Epoch 41

Epoch 41: We're really the same.

Tang Tang was lying on a soft grass bed that was full of colorful fur in a daze. Besides him was Pen, who was already sleeping soundly.

[Can't sleep, Tang Tang?]

'Yeah. They are not the only ones who have gotten used to sleeping together.'

[Do you already love them?]

'I'm still not sure. But in just a short time being with them, I can say that they make me a new person.'


[Can you elaborate on it, Tang Tang?]

Tang Tang laughed, but he immediately suppressed it when Pen besides him moved.

'Before, anyone is okay. I will sleep with anyone that will show interest in me, and that would be enough to make me feel reassured for a while, but now...'

'I never thought that a day would come that I would seek someone's warmth just to fall asleep.'

[If that is not called love, I don't know what it is called then.]

Tang Tang suppressed another laugh, he slowly got up and prepared to go outside. He doesn't want to disturb Pen's sweet dreams.

The moment he went out of the tent, a cold wind blew past that made Tang Tang shiver. He immediately wrapped himself in the big red fur that he usually used as a blanket.

The red fur was gifted to him by Hou when he returned from Mount Nebo. He likes it very much, not only because of its auspicious color but also because of its smooth and soft fur that is not itchy on the skin.

Pen's tent was near the tribe's center. Most of the single sub-beasts and females's tents were in the innermost part of the tribe for their own safety.

Looking around at the quiet surroundings, Tang Tang felt an inexplicable sadness.

The bustling and lively place in the morning is now cold and quiet. Tang Tang can't help but remember the time when he would get home from work and always be welcomed by the dark and gloomy four walls of his small apartment.

He sighed and looked up.

The moon is big and bright, and countless stars adorn the night sky. Giving light to the dark and lonely world.

[Don't be sad, Tang Tang. You were not alone anymore.]

Tang Tang smiled. 'Yeah.'

He didn't want to have high expectations for the future and be disappointed in the end, but he will surely cherish what he has now.

Tang Tang walked around the tribe, while avoiding Hou's tent. He doesn't want to disturb them, even if they are still not asleep.

On the peaceful night, he noticed that there was still light in some tents, and on some, you could hear unrestrained moaning and groans that made him blush as he walked past them. He can also hear someone scream and cry.

'That's wild!'

'Tsk.. A beast should act like a beast on bed, but why do Hou and Xue, after all the teasing, still don't want to completely enter?'

[They respected you and wanted to protect you. I bet that they will not even touch you if you don't tease them so much.]

'I know, and their self-control is really extraordinary. Hat's off to that.'

[But teasing them too much is not a good idea. Be prepared after you get married, Tang Tang, because you might get crippled.]

'Hey!' Tang Tang wants to refute Ude, but with those two weapons of mass destruction, that is not impossible.

Just thinking about it makes him excited, and at the same time, he feels a chill run down his spine.

He was already walking for a few minutes when he met two beasts that were on patrol. The two immediately recognized Tang Tang and worriedly advised him to return to his tent because many monsters were active at night.

Tang Tang, who also felt tired and sleepy, obeyed and bid farewell to the two beasts. "You too, take care and have a good night."

While walking back, he remembered to pass by the stream to wash his cold face and hands.

After washing his face and hands, Tang Tang was about to head back when he saw a man sitting on a big rock, looking over the vegetable fields.

Even though he can't see the person's face, he can pretty sure guess who it is because of the man's long, emerald green hair swaying in the wind.

Tang Tang was curious about what the man was doing but, at the same time, a little anxious. He didn't know why, but every time he was near Zmei, he always felt danger.

But as the saying goes, curiosity kills the cat.

Tang Tang crosses over the shallow stream to come near the big rock where the man is sitting motionlessly. He tried his best to move as quietly as possible to not alarm him, forgetting that beasts have heightened senses.

Zmei, who already sensed someone's presence before even the sub-beast started washing on the stream, continued to stare at the distance, enjoying the quiet and tranquil night.

When he felt that person walking towards him, like a stray cat that had stepped on the tail, he hissed and glared at the incoming sub-beast. But when he saw who the sub-beast was, his expression immediately changed.

"Did I disturb you?" Tang Tang asked with a timid smile. He almost jumped in fright when Zmei suddenly hissed and looked at him.

Staring at the sub-beast that was wrapped in red fur while the bright moon lit on him. All the curses he wanted to say were choked back.

Zmei didn't recognize Tang Tang's scent after the annoying pheromones of his two half brothers faded in the sub-beast's body.


Observing that Zmei didn't appear annoyed or uncomfortable with his presence, Tang Tang sighed. He came closer and leaned on the big rock where the beast was sitting. "Can't sleep?" he asked.

The man just hummed and immediately looked away.

Tang Tang didn't mind the lack of response from the man. He wants to befriend Zmei since he plans to go to the winged python tribe in the near future now that he accepts Elder Rung's offer.

He looked in the direction where the beast was looking, but other than the vegetable field, he could not see anything further. Still, he remained looking in the distance, imitating Zmei. After a few minutes, he started to feel drowsy.

It seems that the man didn't want to talk. Tang Tang, who already felt sleepy, yawned and was about to walk back when a deep voice sounded.

"Are you not afraid of me?"

Tang Tang halts his movements and looks at the serious expression of the man.

He chuckled when he remembered his conversation with Yul the day after yesterday. They both have a serious expression while asking the same question.

Zmei frowns. "Did I say something funny?"

"No, nothing. It's just that you're not the first person to ask me that," Tang Tang immediately explained, in case the man misunderstood.

The beast muttered as he stared at the beautiful sub-beast that was covered with red fur beside him. "You're defenseless and too careless. No wonder that those two were so desperate."

"What do you mean?"

Zmei narrowed his eyes as he observed the confusion in the sub-beast's eyes. After a while, he laughed.

It seems that the sub-beast didn't really have any idea what the twins were doing.

Covering an unmarried sub-beast with not only one but two pheromones—if it's not called a desperate move, then what is it?

Hou were known to have bad blood with Xue since they were young, but to concede for a sub-beast he just met is quite interesting.

When Zmei first met Tang Tang, he admitted that he was really the most beautiful sub-beast he had ever met, but it was still not to the point that he would forget all his reasons.

He had some nasty thoughts, and that's it. After all, he really likes to play, especially with sub-beasts.

Zmei didn't answer Tang Tang's question. Instead, with a mischievous smile, he said, "I know you heard rumors about me. You were also personally warned by our own clan witch. Aren't you scared that I will do something to you?"

Looking into those eyes, Tang Tang again feels danger, but this time he starts to realize something.

"Not scared at all," he said with a smile.

Zmei didn't know if the sub-beast was acting brave or if he was really not afraid of him. Either way, Tang Tang's answer made him lose interest. His smile faded as he jumped from the top of the giant stone and landed on the ground without a sound.

He started to walk in the direction of their tribe's temporary dwelling without paying any more attention to Tang Tang when he heard the sub-beast's next words.

"You and... I were the same." Tang Tang laughed softly. His melodious voice sounded in the quiet field. Looking at the back of the beast as it walked away, he continued. "We're really the same. How can I get scared of you?"