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chapter 82

Activating the array in 3, 2, 1! Start!"

The array started and everyone started to feel pressure descend onto their bodies. The pressure felt different for everyone since there were cultivations that ranged from Stage 1 Qi Condensation to Stage 8 Qi Condensation. The pressure they felt is the same pressure someone at their cultivation would give off.

For Mira and Maria, this pressure is something that they can barely feel. They were thinking that the pressure might be similar to how the Trial was where some of the stages added an insane amount of pressure onto you that even start to break your bones and crack your body. But now they thought that this might be nothing that difficult.

The pressure started to slowly increase on the other examinees, but these were the top 200 women that signed up for the Exam for a reason. If they couldn't handle such pressure then this would certainly be a disappointment.

Time slowly passed as the pressure started to increase slowly. Even if these women started to sweat a little bit because the pressure is increasing, they were so close to their goal. How could they give up so easily? This was the thought of everyone here except for 2 abnormalities.


"It seems this test is quite easy for Mira and Maria. I wonder how they got so strong? I guess we will be seeing them as disciples in the Sect. I'm also guessing that these 2 will be the last people in the finals of the tournament. Should we exclude them from the tournament if they are almost guaranteed to win? The only way I see them losing is if they just stood there and let the opponent attack them." One of the Elders watching over the test asked.

"Even though I want to just give them 1st and 2nd place, I think that might put a bad taste in the other examinee's mouths. They probably know that they can't win, but they could at least fight them in a safe environment. They might even be able to learn something from their battle. A loss from those 2 would be more beneficial than anything, but I think we should change up the tournament a bit for them. I say we split the final 100 into 2 groups. Each group will have its own tournament and Mira and Maria will fight the winner of that group. We can then have the two of them fight each other for the finals, though I bet Mira will win." One of the Elders suggested a great idea.

"That might make the tournament a bit more enjoyable for the women participating along with the spectators. It's not fun to fight in a one-sided slaughter and it's not enjoyable to watch either. Not to mention it is very demoralizing. I say we go with that suggestion. We could even have both tournaments going at the same time. Our arena is big enough to easily fit 2 battles at the Qi Condensation Realm. This also might be more enjoyable to watch as well." Another Elder agreed as they added onto it. The other Elders also agreed with them and so the tournament would be slightly different due to Mira and Maria's presence.


Meanwhile at the Exam site.

The Endurance test went on for about an hour and the pressure is currently many times stronger than it was when the test started. A few people weren't able to take the pressure and passed out. They were dragged away by the Sect Elders standing near the women watching over them.

Even though this test is incredibly simple, it does its job properly. It tests strength, will, and endurance all by just adding simple pressure onto the body.

For Mira and Maria though, this pressure still felt like nothing. Well, not exactly nothing but it is not enough to even make them sweat. While everyone else was struggling for the past hour, they were getting bored. Mira even started cultivating since this test is just a waste of her time. Maria started to daydream as she thought about the new friends she'd make while in the Sect. She thought about dragging them with her to Mira's training sessions so they can suffer together. She thought about laughing while they watched their friend get beaten half to death, but then Mira would beat her as well for thinking such stupid things. They'd then both look at each other, smile and giggle together then get up and do it again.

The pressure started increasing more and more and it soon became annoying for Mira to continue cultivating. Mira decided to look around to see who all is left. Surprisingly enough, she found Celaine still here. She figured that Celaine might have the talent to become a strong cultivator, but lacks the resolve to do what is necessary. Mira also felt like Celaine is a genuinely good person. She's not like Maria, who is an idiot and sucks at fighting. Mira began thinking of ways she can make Celaine a stronger cultivator and fix the issue with her lack of resolve and naivety.

Celaine felt a chill up her spine and opened her eyes and looked around. There is still enormous pressure from the array on her, but she started having a foreboding feeling. She then noticed Mira staring daggers at her and she nearly felt her heart jump out of her chest. The pressure from the array felt like nothing now as all of her attention is currently occupied with something she felt is much worse than some array.

'Crap! No no no no no! What did I do?! Why is she staring at me?! What was that feeling?! Is she planning to make me do something again?! Why me?! She doesn't even know me!!! I'm just a little girl who is not very good at interacting with people! I'm insignificant and can't do anything! Is she bored and she just finds me amusing?! Ahhhhh! I don't know!!' Celaine screamed in her mind as she tried to come up with answers to these questions, but nothing came to mind. She now paid no attention to the test as she was panicking to try to find some answers.

