?! Then I'll prepare a gift for her! Oh, right! The great Kentucky might have some good ideas." After that, the little girl stormed out of the house.
Rean shrugged his shoulders as he looked at Falangia, asking her, "Were you like that when you were a kid?"
Falangia scratched the back of her head as she replied, "I'm not sure. There were rare moments when I could be carefree like that. Perhaps I would be if my life was different." However, she quickly made one thing clear. "Oh, don't get me wrong. I would never want to get another life since that also means I wouldn't have Rafatia in the end."
Rean nodded once he heard that. "That's obvious." It was then that he thought about something else. "By the way, who's her dad?"
Falangia's expression immediately changed after that. It was as if she was reminiscing something unpleasant. "Sigh… usually, I wouldn't talk about it, but I guess it's fine with you. You know how rape and things like that are common here, right? It doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl, but females obviously have it harder. Truth be told, I can remember at least three guys who might be her father. Obviously, I was only eleven, while those pieces of shit were adults with much higher cultivation. Anyways, you can guess the rest. Judging by the time I noticed I was pregnant due to the lack of my period, it has to be one of them."
Rean sighed after hearing that. "I shouldn't have asked. But since I did, do you even know if they're still alive? With my abilities, it would be very easy to tell whether one of them is Rafatia's father or not."
Falangia shook her head, saying in response, "I have no idea. To be honest, I don't care either. What's the point in telling the father he has a daughter? Since they did that to me, they probably did the same to other girls. Chances are they have quite a few children by now and couldn't care less if they're alive or not."
Rean didn't condemn Falangia's thoughts. "If you have no interest in finding them, then so be it. In any case, it's not like you need the father anyway. You did a great job on your own so far."
After that, Rean changed the topic as it was already too dark. "Oh, right! The reason I came back was to ask whether you still want me to bring you to the center of the continent or stay here. With all the main tyrants' necks being held by the contracts, they'll have to work to make Dry Sky City a better place. From what I could tell with my Divine Sense, I got at least 80% of the strongest cultivators in this place. As for the rest, they won't cause trouble since that will bring the soulbound cultivators after them. At least for a hundred years, things in this city should improve."
Falangia shook her head in response. "That definitely sounds nice. However, it also means I'm involved with the reason many of the low-level cultivators can't act as they did anymore. After all, you only made the high-level ones sign it. Those with lower cultivation that also used to rob, kill, rape, and do other heinous deeds will definitely want to get revenge for not being able to do it anymore. You, Roan, and Kentucky will be fine. No one could possibly touch you in this place. However, things are different for Rafatia and me. In a certain way, Dry Sky City has become even more dangerous for us than it has ever been."
Rean didn't mind it. "Very well. Once the time comes, I'll bring you and your daughter to the center of the continent."
Falangia knew she was asking too much. Nevertheless, she couldn't help but do it for her daughter. "Rean… you said you came from outside Treavin, right? Would you be able to bring Rafatia and me out as well? From what you told me, the other continents are a much better place to raise her."
"This…" Rean had to admit that would be difficult. "To be honest, Roan and I are traveling by ear. That being said, I'm not sure how we'll traverse the continental barrier between Treavin and Pol Continent. I'm not sure if Pol Continent is a better place either. Do you understand the risks involved? You might really die, or worse, Rafatia might die. On the other hand, I can guarantee that you'll obtain a safe passage to one of the cities in the center of the Treavin Continent."
Falangia was surprised to hear that. Not from what Rean said about the cities in the center of the continent. Instead, the way he put it, it seemed like he was giving her a choice. Try to leave the continent or not.. That's the choice.
Chapter 1417: What Are You Talking About?
"So, if I ask you if we could go together, would you try to bring me to the other continent?" Falangia asked.
Rean scratched the back of his head in response. "I could give it a try, but I really don't recommend it. Treavin Continent is basically a big desert. As for Pol Continent that borders it, surprisingly, it's the exact opposite. Pol Continent is basically a huge sea, with only a few islands scattered throughout. Do you think your life would be better in a place like that?"
"I…" Falangia couldn't give an answer. After all, she didn't know how cultivators acted in Pol Continent to start with. Perhaps, due to the sea, Pol Continent would be even more tyrannical than Treavin itself. "Is there a way to find out how things work in the Pol Continent in the center of Treavin Continent?"
Rean had to admit it was very likely. "Probably. There should be people in the center of Treavin Continent that would happily sell us information about the Pol Continent."
Falangia was taken aback to hear that. "Would you pay for it just to find out if it's a good place to go or not? That would be too much already."
Rean shook his head as he told her, "Oh, you have the wrong idea here. Roan and I would still pay for information about that place regardless of whether you come or not. Information is power, after all. Now that I think about it, I'm already bringing you and your daughter to the center of the Treavin Continent anyway. You might as well make your decision after you find out how Pol Continent is and how dangerous it'll be to traverse the continental barrier."
Falangia was happy to hear that. However, looking at Rean's smiling face, she couldn't help but ask, "It was I who asked for it. Still, I wouldn't complain even if you did nothing else for my daughter and me anymore. Why are you going this far just to help us?" She already knew that Rean and Roan weren't like most of the guys she had met before. They had no interest in raping or charging sex for anything they wanted. Above that, they didn't try to ask her for Divine Stones, which the cultivators in the continent put even more significance on compared to carnal desires. Such a way of action was just too foreign to Falangia.
Rean sighed after hearing that. "Instead of answering your question, let me ask you. Why do you find it so hard to accept that someone just wants to help you? Is it really that hard to accept that not everyone has a hidden agenda?" Rean patted the girl's head once again and told her, "Don't you think that's kind of a sad way of seeing life?"
Falangia found it hard to not feel moved by Rean's words. She couldn't be blamed, though. That's the kind of life she had lived so far.
Suddenly, someone stormed inside while complaining. "I want that too! I want that too!" Sure enough, it was Rafatia who saw Rean patting her mother's head, feeling jealous.
Rean once again laughed out loud when he heard that. "Hahaha! Of course, Rafatia can get a lot of pats on the head." He didn't mind fulfilling the little girl's wish at all.
Falangia looked at that as she touched her head, where Rean patted her a moment earlier. That was a very warming feeling. Seeing how attached her daughter had gotten, and how well he treated not only her but everyone, she started to feel different towards him. 'It would be so nice if he was her father…'
However, the exact moment she thought that, she felt her body, and especially her face, grow very hot. 'What the hell am I thinking?! Don't do that, Falangia. How long have you been living in this shit place? As far as chances go, he might be saying all of that just to make me drop my guard. Yes, that must be it!'
Well, deep down, Falangia knew she was just deceiving herself. Why the hell would Rean want Falangia to drop her guard? He's a Peak Stage Elemental Transformation Realm cultivator. Plus, he even had those Soul Binding Contracts. If he wanted something, he could totally force her to do whatever he wanted. There was absolutely no point in taking such a hard route just to gain her trust.
Rean didn't know anything about that, though. He just helped Falangia the same way he helped many people in the past. There was no other reason behind it whatsoever. "Alright, I'm leaving now. Since I already got the tyrants in the city to sign the contracts, I guess I'm going to have that rest I talked about." Rean then looked at Falangia and said, "Kentucky seems to be enjoying his stay, so I'll leave him here with you two. I'll be back a few days later to fetch all of you once we leave."
Falangia, who was lost in her thoughts, finally returned to the real world. "Eh? You're already leaving?"
As soon as she said that, she slapped her own face, much to Rean's confusion. "Are you… alright?"
Falangia nodded with an even brighter red expression. "I-I'm fine! Just ignore what I said. I'll prepare everything for when the time comes for us to leave. Have a nice rest." At the same time, she cursed herself mentally. 'Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot…' Then again, one couldn't blame the poor girl. In her nineteen years of life, it was the first time she felt like that towards the opposite gender. Her emotions were all over the place.
Puzzled, Rean could only nod and make his way out. "See you later… I guess."
Outside, he just so happened to bump into Roan, who had also returned. Surprisingly, Roan seemed to be talking with Luan. "Yo, Roan. Are you tormenting the kid again?"
Roan's mouth twitched a little once he heard that. "Not as much as I plan to torment you if you continue with your bullshit."
Rean laughed in response. "Hahaha! I'm joking. I'm joking. Hey, Luan. How are you doing, man?"
Luan nodded with a slightly shy face, replying, "I-I'm fine."
