chapter 61

A young man started to walk to their table and caused all of the people in the building to watch envy and expectation.

Mira's table went silent when they noticed this guy walk up to their table. He came walking up near Maria and started talking.

"Hello, ladies! My name is George Rineheart. I just happened to come to this establishment when I noticed your beauty. I know Ariel and Avery here, but I don't recall anyone else. Might you, beautiful, be willing to let me have dinner with you." George spoke to the table but asked Maria if she wanted to have dinner. He then started to move his hand and fingers through Maria's hair.

Maria started to panic a bit as it would be really bad if this guy died. Luckily, he didn't go up to Mira or things would've been really bad. She didn't want to outright reject him either so that he didn't get upset and try to retaliate. The rest of the girls here didn't know that Mira hated guys and especially these types of guys. Finally, Maria spoke up.

"I apologize, but this is my only day off and I promised my friends here that I would spend it with them. Maybe next time." Maria just tried her hardest to have this guy just go away peacefully, but things wouldn't necessarily go her way as he seemed reluctant to leave even though he was rejected.

"What a shame. But if you already made plans then don't mind me. What about the rest of you ladies? I would love for one of you to join me. I promise to make it worth your while." George gave a handsome smile as he wanted to look charming for the women here. The 6 village girls spoke up first.

"Sorry, but if our Instructor caught us playing around with men she might actually kill all of us. This is our only day off before we have to go back to our instructor so we'd like to spend it with each other." Alicia read the mood and determined it would be bad if something were to happen between them and this guy. She also remembered the name Rineheart when Mira was talking about the city 2 years ago. The other girls nodded at this and the guy frowned a bit as he didn't expect all of them to reject him. Maria started to visibly panic now when she saw him frown and looked over at Mira to see what she was going to do. Ariel also caught onto this as well, and when she looked into the slits in Mira's mask, she could feel a massive killing intent. Ariel started to shiver a bit as she just realized that Mira wasn't brutal just for show. No, she was actually ruthless, brutal, and domineering. She's heard the saying 'a wolf in sheep's clothing.' but this was more like a dragon in sheep's clothing.

"Ahaha, George. As much as I'd love to, today is really not a good day for this. Actually, today might be the worst possible day for this. If you want to arrange something with me or Avery, then talk to your father and have them come over to the Zaria Family and talk with Mr. Cole. We can talk about this then, but I'm going to have to ask you to please leave us alone before this gets out of hand." Ariel said very gracefully, like a true noble. She even gave him a way of contact to discuss this at a later date. Even if he is stupid, he shouldn't be that stupid.

"I agree with Ariel. Today is a very bad day. Feel free to contact Mr. Cole and our parents later if you want to attempt to move forward with something like this. It might not be such a great thing for both of our families if the other families see both of us getting together and having dinner with each other. We will have to discuss this with our parents and the Family Head. Thank you." Avery also said with elegance, but also with impatience. This guy was just too greedy.

Now there was only 1 person left and everyone looked over at Mira and Mira had just put down the cup she was drinking out of and caused everyone at the table to stiffen their backs and sit straight up. The whole room went silent with this action as everybody stopped eating and talking and just sat straight up as they looked in Mira's direction. The atmosphere became suffocating like they were in the presence of a ruler or a god. George gulped loudly as Maria, Ariel, and Avery lit their talismans as they hoped someone would get here quick enough to diffuse the situation. Soon, everyone heard a chilling laugh come from Mira.

"Hehe." Mira laughed, but it didn't feel like a laugh to everyone else.

"Maria. What should I do? I promised that I would be more friendly with you and I feel one of those requirements is to ask you for your opinion in times like this." Mira tried to lightly ask Maria, but all of the girls started to sweat as they started to feel their lives were at stake here.

"EEK!" Maria squealed when she heard her name be called, but Mira wasn't done and glared at Maria and spoke in a deathly chilling voice.

"However, there is only one piece of advice that you are allowed to give me. Now, what should I do, Maria?" Mira said again and caused Maria's whole body to tremble. The other girls at the table now understood why Mira was someone that nobody wanted to upset. When she was training them, she was being nice. They have never truly seen Mira in a bad mood or angry.

"I-I-I-I-I don't know. Please don't do anything rash. Just let him leave. This will be my only request of you. He didn't mean anything by it." Maria kept stuttering as she didn't know what to answer. When George heard Maria, he knew that he might've made a mistake. He was about to say something, but a wave of thick killing intent filled the room as the temperature immediately. Everyone in the restaurant felt suffocated and then saw Mira wield a scythe in her hands as she stood up.

"Please stop this Milady! He didn't do anything wrong! I don't know if he offended you, but isn't it too much to kill him over this! We all saw what he did! Don't think you can get out of this alive if you kill him!" People starting yelling in favor of George.

"You're right. How could I forget about the witnesses? Thank you for reminding me." Mira said with a sneer as large Ice Needles formed above everybody. Mira then started walking slowly over to George. She then rested her scythe against George's neck.

"Now, seeing as I am in a good mood today and promised to be friendly today. I will be taking Maria's thoughts into consideration. Normally, I would just kill you and everybody in this restaurant then be done with this whole mess. But, I will give everyone here a chance to live. Only if you swear to the heavens that you will not reveal our identities or the events that have happened today or may the heavens strike you down. If you make that promise, then you all may leave here with your lives intact. Well, that's if everyone in here does that. If one of you happen to not say the oath then I might as well kill everyone here. You have 15 seconds to decide." Mira commanded as the scythe inched closer to George's neck and the needles started to fall on top of everybody's heads. Almost everybody started pleading to the heavens as death lingered over them and the room was now filled with energy sent from the heavens as it approved the oaths. The killing intent and Ice Domain had effectively prevented them from moving. Soon, only George was the only one in the restaurant that hasn't said the oath.