Mira didn't know what was going through Celaine's head right now and started to think of the 500 women that she saved a few years ago. Since they decided to follow her and wanted her to lead them, then she needs to put in all of her effort in trying to increase their battle prowess. Even though Mira has lived for hundreds of years, she actually doesn't know much about weapons. The only thing she knows how to use is the scythe. She can wield a spear, but her skills with it are very amateur. Maria sucks with the sword and has only learned how to fight with it due to the experience gained from fighting. She's never had a real teacher in the way of the sword. Celaine seems like she is good with the saber and has a good affinity with it. The only other people she knows that use different weapons are Audra and Nisha. Nisha is rather good with her dual daggers and Audra seems knowledgeable and experienced with a spear.

'Maybe sparring with them would do some good. I might be able to learn a bit about the different weapons. It might also make me a better fighter as well. Everybody wants to use a sword, so fighting against people that use weird weapons like this is not super common, at least where I currently am. Maria might also be able to learn something from sparring with them.' Mira thought to herself as now Maria, Nisha, and Audra also felt a chill up their spine.

The test kept going, but all of a sudden there was a sudden increase in pressure. A lot of people started collapsing from this pressure and the number of people left quickly started dropping. Mira kept watching to see who couldn't handle the pressure and who could. She could see Celaine, Nisha, and Audra gritting their teeth as they kept enduring the pressure. Everyone started circulating their Qi throughout their body to resist the pressure a bit, but this only kept them safe until the pressure increased again. The count of people left neared 100 now as there are only a few more people that need to collapse in order to end this test. Most people were using every bit of energy in their bodies to resist this pressure as they tried to stay in the test just a bit longer. Nobody wanted to give up after making it this far.

But alas, the pressure increased again and the few people that were on the brink of defeat finally collapsed. And with that, the test ended, and the pressure that was on everyone disappeared. The middle-aged lady then walked in front of everyone as they all gasped for air and tried to recuperate a bit.

,m "Congratulations to everyone here for passing the final test of the Battle Maiden Entrance Exam! We will be holding a tournament tomorrow to help determine everyone's placements in the sect itself! The tournament will not be the only thing taken into account, but it will play a big factor. So go rest up and get ready for tomorrow. You should save the celebrating until after tomorrow so you can fight at your peak, but feel free to celebrate with your family and friends for being able to make it into one of the top Sects on the Continent! Everybody who failed, feel free to try again in 3 years! You are all free to go for today, but be sure to be here tomorrow at dawn! Congratulations!" The middle-aged lady announced the end of the Entrance Exam and everybody that passed was overjoyed to hear such great news.

"WOO!!" A lot of the now Battle Maiden Sect Disciples screamed. This certainly is an incredible moment for them.

Mira just got up and noticed that Nisha, Audra, and Celaine had passed and made it into the sect. She then saw Maria running towards her to hug her, but Mira just dodged out of the way.

"Jeez, Mira! We made it into the Battle Maiden Sect! Aren't you excited?! I can't wait for our first day!" Maria pouted a bit but got over it quickly.

"I'm glad that we made it into the sect, but I would've been highly disappointed if we couldn't manage to get in after all of that pain and suffering to get to how strong we currently are. We even died once to get here. This is merely a result of the effort we put in. If you were still that idiotic weak girl from years ago then there is not a chance in hell you'd be able to pass this exam. Actually, you probably wouldn't have even been able to pass the strength test. Just like risk often comes with rewards, hard work is also rewarded after you put enough work into something." Mira said to Maria as they walked towards Luke.

"Congratulations on passing the Entrance Exam, Maria and Mira. I'm sure your father would be proud of you if he were currently here, but you will just have to tell him when he gets back. Why don't we go find a nice place to eat? I also extended your room at the inn so you don't have to worry about finding a place to sleep tonight." Luke suggested as Maria immediately nodded.

"I'd love to have a small celebration! And thank you for extending the stay at the inn! I think we should drop off Rhydian and Vulcan before eating though." Maria said and everyone agreed.

They walked back to the inn and left Rhydian and Vulcan in the room, then left the inn to find a place to eat. It seemed Luke had already had a place in mind so he led the way towards the restaurant.

There were actually quite a few people celebrating at this restaurant and nobody really noticed Mira or Maria. Maria then began to describe the tests to Luke. Maria talked for several hours and it started getting late so the 3 of them just went back to the inn to sleep before waking up tomorrow for the tournament.