Rean obviously was curious, so he asked, "So, what are you two talking about?"
Chapter 1418: Lord Mou
Roan looked at Rean before saying, "I've been thinking for a while and decided to take him with us."
Rean looked at Roan in surprise, saying, "Since when did you want to be a father?"
Roan truly felt like giving Rean a beating once he heard that. "Father, your head! I'm interested in his sensory ability. His cultivation is very low, but he can already find anyone's locations up to hundreds of meters away. It'll be a great asset for us during our travels if we train him properly."
Rean still found it strange. "Even if that's the case, would you train him from scratch? He's very young, after all. Back when you took Zuo in with his Magnetism Affinity, you didn't really have to bring him around. You only trained him every now and then in the Freedom Sect. It'll be different with Luan, you know?"
Roan didn't seem to mind. "How many people have we traveled with? How many of them have I trained before? If I can make someone like Malaka improve, I can make anyone do the same."
Rean was taken aback, seemingly agreeing with his words. "You truly have a point there."
Somewhere on a certain planet in the Mortal Realm, a certain girl sneezed several times.
Rean then looked at Luan and asked him, "What about you? I'll be honest here. Our journey might be very dangerous. If you take up Roan's offer, you might really die at some point."
Luan was still very young to process such hard decisions. Still, he at least knew what danger meant after living alone for several months in Dry Sky City. "I think… it won't be much different from now…"
Roan nodded in response. "Indeed. The life you had after your parents disappeared could be said to be anything but safe. However, it'll be even more dangerous in our case. On the other hand, you won't need to care about anything else. I'll properly train you so that you will be able to protect yourself and help Rean and me at the same time."
Rean couldn't help but ask Roan after that, "Why did you change your decision? Earlier that day, you didn't seem to be that eager to bring him with us."
Roan agreed with Rean, responding, "And I wasn't going to change my mind. However, his ability gave me an idea. Could it be that his ability is even better than the natural spatial detection Void Tempering Realm cultivators and above have? At the moment, we have no way to hide from it, so it'll be much better if we're the first ones to notice the other part."
Rean pondered in silence for a bit and had to admit Roan was right. "Well, we won't know for sure before Luan cultivates to a much higher realm. However, it's indeed worth a shot."
As for Luan, he had already made his decision from the moment Roan asked. Roan saved his life before. Well, Luan wasn't really going to be killed. It was just a beating for stealing food. In any case, Luan somewhat began to rely on Roan. "I want to go as well."
Rean looked at Roan and the boy and couldn't help but mention, "He doesn't speak much, so I guess you two will get along quite well."
Roan didn't deny that. "One more reason for me to take him in."
Rean then bade farewell to Roan and left to have some fun in the city. His group wouldn't be going out until a few days later anyway.
Meanwhile, somewhere in the same Vankotis Region, there was a big city called Flidas. Its population was over a hundred million, which was a huge number for a place like the Treavin Continent. Vankotis Region had a total of six countries, and Terga Country was the country where Dry Sky City was located. However, Flidas City was located in the most prosperous country at the center of that region, Lintao.
Flidas was not known for its size, though. Instead, it was known for being the home of one of the big powers of the Vankotis Region, the Traste Clan.
In that same clan, deep inside one of its most prominent residences, an old man was reading the letter one of his subordinates had just brought to him. "What?! Zostemou signed a Soul Binding Contract?! Even though he was unwilling, the contract still took effect?! What the hell is happening here?!"
The subordinate shook his head as he replied, "Lord Mou, we're not entirely sure. Soul Binding Contracts shouldn't work if you're not genuinely wishing to sign them. That means that young master Zostemou is lying that he was unwilling or that some different type of Soul Binding Contract was used. According to the letter, he forced his subordinates to try and break the contract. After all, they were also unwilling. However, the two he was able to convince to do that died straight away."
Lord Mou was also known as Mou Traste. He was the head of one of the main family lines of the Traste Clan and had a lot of power in the clan's decisions. Above that, he was Zostemou's father. "I sent Zostemou out to gain experience. He wasn't supposed to return to the clan before reaching the Transition Realm, at the very least. Now he's bound to play some hero bullshit in a shitty city for a hundred years? Who did that?! Was it one of the other powers in our Vankotis Region?"
That subordinate found it to be unlikely. "I doubt so, Lord Mou. Even though young master Zostemou is your child, he's far from having any meaningful influence in the clan. Other than making you angry, the other powers wouldn't gain anything from forcing him to stay in Dry Sky City for a hundred years. If anything, they should have just killed him straight away."
Mou then tried to calm down as he nodded his head. "Indeed. From what is said here, he wasn't the only one forced into this contract. Many of the forces that controlled the city had to do the same thing." After calming down, he also noticed the main problem. "A Soul Binding Contract that works regardless of the wishes of the person signing it…"
Mou looked at his subordinate before saying, "I'm going out. Tell Druvan and Regil to come out of their seclusion and follow me.. We need to check if such a Soul Binding Contract really exists."
Chapter 1419: The Entire List
Mou Traste was a cultivator at the Late Stage of the Void Tempering Realm. As for Regil and Druvan, they were at the Initial and the Middle Stage of the Void Tempering Realm, respectively. Of course, one shouldn't think of it as too small. One must remember that to go from the Transition Realm to Void Tempering Realm, one would need Divine Origin Energy.
The problem was that only Rank Seven Divine Stones and above had Divine Origin Energy in them, except for some very specific locations in the Realm of Gods. With that being said, the cultivators had to get Divine Origin Energy through some other method. As for what method that was, it wasn't that hard. One only had to convert Divine Energy into Divine Origin Energy.
However, although it wasn't a hard process, using this method was anything but fast. Back in Huring or Lanqueas Continent, one had to use ten days' worth of Divine Energy cultivation to convert the necessary amount for one hour of Divine Origin Energy cultivation. Then again, that wasn't so bad as Huring and Lanqueas had around five times more Divine Energy in the environment.
Treavin, on the other hand, lacked that same Divine Energy concentration to make things as fast. With that said, once someone reached the Peak Stage of the Transition Realm, they pretty much got stuck. Few could really surpass the Transition Realm and enter the Void Tempering Realm. As for those who did, they would see themselves progress slowly for a very long time.
That's why Mou, Druvan, and Regil's cultivation couldn't be underestimated. Just the fact that they reached this level showed how much persistence they had compared to others. Of course, things were still several times better for them. After all, even though Treavin Continent had less Divine Energy, a clan as big as Traste still got their hands on a lot of Divine Stones. It's just that most of them were Rank One, with very few being allowed to even touch Rank Two ones.
The only problem for them was that the message took several days to arrive at the Traste Clan. Then again, that's to be expected. Expensive, very long-distance Thoughts Transmission Talismans weren't things one would get their hands on easily. And it was no different for the Traste Clan. They might be one of the big powers of the Vankotis Region, but this was just one region among the hundreds of different ones in Treavin Continent. Only people like the clan leader and Mou Traste would have them in their hands. Someone like Zostemou didn't have the right to keep them.
In any case, when the message arrived at the Traste Clan, it was also the time Rean and Roan had decided they had enough rest. Other than those two days they intervened in the matters of Dry Sky City, the rest of the days, they really didn't touch on anything cultivation-related at all. The only exception was Celis, who continued to cultivate nonstop in the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm. Then again, Celis himself didn't want to stop, so the twins didn't say anything.
[Rean, Roan. Before you go fetch everyone, how about you buy something in the Soul Gem System? Don't forget that your actions in Lanqueas Continent changed the destiny of a lot of people. Just the fact that immortal-level cultivation techniques were given to those disciples was enough to make your Destiny Points greatly soar.]
Rean and Roan obviously were happy to hear that. 'Oh?! Then how many Destiny Points do we have right now? I remember we were left with 24945 last time we bought something.'
[That's correct. Anyway, after accumulating points for a long time, you two got another 32412 points. You told me to remind you when you got another 50000 points, remember? Well, there you go. You have 57357 Destiny Points at the moment.]
'That little?' Roan was surprised to hear that. 'I thought we would have over 100000 right now exactly because of the immortal cultivation techniques that leaked out.'
Rean shook his head, though. 'I understand why we didn't get more. Did you forget? The Soul Gem System can only calculate changes in destiny up to a certain distance. We even have one skill to upgrade in the rewards system that will increase that same distance.'