"I see, it seems you have chosen not only your own death but the deaths of many. Farew-" Mira almost cut off his head when he started chanting the oath.

"I, George Rineheart, promise to not reveal your identities or the events that have transpired today. If I break this promise in any way, then may the heavens strike me where I stand!" George promised to the heavens as more energy sent from heaven washed over him as it approved the oath. Mira stopped releasing her killing intent and Ice Domain. She also took back her Ice Needles as everything disappeared. Mira stored her scythe and walked back to her seat. As soon as she sat down, she heard people charging into the restaurant. It was Cole and 2 other people from the Zaria Family.

"What's going on in here?! Maria! Where are you?" Cole started screaming as he soon found Maria and ran over to her. He then noticed a guy standing near her and the rest of the group.

"Eh? George? What are you doing here? What's going on?" Cole kept asking, but then he noticed something. The restaurant was silent and everybody had ashen faces like they had just escaped death. It was also very chilly in the restaurant. He then put 2 and 2 together and looked at Mira.

"I see. Why don't you head on back George. I will handle things from here." Cole said to him with a bit of pity. George just nodded as he slowly left the building. The 2 other men from the Zaria Family then approached Cole.

"Do you know what's going on here, Cole? Why is everyone here so frightened and why did my daughter activate her talisman? OH! Avery/Ariel! Are you alright? What happened?" It seemed these two men were the fathers of Avery and Ariel.

"I think I have a good grasp of the situation. Why don't we all go back and we can discuss this back at the Zaria Family." Cole suggested as everyone nodded. The 9 girls that were with Mira at the table were still frightened. Maria was scared as well and really wanted to just cry. They had never felt such an oppressive and thick killing intent. How much has Mira killed? Mira looked and seemed like a reaper of death, someone who has seen and caused too much bloodshed. Someone who will not hesitate to slaughter thousands and thousands of people even if they did nothing to her. These thoughts utterly terrified them as they now understood Mira a bit more. These people had to plead to the heavens just to keep their lives all because 1 guy had pissed her off. One could say they got extremely lucky because if Mira was alone, they would all be dead right now. Now they knew, Mira did not like guys and it was to a ridiculous degree.

Mira and the rest of them got up from the table and followed Cole and the other 2 out of the restaurant. As soon as they left, everybody in the restaurant let go of the longest breath of their entire lives. Even being face to face with the City Lord isn't that terrifying.

Everyone soon made it back to the Zaria Family as they all made their way into Cole's study. Cole then turned to Maria.

"Why did you call me? And what happened?" Cole asked, but he already knew why.

"Well, um, you see. George was, uh, asking us to join him for dinner. All of us denied him and he looked over at Mira as she was the last to answer. And well, I think you can put the rest together. I called you to make sure he doesn't die." Maria tried to explain as she was still a bit shaken up.

"What?! That's the only reason?! Why would George have to die for that? Sure, he may have been a bit pushy and greedy to expect an answer from everyone, but I don't think that warrants death." One of the 2 men complained and the other one nodded. Cole was about to speak until Mira walked forward.

"Maybe to you it doesn't warrant death, but do you know what it's like to be looked at like nothing but a piece of meat? That's how he was looking at us. He clearly had ill intentions towards one or all of us. What the fuck do you know about being a woman? If someone approaches me with ill intentions then the only thing that they deserve is death. Normally, I would've killed everyone in the restaurant after I killed him, but I told Maria that I would be friendlier towards her when we were out today and she didn't want me to kill him. So I compromised. I made him and everyone in the building swear to the heavens that they won't talk about the events today or our identities. You could say they got off quite easily. Well, if I see him again, then he will lose his head though." Mira explained to the man as a vein popped out of the side of his head. He was about to argue back, but Cole interjected.

"Now, now. This is Mira. She's the one that will be taking your daughters to the trial that she and Maria found. She is also training them in unarmed combat to help with one of the stages." Cole diffused the situation like an expert.

"Heh, this little gir-" He was about to say when Cole coughed loudly.

"Please don't make the situation worse. I can attest that her skills in unarmed combat are at the level of an expert. You won't be able to find anyone better than her. Anyways, let me talk alone with the girls for a second." Cole explained as he now just wanted to end this and get back to his day off. The 2 men just scoffed and left the room. Mira then turned to everyone there.

"I seem to have made you all uncomfortable with my display. Fret not, as I only get this way whenever I see some perverted asshole! I cannot stand anyone that looks in my direction with those intentions! If you see me in a different light now. Well, that fucking sucks for you. You might even be wondering how many people I've killed. I can only tell you that the number is too high to keep track of. A lot of those deaths are people that had lewd thoughts about me. Let this be a lesson to you all." Mira said as Cole then walked towards the other girls.

"I apologize for her behavior. I should've remembered and told you all that she doesn't like men and will kill them on sight if they walk near her. Well, at least nobody died and things seemed to be fine at the end of the day. Feel free to spend the rest of the day doing whatever you like." Cole said in a sweet voice as everybody had now regained their bearings. It was definitely a terrifying experience, but they already knew Mira wasn't a nice or good person.

All 10 of them walked out of the building as Maria regained her joyful attitude and gave them a tour of the building. Everybody chatted with each other in this tour and it took up the rest of the night. Mira and the others then went back to their rooms or the courtyard to sleep and prepare for another day of training.