Rean was right. The Reward System had Destiny Perception Range Upgrade Level 1, which cost 50000 Destiny Points. At the moment, that perception range was at level zero. That gave the twins a total of 500000 kilometers for the system to detect changes in destiny.
'After those cultivators got the immortal cultivation techniques and left through the portal, they were teleported randomly throughout Lanqueas Continent. That far surpassed the 500000-kilometer range of perception that the system has at the moment.'
Roan had to admit Rean was right. 'So that's why…'
[Well, Rean said everything. Anyways, you did get quite a bit there. Aren't you going to use it?]
The twins didn't need to hear it twice before they entered the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm. Soon after, they sent their Divine Soul Power and Divine Sense into the Soul Gem Orb before accessing the Reward List. Usually, the twins only saw the skills available for buying. This time, however, the twins opted to see the entire list, including all the skills they had acquired so far.
[Soul Power and Spiritual Energy Fusion – 20000 Destiny Points] (Bought)
[Nascent Soul Revival – 20000 Destiny Points]
[Soul Gem Dimensional Realm Pass – 10000 Destiny Points]
[Ape Bones – 100 Destiny Points] (Bought)
[Tiger Bones – 500 Destiny Points] (Bought)
[Dragon Bones – 5000 Destiny Points] (Bought)
[Energy Absorption Upgrade Level 2 – 1000 Destiny Points] (Bought)
[Energy Absorption Upgrade Level 3 – 10000 Destiny Points] (Bought)
[Energy Absorption Upgrade Level 4 – 20000 Destiny Points] (Bought)
[Energy Absorption Upgrade Level 5 – 50000 Destiny Points] (It will go to 25% when they buy it, they have 20% at level 4)
[Soul Gem Dimensional Realm Upgrade Level 3 – 8000 Destiny Points] (Bought) (Life Sustainability)
[Soul Gem Dimensional Realm Upgrade Level 4 – 50000 Destiny Points] (New) (They don't know what it does)
[Yin Yang Bathhouse – Reward from Destiny Strugglers Title]
[World Essence Formation – Reward from Grade 2 Efficiency Title]
[Breaking Bounds (One use) – Reward from Breakers of Bounds Title] (Used)
[Soul Connection Range Upgrade level 2 – 1500 Destiny Points] (300km) (Bought)
[Soul Connection Range Upgrade level 3 – 5000 Destiny Points] (3000km) (Bought)
[Soul Connection Range Upgrade level 4 – 20000 Destiny Points] (10000km) (Bought)
[Soul Connection Range Upgrade level 5 – 50000 Destiny Points] (100000km) (New)
[Soul Gem Blacksmith Workshop – 400 Destiny Points] (Bought)
[Soul Gem Blacksmith Workshop Upgrade Level 2 – 1000 Destiny Points] (Bought)
[Soul Gem Blacksmith Workshop Upgrade Level 3 – 3000 Destiny Points] (Bought)
[Soul Gem Blacksmith Workshop Upgrade Level 4 – 10000 Destiny Points] (New)
[Soul Gem Alchemy Workshop – 400 Destiny Points] (Bought)
[Soul Gem Alchemy Workshop Upgrade Level 2- 1000 Destiny Points] (Bought)
[Soul Gem Alchemy Workshop Upgrade Level 3- 3000 Destiny Points] (Bought)
[Soul Gem Alchemy Workshop Upgrade Level 4- 10000 Destiny Points] (New)
[Soul Gem Electrical Formations Repository – 400 Destiny Points] (Bought)
[Soul Gem Electrical Formations Repository Upgrade Level 2 – 1000 Destiny Points] (Bought)
[Soul Gem Electrical Formations Repository Upgrade Level 3 – 3000 Destiny Points] (Bought)
[Soul Gem Electrical Formations Repository Upgrade Level 4 – 10000 Destiny Points] (New)
[Destiny Perception Range Upgrade Level 1 – 50000 Destiny Points.] (500000 Kilometers at Level 0.) (New)
[Yin and Yang Starlight Body Cultivation Technique – 100000 Destiny Points.] (Bought)
Rean and Roan nodded once they looked at all of their bought upgrades, satisfied. They had really come a long way. Still, they already knew what they would buy even before opening the list. Back then, the twins wanted to buy the Destiny Perception Range. But because the Yin and Yang Starlight Body Cultivation Technique appeared, they delayed their plans.. This time though, that won't happen.
Chapter 1420: Let's Hope You Are Right
[Destiny Perception Range Upgrade Level 1 – 50000 Destiny Points.]
[Confirm purchase?]
[Destiny Points: 57,357]
[Initiating upgrade…]
In response to their decision, the Soul Gem Orb soon shone with a color unlike the usual black and white light they were used to. Instead, it was silver light that gathered around it as the twins felt the same spatial power that kept the Dimensional Realm running from it. Then again, that made sense since only spatial powers made sense when increasing perception range.
The upgrade didn't last long, though. That's because other than the increase in spatial power, nothing really changed to the Soul Gem Orb.
[Upgrade completed.]
[New Destiny Perception Range: 1000000 kilometers.]
Rean and Roan nodded, satisfied after the process was done. "It was more or less what we expected. The distance doubled."
[It may not be much right now, but it'll quickly pay itself off.] Sister Orb said in response to their words. [After all, this upgrade will directly affect the number of Destiny Points you two will get. Changes that happen up to a million kilometers away because of something the two of you did will now be counted. Any upgrade that can impact the number of Destiny Points you get is worth it regardless of how small of an upgrade they are. In the long term, these advantages will only accumulate and pay themselves off.]
The twins agreed with Sister Orb. "By the way, Sister Orb. Can this perception range also traverse the continental barrier? Or is it blocked by the continental barrier's power?"
[Unfortunately, it can't. The continental barrier's power is too great. Well, it's not like the system is bad, but it's that it affects most sensory abilities. Though, if you recover more Foundation Fragments, the System will become strong enough to withstand the continental barrier's effects.]
Rean bitterly smiled after hearing that, saying, "We don't even know where to find another fragment, let alone get one."
[There's no helping it. The Realm of Gods is enormous. Plus, not all fragments might be on this realm either.]
The twins knew what Sister Orb meant by that. The twins now knew that other than the Realm of Gods, there were other places like the realm where the angel races lived. If one followed this train of thought, then there might be fragments in the underworld as well.
It was then that Roan narrowed his eyes, asking, "Wait, if that's the case, isn't there a chance that some fragments are also located in the other half of the universe?"
[I won't deny it.] Sister Orb responded. [However, I really don't know if that's the case or not.]
Roan shook his head in response. "Whatever. We're still far from being anywhere near strong to actively look for these fragments anyway. We can think about that once we at least find a way to pass through the continental barrier any time we want."
Celis was also in the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm, so they told him about the upgrade. Celis didn't seem to care much about it since he couldn't use the System anyway. Soon after, the twins exited the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm and went to fetch Kentucky.
When they arrived in front of Falangia's house, a crowd of women was gathered in front of it. Well, to be more specific, they were gathered around Kentucky. "Oh! So it's finally time to leave, huh?"
As soon as the women heard that, they all began to complain, much to the pervert bird's delight. "Come on, ladies. The great Kentucky can't be monopolized. Just like you, there are many more females in the Realm of Gods who deserve to have some time with me. If you truly love me, you will understand."
The twins' mouths twitched when they heard that, feeling like giving not only Kentucky but all the women there a beating. 'I'm telling you. There must be something in this idiot bird that attracts women against their will,' Rean could not help but say.
Roan agreed with him. 'Perhaps he has some pheromone that acts directly on the female DNA. I can't think of anything else that would explain this.'
Surprisingly though, Falangia wasn't in the middle of that group. Instead, she stayed in her house most of the time, only going out when she needed something for the departure. It was as if she didn't have the same feelings for Kentucky as the rest of the women there. "Oh, Rean! Roan! Have you found anything about Pol Continent, perhaps?"
Roan looked at Rean, asking, "What does she mean by that?"
Only then did Rean remember he hadn't told Roan about that yet. "Oh, Falangia asked me if we could bring her to Pol Continent instead of just leaving her in the cities in the middle of the continent. I told her about the risks of such a thing. She then decided to wait until we found more information about Pol Continent before saying if she would go or not. I know that such information probably wouldn't be available in this city, but I still used some of my free time to see if I could discover anything before we departed. Sadly, no one knew anything."
Roan narrowed his eyes, asking Rean, "Why would you offer such a thing? I don't mind if you dump her somewhere in the cities in the middle of Treavin Continent. However, bringing her with us to traverse the continental barrier is another issue. We don't even know how to do that yet."
Rean didn't seem concerned, saying, "Oh, it's fine. As I said, she will only decide after we find out more information. If it turns out it's something too dangerous, she'll probably stay in the middle of the continent as she won't risk Rafatia's life."
"And what if she does?" Roan countered.
Rean shook his head, telling him, "Then I won't be responsible if anything happens to her and Rafatia. You have to admit she has a point when she says she wants to leave Treavin. The Divine Energy concentration here is too small. Wouldn't you want the best for your child as well?"
Roan didn't like that. "They will be your responsibility, understood?"
Rean was already expecting that. "Of course! Anyway, aren't we bringing Luan as well? It won't change much in the end."
Roan wasn't as confident as Rean as he said, "Well, let's just hope you're right."
Chapter 1421: Lord Mou Arrived
Sometime later, Kentucky bade farewell to all the women surrounding him before calling everyone to hop on his back. Rean, Roan, Luan, Rafatia, and Falangia quickly boarded the Kentucky Express before the Minokawa took flight. Well, Kentucky didn't need to fly for long, though. After all, they were simply heading to the Formation Guild.
One thing was the same in all continents of the Realm of Gods. They all had the main sub-occupation guilds. Blacksmith, Talismans, Formations, Alchemy, etc. That's why it didn't matter where the twins went. They would always find these guilds there. Then again, each guild acted independently, and they only contacted each other if necessary.
In the Formation Guild, the guild leader was alerted that Rean's group had arrived. He, as the guild leader, had to be well-informed about everything that happened in the city. With that said, he knew very well who the twins were, especially Rean. Rean had easily defeated the City Lord, so his power was unmatched in this place.
Thanks to that reputation, Rean's group didn't need to wait or even pay to use the teleport formation. Well, to be more specific, they did pay Divine Stones, but those were the Divine Stones necessary to activate the teleport formation. In the end, that was the most the guild could do for them.
Rean didn't mind since his group would teleport from one city to another from now on. Such distance only used Rank One Divine Stones and not even a lot of them at that. Rank One Divine Stones were something Rean really couldn't care less about. He still had almost twenty thousand Rank Two Divine Stones waiting to be spent, making it easier to measure out his whole fortune. If he really ran out of Rank One Divine Stones, it would be an easy task for him to exchange a couple of Rank Two Divine Stones for them.
Due to the twins' strength, they were taken care of with the utmost respect in every guild they appeared at. Some of those guilds were located in somewhat wealthier cities, so they didn't even allow the twins to pay the teleport. Rean, of course, wouldn't refuse their help.
Five days later, in Dry Sky City, Mou, Druvan, and Regil had finally arrived. Naturally, Zostemou came to see them straight away… or so he wanted. Unsurprisingly, he couldn't do so at all. That's because he had to act as one of the city's heroes, so when he was on his way, he had to stop all the time to help the people, much to his distress.
Mou eventually found Zostemou somewhere between the Formation Guild and the City Lord's estate. "Zostemou!"
"Father!" Zostemou's eyes lit up in response. He then looked at the woman he just helped and said with a somewhat unhappy expression, "Be more careful next time, understood? I-If you need so-something, look for the City Lord's estate." His words and his face told completely two different things. It was obvious that he didn't want to say such a thing at all. Naturally, the real him couldn't care less about the woman.
The woman, grateful for the help but puzzled by Zostemou's behavior, could only nod in response. "Right… thank you, City Lord…" Well, it wasn't every day when the City Lord himself helped someone as weak as her. It was obvious that she had never heard about anything like that before.
Eventually, the woman left, and Zostemou couldn't find anyone else in need of help within the range of his Divine Sense. Soon after, Mou descended from the sky, stopping on Zostemou's side as he asked, "Is that what the contract is forcing you to do? How much cultivation time will you lose if you keep helping every piece of shit in this city?"
Druvan and Regil couldn't help but suggest soon after, "Mou, what about wiping out this entire city? If there isn't anyone to help anymore, the young master will obviously be free."
"Stop!" Zostemou's expression went pale when he heard that. "According to the contract, my own life is linked to this city. If the city really falls, so will my life." Rean really left no holes in his contract. Knowing that Zostemou was someone important, he made sure that his 'importantness' would be used to keep the population safe.
Mou nodded, telling him, "Don't worry, I know."
Zostemou sighed in relief before looking at his father with pledging eyes. "Father, you must have a way to nullify this contract. I can't stay here doing this bullshit forever! Otherwise, everyone else in my generation will surpass me, and our future position in the clan might even be affected."
Unfortunately, Mou knew more about the Soul Binding Contracts than anyone else. "There's no way to nullify a Soul Binding Contract. At the very least, not at your cultivation level. Your only chance is to reach the Void Tempering Realm. Once that happens, you can use your soul strength and spatial powers to destroy the restrictions in your soul. However, doing that is extremely risky as well. My advice to you is to fulfill your end of the contract until one hundred years pass."
"That can't be…" Naturally, Zostemou felt like he was doomed. "One hundred years of this bullshit?"
Suddenly, Zostemou, who had to keep his Divine Sense spread all the time, saw another occurrence happening. Someone had just assaulted a cultivator in a large group, and the guy wouldn't last long that way.
However, after Zostemou heard he had no other way to escape except to spend those hundred years here, he didn't know if he should act or not. Perhaps it was better to simply die here.
Unfortunately for him, because Zostemou was ignoring the man, the restriction in his soul began to activate, and he felt that. The fear of death quickly overcame his emotions, and he immediately sprung to action. In the end, he did save the man as his father looked at the scene.
"Fuck!" Zostemou felt like shit.
It was then that his father called his attention, saying, "I can't help you much, but I can get revenge for you.. Where are the guys who forced you to sign that contract? If they really have a contract that can even take effect when forced, our family must get our hands on them."
Chapter 1422: Resultless Unknown Pursuit
Zostemou shook his head, telling him, "Most of my subordinates were forced to sign the contract, so I was left with almost no one to do my biddings. I couldn't send anyone to watch them. Father, you'll have to look for him yourself." As soon as Zostemou said that, he sprung into action once again, having to deal with another issue that appeared within the range of his Divine Sense.
Mou narrowed his eyes in response but didn't waste time there. He had already arranged for some people to come to Dry Sky City to help his son. If the occurrences were smaller, then his son wouldn't need to go out so many times and could therefore cultivate. That was the only safe way to guarantee his son wouldn't die due to the contract and could still have time to train. "Let's go. We need to investigate."
Unfortunately for Mou, it didn't take long to find information about the twins. "What?! They already teleported away?!" That's what he heard from the Formation Guild's master. "Which city did they go to? Did they use the long-distance teleport formation?"
"No, they decided to use the city-to-city teleport formations to save Divine Stones. After all, long-distance teleport formations would need Rank Two Divine Stones. Who in our region would dare to spend Rank Two Divine Stones on teleportation?" the guild master said in response.
Mou pondered if he should use the few Rank Two Divine Stones he had to try to catch up to the twins. But then again, he wasn't sure about where they were going and might completely miss them. Rank Two Divine Stones was just too important for him. "We will teleport from one city to another as well, following the same path as them. I can still afford Rank One Divine Stones in the cities that won't let us teleport for free."
Duran and Regil nodded in response before they all took the teleport formations. Fortunately, there were records being kept about each teleport, and it was especially easy in Treavin as a lot fewer people used them.
The twins, of course, didn't know anything. They simply teleported from one city to another, not bothering with whether they would pay for the teleportation or not. Without a doubt, they were much wealthier than Mou, or perhaps wealthier than the entire Traste Clan. After several days, they had already passed through seven regions, teleporting from one point to another.
Thanks to their cultivation, no one had any idea regarding the fact that they could pay for the teleport. Otherwise, they might have been stopped in some cities where the situation was even more chaotic than Dry Sky City. Little did they know that each new teleport was an extra cost in Mou's pockets, which deeply pained the man.
At some point, Mou understood where the twins were going by following the same teleports, muttering, "They're heading to the center of the continent."
Duran and Regil looked at each other before warning Lord Mou, "Mou, you do know how much it would cost for all three of us to teleport all the way to the center of the continent, right? Let alone the teleportation trip back home. Are you sure it's worth the pursuit? Worse than that, what if they're just passing through the center of the continent, but their destination is, in fact, the opposite side of the continent?"
Mou looked at the two and had to admit their words made sense. "Now that you say that, my investigation did point out they first appeared close to the continental barrier. In that case, their destination is actually..."
"Pol Continent!" All three of them noticed this issue. Indeed, the twins would need to pass through the center of the Treavin Continent if they wished to reach the continental barrier between Pol and Treavin. "But, how do they expect to pass through the continental barrier?"
Regil shook his head as he replied, "I don't think it'll be a problem for them. After all, didn't they pass through the barrier between Yubisval and Treavin? Since they did it once, they should have their methods to do it again. It's not like you don't know there are ways to go through the barriers, even if it isn't official. It's just that small fry like us wouldn't have the right to use the official means."
With that said, they reached an impasse, a monetary one. If they could catch up to the twins and take them down, they would most likely have the Divine Stones to make the trip worth it. However, if they didn't find their group in the end, or if they headed straight to the continental barrier between Treavin and Pol, their group would eventually be stuck somewhere. They wouldn't even have the Divine Stones to even go back.
By now, even Mou's greed for the Soul Binding Contracts and thirst for revenge for his son began to dwindle. Divine Stones meant everything in this place, after all. He had already spent quite a lot of them using the teleports. "What if only one of us go after them? Even if we can't find their group, we should have enough Divine Stones to return."
Duran and Regil shook their heads. "That's too dangerous. In a place like Vankotis Region, the Void Tempering Realm may be a respectable level of cultivation, but things are different in the center of the continent. Can you imagine what would happen to our family line in the clan if something happened to you, Mou?"
Mou bitterly smiled in response as he looked at the teleport formation in front of him. He already got the information that the twins used that one to go to the next city, and he would need to pay to use it as well. In the end, Mou decided to swallow his loss and turn around, telling the two, "Let's go back. We have been away from the clan for way too long already. Those idiots from the Lastou line are probably becoming restless already."
The Traste Clan obviously had its own internal power struggle, and the Lastou line was one of their competitors there.. In any case, the pursuit of the twins was over without the two ever finding out about it.
Chapter 1423: Sleep
The City of Valantior was located in the Guyi Region, one of the regions at the center of the continent. It was only in this city and the surrounding ones that the twins finally began to see cities similar to those in Huring and Lanqueas in size.
Of course, these were supposed to be the biggest cities in the entire continent, while they were just as big as some medium cities in adjacent continents. Valantior had around four hundred million residents, but it was still located in the middle of the desert. With that being said, this city had a gigantic oasis with several islands in the middle.
Even though the oases in Treavin Continent would eventually disappear while others would take form, this one would take a long time. Most predicted that the oasis in this city would still be enough for the entire city for at least another four to five thousand years.
The twins didn't mind that, though. Whether the oasis was there or not didn't matter as long as they could get the information they wanted. On their way to Valantior, the twins had inquired the Formation Guilds they passed by about the best place to gather information. From what they heard, Valantior City was one of the most recommended ones.
One of the various teleport formations in the Formation Guild in the center of the city shone with silver light. Soon after, a small group of five people appeared. It was two young men, a woman, a little boy, and a little girl. Naturally, they were Rean's group. As for Kentucky, he was sent back into the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm so that Rean wouldn't spend Divine Stones on him.
One of the workers there saw the arrival of Rean's group and came to greet them. "Hello, friends. Please follow this direction so that you can exit the Formation Guild. If you wish to take another teleport formation, then please head this direction instead to pay for the travel."
Rean smiled in response, asking, "Thank you. Are people like you working in such simple jobs, friend?"
The worker smiled in response, knowing what Rean meant by that. He was just guiding people in this city, but he was already a Saint Realm expert. Usually, one wouldn't find this kind of cultivation in such common jobs. "Sir must be new here. The center of Treavin Continent isn't much different from the cities on the borders. Although the number of crimes is smaller, it isn't something we would dare call safe. With that said, there is no lack of newcomers who arrive already trying to cause trouble, thinking the whole world revolves around them. That's why we have workers like me with this level of cultivation."
Rean nodded in response. "I see... the average cultivation level in this city should be quite high too, then."
The worker confirmed Rean's words. "Indeed. Would sir mind telling me what your cultivation level is? I can see the woman and the two kids' cultivation, but you are too high for my perception."
Rean pointed at himself and Roan before saying, "We are both at the Peak Stage of the Elemental Transformation Realm."
"Very well," said the worker. "Sirs must be careful in Valantior City. I'm sure your cultivation gave you a lot of 'liberties' in the place you came from. However, even though this is still a very high level of cultivation in Valantior, which would definitely open many doors, it won't give you the freedom to do whatever you want."
Rean's group nodded in response as the twins once again were made aware of the difference between Treavin and Huring or Lanqueas. Valantior was supposed to be one of the biggest cities in the Treavin Continent. However, back in Huring and Lanqueas, the biggest cities would have countless Transition Realm experts, and they weren't considered anything special. Here in Valantior, one could already be considered a top expert even before that realm.
"We understand. In any case, we have no intention to cause any trouble here in Valantior," Rean told the worker.
The worker was satisfied with Rean's courteousness. It was rare for people of his level to treat others that friendly. Especially since Rean looked very young, which meant he was definitely one of those geniuses. "That's very good, sir. Since we're already at this, I might as well give you some information. Is there something you might be looking for? I might be able to help."
Rean was obviously happy to hear that, responding, "As a matter of fact, we are indeed looking for something. Do you know where we can get information about the other continents surrounding Treavin? I heard this city would be one of the best places to inquire about such things."
"You are correct," confirmed the worker. "Once you go outside, look for a place called the Vulture Organization. Although selling information isn't exactly their main business, the organization is definitely one of the best places to buy it. Just be aware that it might be somewhat expensive, so just head there once you have prepared a sizeable amount of Divine Stones."
Rean obviously had no issues with that. "Thank you, friend. We will be on our way, then."
Following the path the worker indicated, the twins quickly exited the Formation Guild. "Now then, do you guys want to do anything here, or should we head straight to the Vulture Organization?"
It was then that Rafatia complained. "Mommy, I wanna sleep."
Rafatia sighed as she shrugged her shoulders. "Well, we have been traveling nonstop, after all. I'm sorry, Rean, Roan. Would you mind if my daughter and I stop for a moment somewhere?"
Rean shook his head, saying, "No problem... unless the ice block finds it too bothersome."
Roan glanced at Rean before saying, "Sleeping is a very important part of one's training. Deprivation of sleep can even hinder your cultivation speed. You and I don't need to sleep anymore due to our cultivation, but it's not the same for them. Look, Luan is also nearing his limit. Why would I be against it?"
Roan then grabbed Luan and threw him towards Rean, telling him, "You go ahead and find a place for them to rest.. As for me, I'll do my job and look for the information we need."
Chapter 1424: Sleeping Time
"No problem," Rean replied as he patted Luan's head. The boy couldn't resist the comfort and immediately slept in his arms soon after. "I'll bring everyone to rest. Let me know if you need something."
Roan didn't even answer before his body disappeared.
Rean then spread his Divine Sense, and sure enough, it wasn't that much different from Dry Sky City. He was able to see kids moving around on their own, which a lot seemed to be malnourished. Well, to be more specific, their numbers were smaller here than in Dry Sky City. As for the crimes, he only spotted one event within the range of his Divine Sense.
He then ignored those things as he couldn't help everyone everywhere forever. Instead, he focused on the buildings and quickly found an inn of relatively good quality. "Let's go. I know where we can rent a room to rest."
Falangia knew about the range of Rean's Divine Sense, so she still asked, "How is this city? Is it much better than Dry Sky City?" She still didn't know if she would try to traverse the continental barrier with Rean and Roan or not. Obviously, she wanted to know how the cities in the center of the continent were compared to the one she came from.
Rean didn't lie as he replied, "As far as I can see, there seems to be a lot more order in this city. I can still see some troubles that you wouldn't easily find in the place I came from. However, their numbers are just a fraction of what I could see back in Dry Sky City. Simply put, compared to Dry Sky City, it is definitely a much safer city. However, there's a problem in your case..."
Falangia knew what the problem was as she had paid attention to the streets while they walked for a while. "My cultivation, right? You don't need to tell me as I can feel it. Everyone around me has cultivation at the Core Formation Realm or higher. Those that look to be at my age aren't any worse than me in cultivation, with many already being at a higher level."
Rean nodded in response. "Yes. You probably noticed already, but even though we're still in the middle of the desert, this city has at least twice the concentration of Divine Energy compared to Dry Sky City. It's to be expected that those at your age have similar or higher cultivation than yours."
Falangia couldn't help but be somewhat sad when she heard that. With her strength, she might still be targeted even though it would be a rarer case.
Seeing Falangia's reaction, Rean patted the girl's head, telling her, "Hey, don't be sad. Can't you see how good you are? You have similar cultivation to those at your level, even though you came from a city with a lot less Divine Energy. Compared to those guys and girls, you're amazing! You should be proud of your achievements. If you truly end up staying in this city, you will surpass your peers in no time."
With that, Falangia's heart grew warm once again. Rean always knew the exact words to make her feel better. Well, at least when he wasn't trying to tease her for fun. However, she quickly shook her head once again, trying to throw those thoughts away. 'Stop it, Falangia! He already has a wife, for fuck's sake!'
"Oh, here we are." Rean's group finally arrived at the inn as Rean quickly entered it. Falangia, who was lost in her thought a moment ago, had to hasten her steps to catch up to him while holding Rafatia. In the end, the little girl also fell asleep along the way.
On the counter, the worker attended to Rean. "Hello, sir. What could we do for you today?"
"Do you have any rooms with Anti-Divine Sense Formations?" Rean asked.
"But of course!" Seeing that Rean was a wealthy customer, the attendant became even more respectful. Only those with a lot of Divine Stones would ask for such rooms. "We have three types of room-"
Rean raised his hand, stopping the attendant as he told him, "Just give me your room with the best Anti-Divine Sense Formation."
The attendant nodded with a smile. "That will be 10 Divine Stones per day, sir."
Rean couldn't help but think after hearing that, 'So cheap... compared to Lanqueas and Huring, this one is almost free.' Of course, he didn't say that loud. "Here is 70 Divine Stones. Give me the room for a week."
Falangia felt like crying when she saw that. 70 Divine Stones! She hadn't even gained half of that amount during her entire life! 'Are all the people from outside the continent this rich?' Well, people at Rean's level would definitely not see a problem with this price.
They were then quickly guided to the room, where Rean had Sister Orb check the formation. After confirming it was the real deal, Rean put Luan on one of the beds, where the boy slept like there was no tomorrow. Falangia did the same with Rafatia, and even she felt somewhat sleepy after seeing the two kids. She hasn't reached a cultivation level where she can ignore sleep yet, after all.
Rean noticed that, so he told her, "Well, you can go to sleep as well. There isn't much we can do other than wait for Roan anyway." Before Falangia could answer, he went to one of the beds and laid down. Sleep wasn't necessary at his cultivation level anymore. However, that didn't mean he couldn't sleep. Sleeping would help clear the mind, so Rean, and in fact, even Roan, liked to sleep every now and then. "Wake me up if Roan comes by."
Well, Rean didn't really need Falangia to wake him up. Sister Orb never slept, so she always watched the twins during those moments. She could warn Rean when Roan appeared. Another good thing was that at Rean's level, he could control his rest, so he could fall asleep straight away if he wanted to.
Falangia couldn't help but murmur when she saw how fast Rean passed out, "I wish I could sleep with him a little..."
However, it was then that Rean opened his eyes. "Oh, is that so? Hahaha! Aren't you a baby just like your daughter? Come here, I don't mind." Rean was still as clueless as ever when it came to himself. 'She's still very young, after all. She probably misses her mother... all I can do is offer some mental support in this regard.' Falangia had mentioned before that she was raised by her mother, although she died very early, leaving Falangia alone.
Little did Rean know the impact of his words on Falangia's mind. "Eh? No, I mean... that's not necessary. I was joking. Yes, just joking. I'll go to sleep with my daughter. Yes, that's what I meant. Have a good rest."
Rean shrugged his shoulders in response. "Is that so? Well, the offer is still up." This time, Rean forced himself to sleep for real, quickly disconnecting himself from the outside world.
As for Falangia, she looked at Rean from Rafatia's bed with a red expression. His words echoed in her mind nonstop. 'He doesn't mind... he doesn't mind... He doesn't mind... but, what does he mean by he doesn't mind...'
Time passed, and several minutes went by. Everyone except Falangia herself was deep asleep. She couldn't take Rean's words off her mind at all. Eventually, she looked at Rafatia's sleeping face when an idea came up. 'Right! I just need to put Rafatia in the same bed as well. That way, it won't look suspicious.' No one knew how the hell that made any sense. No, it simply didn't have any sense, simple as that. It only had logic in Falangia's head alone.
Falangia carefully grabbed Rafatia so that she wouldn't wake up and went to bed where Rean was sleeping. Sister Orb, obviously, saw everything happening outside. 'Hahaha! This is going to be fun.' Obviously, she didn't warn Rean at all. Why would she? She wanted to see everything go down in flames!
Falangia thought that after she laid down with Rean, she would be way too nervous to sleep at all. However, she couldn't be any wronger. It might be because of Rean's Light Element Affinity, but she felt extremely comfortable lying by his side. Even Rafatia seemed to fall into even deeper sleep. With that, she blacked out.. It's just that she didn't expect what would happen while she was sleeping.
Chapter 1425: Th-That's not true
Sleeping with Rean was quite comfortable. That was undeniable. Because of that, many hours went by in a flash before Rean finally woke up again. 'Knowing Roan, it shouldn't take long for him to come back.'
It was then that Rean looked beside him... or both his sides, to be more exact. On his right, Rafatia was soundly asleep, hugging him. 'So cute...' he thought with a smile. The surprising thing was on the left side, though. 'So she did come to sleep with me and even brought her daughter together. Well, I guess that makes sense. As a mother, she would feel safer if her child was always close. It's just that she's making it quite hard to move...'
At the moment, Falangia was completely entangled around Rean, looking more like an octopus that didn't want to let go. Suddenly, Rean felt Roan's presence. 'Oh, he's back.'
The door of the room opened as Roan got inside. Rean had left an order that if one guy that looked just like him appeared, they should let him go up to the room. That's why Roan didn't find any obstacle on his way up. Roan didn't care about the noise since he thought he gave everyone enough time to rest.
"I got the information," Roan said, completely ignoring the scene in front of him.
Surprisingly, Rean didn't seem concerned either as he replied, "Oh, is that so?" With that, Rean patted Falangia's head, who was already more or less awake due to the noise. "Hey, Falangia. It's time to wake up. Can you take your legs and arms off me?"
Hearing that, Falangia finally opened her eyes, although she still had a drowsy expression. "Hmmm... but it feels so good. Can't I sleep a little bit more, please?"
Roan narrowed his eyes in response, telling her, "Stop talking bullshit and wake up already."
Only then did Falangia's mind come back to reality as she saw what was happening. Her chest was pressing against Rean while their faces were very close to each other. As mentioned before, she was holding Rean so tight that it felt like she simply didn't want to let him go. If she tried to get any closer, perhaps she would pass through him. "Ahhh!"
Her expression went as red as a tomato as she jumped away like a rabbit. "This! That! I mean! I didn't mean to! Sorry! I..."
Rean and Roan looked at her in confusion. "What are you talking about? You ended up like that because you were sleeping. It's normal to make unconscious moves while you're in that state." Sure enough, none of the twins felt anything about that. They both simply attributed the scene to Falangia's sleep deprivation.
"Mommy... why are you screaming?" It was then that a little girl's voice echoed in Falangia's ears. Rafatia had also woken up and saw that she was also hugging Rean. The difference was that as a kid, she didn't really mind that much. "Big brother Rean is so warm..."
Rean laughed out loud after hearing that. "Hahaha! But of course!" He then patted the girl's head before asking, "So, did you sleep well?"
Rafatia nodded with a smile. "It was very good."
At the same time, Roan took the opportunity to wake Luan up. Little did they know, but a certain girl looked at Rafatia with a very jealous expression. 'My daughter... I wish I was you at the moment.' Obviously, she couldn't do it as she had no excuse for that. "Ahem... in any case, sorry for that. I took your offer so that Rafatia could have a better rest."
Roan was very good at detecting lies, and Rean learned a lot from him in this regard. That said... "I don't know why you're lying, but whatever." It's not like this sleeping event had any serious repercussions, thought the twins.
"I-I'm not lying! I really wanted to do that."
Unfortunately for her, Rean ignored her as he helped Rafatia up while Roan did the same with Luan. They completely ignored Falangia, who was branded as the one who really wanted to sleep with Rean. Well... she did want it anyway.
However, her embarrassment didn't last long. That's because she noticed that neither Rean nor Roan seemed to take her actions to heart. What did that mean? That meant that neither of the two thought that Falangia wanted anything with Rean. That also meant that Rean had never considered her as a possible love partner either. With that realization, the embarrassment was swapped for a deep feeling of sadness. 'He really sees me as nothing more than a kid... I know he's much, much older than me, so I probably look just like a kid in his eyes. Still...'
However, she quickly shook her head. 'Why am I even feeling sad? Doesn't that mean he's being faithful to that girl called Qia they mentioned? If he really decided to simply betray her because of me, then that wouldn't be the Rean I came to know during these last few weeks.'
By piling up one excuse after another in her mind, she finally settled her emotions again... until she looked at the messed-up bed, and the image of her entanglement with Rean reappeared in her once more. Instantly, she grew hot red once again. 'Forget it! Forget it! Forget it! Forget it! Forget it! Forget it! Forget it! Forget it...'
Rean and Roan didn't know about Falangia's train of thought. Instead, they seemed to be discussing something through Divine Sense, or so Falangia thought. Well, she wasn't entirely wrong. It's just that they used their Soul Connection instead.
As they did that, Rafatia came to talk with her mother in the corner of the room. "Mommy, come closer," the little girl said with a slightly embarrassed expression.
Falangia didn't know what her daughter wanted, so she had to get down to let Rafatia murmur in her ear. "Mommy, do you like big brother Rean as well?"
Falangia's mind finally exploded after that, and she couldn't process any thoughts anymore. "W-what are you talking about? Th-that's not true!"
However, Rafatia didn't stop there as she became even more embarrassed, telling her mother, "Then.... I'll ask big brother Rean to marry me."
Chapter 1426: Luan's Affinity
Falangia almost vomited blood when she heard that! Her daughter was only eight years old, so where the hell did she get that idea from? First of all, marriage was something very rare that only happened between rich families, clans, or any relationship that would result in both sides benefitting from it. After all, no one really believed that. Back in Dry Sky City, Falangia only knew three couples that were really married, and it wasn't like she attended their marriages with her daughter either. "Wh-wh-what are you talking about? D-d-d-d-do you even know what marriage is?"
Rafatia nodded with a proud expression. "Of course! The great Kentucky told me that it's when you get to stay with the person you like forever. Someone that you like more than others but isn't related to you by blood. I like big brother Rean very much, so I want to stay with him forever."
Falangia didn't know what to say after her daughter was finished talking. In a certain way, her daughter wasn't really wrong. It's just that her perception of her own words was not the real meaning. "That's not gonna happen. Give up on this idea already."
Rafatia obviously didn't like to hear that. "I knew it! You want big brother Rean for yourself! But I don't mind. If you marry big brother Rean, he will still stay with us forever."
Falangia's face was incredibly hot as she heard her daughter's words. 'Kids can be quite merciless…' Of course, she quickly tried to change Rafatia's notions. "Ahem… I do think well of big brother Rean. He saved you and me, after all. But marriage is a little too much, so don't talk about it anymore, okay?"
"Then… does mommy not like him?" Rafatia asked with an innocent expression.
Falangia wanted to say no so that her daughter would drop the matter. However, she found the words stuck in her throat, not being able to speak them out.
It was then that Rean's voice echoed in their ears. "Hey, you two. What are you whispering there in the corner?"
"Ah!" Rafatia was caught off guard. After all, this was supposed to be a 'secret' conversation with her mommy. "No-nothing. Mommy and I were talking about how good it was to sleep with big brother Rean. Mommy was especially pleased since she held you very tight."
Falangia's face hit the ground at that moment. 'Don't you have a better excuse to tell him?' Well, Rafatia wasn't lying, though.
Rean didn't seem to take Rafatia's words seriously, saying, "Of course! After all, I have Light Element Affinity. Anyone would feel comfortable if they're close to me." Rean then looked at Falangia and asked, "Anyways, Roan obtained information about the Pol Continent. Don't you want to hear it?"
"Ah! Yes! Of course! Right away!" Falangia didn't waste that chance Rean created to escape her daughter's interrogation.
Naturally, Roan didn't like to waste time. Before he started to talk, he gave Luan a few cultivation instructions and a few Rank One Divine Stones so that he could train while they talked. "Now, make sure you follow the steps I told you while cultivating, understood?"
Luan nodded in response. "Yes, big brother Roan." However, before he started, Luan asked something else. "Big brother, when will you teach me to read?"
With an exorbitant amount of difficulty, Roan surprisingly made a cultivation manual for Luan. However, the kid simply didn't know how to read, so Roan had to make him memorize the steps instead.
With that being said, Luan turned out to have an odd elemental affinity, which wasn't that rare in the Realm of Gods anyway. However, there was a slight problem. Luan's affinity was related to space itself. At the very least, that's what Sister Orb told them when the silver color appeared in the Elemental Affinity Orb. Rean and Roan accepted that fact very quickly since it could at least explain Luan's eye abilities to a certain extent.
The problem was that one couldn't touch spatial powers before the Void Tempering Realm. Of course, Luan also wasn't an exception to this. Perhaps, Luan would be able to do it before the Void Tempering Realm. Nevertheless, he definitely needed a level of cultivation much higher than just the Foundation Establishment Realm. With that being said, how should Roan create a cultivation manual for a power that can't be used?
Thankfully, he had a way to analyze spatial powers… the barrier between the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm and the real world. Roan really broke his head while thinking about it, trying to come up with something that Luan could use. Even though he succeeded in the end, the manual was far from optimal. In any case, it was several times better than Luan's attempt at cultivation without any specific instructions.
To make up for the quality of his cultivation technique, Roan had Luan cultivate very carefully, repeating the same steps over and over again during his cultivation. In a certain way, Luan's cultivation speed now wasn't much different from before he got the manual. The only difference was in quality! Sure, Luan couldn't use spatial powers, but he now could at least feel it when using Roan's cultivation manual.
According to Sister Orb, the best thing would be to send Luan into the Dimensional Realm and let him cultivate close to the Dimensional Realm Barrier. Unfortunately, anyone not directly connected to the twins couldn't stay in the Dimensional Realm. Celis and Kentucky had this connection, for example. Of course, it was possible to let him enter. The twins just had to pay 10000 Destiny Point for the pass… which they didn't have at the moment.
In the end, Luan could only cultivate slowly under Roan's constant vigilance in case something went wrong. The good thing was that even though his cultivation speed didn't change, Divine Stones definitely made up for it. Rean had a huge supply of Rank One Divine Stones, which were obviously more than enough for someone at Luan's level. Rank Two Divine Stones would just be a complete waste in Luan's case. In a place where Divine Energy was scarce, those stones created a paradise for cultivation.
Back to the present, Roan confirmed that Luan was cultivating properly and turned his attention to Falangia and the others, telling them, "So, here's what I found about the Pol Continent."
Chapter 1427: Information About Pol Continent
"The first is the most obvious part. Just like the information we've obtained beforehand, Pol Continent is, in essence, a giant sea. There are no continuous pieces of land in that continent at all. Then again, a 'continent' is usually a continuous piece of land, and Pol doesn't have any land that fits that term. Perhaps it might be best to call it Pol Territory. Anyways, the only land there are the countless islands you can find."
"Of course, it goes without saying that this continent is one with a lot of aquatic demon beasts. From what I found, it's very easy to find demon beasts at the Transition Realm and above roaming the islands," Roan told them. One must remember that Transition Realm was the point where a demon beast could take on a humanoid form, although they would keep a lot of their race's traces. That's also the realm where they gained sentience.
Rean raised his hand after hearing that, asking, "Does that mean their main controlling power is the sea demon beasts?" So far, Lanqueas, Huring, and even Treavin had the humanoid races as the main powers of their continents. The demon beasts obviously had a great force and could stand on their own there. In any case, it was the humanoids that made the decisions.
Roan nodded in response. "Exactly. From what I found out, the controlling power of the Pol Continent is the Sacred Undersea Kingdom. Unfortunately, there isn't much information about them other than this. All we know is that this is a kingdom of demon beasts and that they have the strongest beings in that continent."
Falangia then asked the part that was the most important for her. "How's life in the islands? Are the humanoid races suppressed by the demon beasts?"
Roan shook his head in response, telling her, "No. I can't guarantee that everywhere there is like that. However, the information I've obtained told me that the humanoid races are too small to be able to pose any danger to the aquatic demon beasts as a whole. With that said, the aquatic demon beasts basically ignore them. If anything, they have a synergistic relationship in place. The aquatic demon beasts usually ask the humanoid races for things that are easier done on the surface. At the same time, the humanoid races do the same in relation to the sea."
Roan continued, "Of course, the humanoid races are still a small force, and they simply don't dare to cause trouble for the big powers of the Pol Continent. They know very well how to keep a low profile so that they don't force the aquatic demon beasts to wipe them all out through sheer numbers and strength."
Rean could already imagine it, asking, "Then again, it's not like the humanoid races and the aquatic demon beasts don't fight at all, right?"
"Exactly," Roan confirmed. "The kind of fights that will never happen there are wars against the aquatic demon beasts. You won't ever see an 'alliance' of humanoid races overthrowing the aquatic demon beasts. However, normal battles like the ones you get when entering a demon beast forest happen all the time. It's a good thing for both sides, after all. A life without struggles will only decrease a continent's overall number of reliable experts. It's basically the same relationship humanoid races and demon beasts have in all the continents we've passed through so far. It's just that positions of the main controlling powers are inverted between the demon beasts and humanoid races."
That meant that once Rean's group entered the sea, for example, they could be targeted by demon beasts for whatever reason. At the same time, they could target aquatic demon beasts for whatever reason as well. Only large-scale battles would never happen as the humanoid races had absolutely no chance of winning. Simply put, it was still very dangerous to enter the aquatic demon beasts' territories underwater. Especially since all those at Stage Eight and below wouldn't have sentience or intelligence, acting as their instincts told them.
"However, wars between the aquatic demon beasts themselves or wars between the humanoids in the islands are still things that happen, right?" Rean asked.
"Yes." Roan nodded. "Even without paying for this information, that's something anyone could guess. This is the cultivation world, after all. As long as strength reigns, disputes will arise. If the humanoid races become as strong as the aquatic demon beasts one day, you could be sure that wars between the two would happen. Well, that definitely won't happen anytime soon."
Roan then looked at Falangia and said, "Now, answering your question. There's no doubt that life in the Pol Continent is much, much safer than Treavin. In fact, it's probably safer than Lanqueas and Huring Continent, places we had been before. That's because since the humanoid races are the minority, there's more of a feeling of union between them. Of course, don't go around expecting everyone to be nice guys and girls. That would be just idiotic."
Falangia was happy with what she heard. "That's great! Then I definitely want to go there. However… I don't know how I would pay for this favor."
Rean shook his head, saying, "I'm helping you because I felt like it. Don't forget that I helped a lot of people. It's just that I'm going an extra step further in your case since we know each other. You could call that destiny. Haha!"
Falangia felt happy and sad at the same time. The fact that Rean really didn't seem to have special feelings for Falangia was obvious even though he cared about her. "Th-Thank you…"
Rean looked at Rafatia and remembered something else. "Oh, right! Roan, how's the concentration of Divine Energy there? Is it just like Treavin?"
Roan shook his head, telling him, "What are you talking about? The sea isn't a place devoid of life as a desert is. Divine Energy is quite good there, not losing out to Huring or Lanqueas at all. They also have certain places with a lot of Divine Energy, just like Huring and Lanqueas as well. Of course, most of those places are under the sea."
Rean was satisfied with that.. "Good. So, what about crossing the continental barrier?"
Chapter 1428: A Decision To Take
Sure enough, that would be the big issue, right? The continental barrier couldn't be passed through that easily. First, the twins used the smugglers in Huring Continent. In Lanqueas, they relied on Wekil's power to jump two continents away in a single go. But now, they had to find another method.
Roan, of course, also inquired about that information, saying, "This part is what put some guys on my tail after leaving the Vulture Organization. The information wasn't for sale at first, so I had to brute force it with Rank Two Divine Stones."
Sure enough, even in the center of the Treavin Continent, Rank Two Divine Stones were very rare. The Vulture Organization immediately sent people to follow Roan after he paid for information regarding the traversal of the continental barrier. Roan was at the Peak Stage of the Elemental Transformation Realm, which was a high cultivation level. However, there were a lot of cultivators in Valantior that were stronger than him. His Rank Two Divine Stones naturally attracted a lot of greedy eyes.
Well, Rean wasn't concerned about it. "How long did it take for you to leave them behind?"
"A few seconds," Roan answered. Sure enough, it wasn't a simple task to track down Death itself. Especially when he had Rean's concealing abilities to use. Last but not least, no Void Tempering Realm would do something like tag someone, so it was even easier to mislead those who were tailing him.
Roan then put those problems behind him as he said, "Forget about those pieces of shit. The problem here is the continental barrier. Surprisingly, there's a way to enter the Pol Continent without using the official channels."
"Official channels?" Falangia, obviously, didn't know what Roan was talking about.
Rean then explained to her, "All the continents have official channels which they use to connect to other continents neighboring them. However, opening a tunnel through the continental barrier is anything but easy, especially for these powers. With that being said, few are allowed to use them, and such tunnels only open every several years. Roan and I aren't part of any main power of the Treavin Continent, so we obviously can't use those channels. Even worse, the fact we came into Treavin without using an official channel would only make things difficult for us."
Falangia's horizon was being expanded as Rean explained all of that. She never thought she would be hearing this kind of discussion that involved the top powers of the continents. "I see… Well, Roan said that there are other ways, right?"
Roan nodded. "Surprisingly, there's one place in the Treavin Continent which has a constant connection with Pol Continent. It's called the Under Desert Sea."
Rean couldn't help but ask, "Couldn't you find some smugglers here?"
Roan shook his head in response, telling him, "I tried. However, the Vulture didn't know if there was a group like that here, or maybe they didn't want me to know about it."
Rean then gave Falangia a quick explanation about what the smugglers did through a Divine Sense Message. Soon after, he asked Roan, "So, what is this Under Desert Sea?"
Roan began to explain. "Fortunately, I didn't need the Vulture Organization to tell me that. You could find information about it in the other guilds as it seems to not be much of a secret. The place is exactly as the name suggests. There's a sea under the desert that connects with the Pol Continent's sea. No one knows exactly why, but the continental barrier is greatly weakened there. That means that even at our level, it's possible to resist the barrier's power without too many issues."
How could Rean not understand Roan's words? "However, it is still a dangerous place. Is that what you are saying?"
"Indeed," Roan answered with a nod. "The continental barrier's power is weakened, but that doesn't mean it disappeared. There are several places where it comes and goes, and one might even die if one is swept by it. Demon beasts also roam that place, and they have developed some resistance to that environment, so they don't need to care about the same issue. Those are demon beasts that constantly travel between Treavin and Pol, so they know their territory very well."
"Last but not least, you have the sentient demon beasts of Pol Continent and the cultivators of Treavin. That passage between continents is constantly watched to prevent the other side from suddenly trying to launch a large-scale assault. Don't forget, continents also wage war against each other. Treavin might be poor, but when considering the entire continent, there are still a lot of resources to take. Let alone Pol Continent, which is definitely rich in sea-related resources."
Falangia already grew nervous after that. "Wouldn't that make it impossible to pass through?"
Roan shook his head, saying, "The Under Desert Sea is huge and full of passages. It's not wrong to say that it's a natural labyrinth. Although both sides are under constant watch, that is only to prevent large-scale invasions. We're talking about billions of beings launching an attack. It's obviously impossible to reach the other side without anyone noticing. If it's a small group like ours, there are plenty of places where we can pass by without attracting attention."
Rean sighed as he asked, "However, very few try to get through, right?"
Roan nodded once again. "Indeed. The fact that it's a dangerous place doesn't change. I passed by the Alchemist Guild and did their test. That's why I took so many hours to come back. After I passed, I got access to some of their general information. Usually, no one tries to go through that place without being at the Transition Realm at the very least."
"Transition Realm?!" Falangia almost passed out when she heard that. That was nothing more than a legend in her ears. Such people could pretty much be called gods back in Dry Sky City. Little did she know that the twins' power could match the strongest Transition Realm cultivators.
Then again, there was one problem. "Falangia, that's what I have to tell you. Life in Pol Continent would obviously be much better.. However, the risk of travel could pretty much have you, and especially your daughter, killed. Are you willing to risk Rafatia's life?"