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chapter 89

I've always been alone in the world. I have never seen or known of my parents. Ever since I can remember I've always been alone, but the earliest thing I can remember is someone saying the words "I'm sorry." to me. I don't know who it was that said that, but I can only guess that it was either my parents or someone who was taking care of me at the time. It doesn't matter anyway. They left me to fend for myself in this nasty good-for-nothing world. I hate them and I hate this world!

I grew up in a small village near the city that surrounds the Battle Maiden Sect. I don't know if I was born there, but this is the only place I remember being at so I'll just say I was born here. My life here sucked! I didn't have a home, parents, or anyone to rely on at the early age of 3. People would just walk by me and throw pieces of food towards me because I was always begging people for food. I felt like some kind of pet or animal, but at least I survived!

I tried asking people to take me in and take care of me, but they'd always give some excuse why they couldn't. Then they'd toss a piece of pity bread towards me and walk away. I would try to chase them down and beg them. I'd cry, wail, say I'll do the chores, or work around the house for free. I would do anything just to live in a house and have a daily source of food. But they wouldn't even look in my direction anymore after they walked away. Was I invisible? Why is this happening to me? They just talked to me a second ago so why can't they talk to me now?

These questions constantly plagued my mind. I even started to wonder if I was even alive or if I died and turned into a ghost or something. But this doesn't seem to be the case, because I'm always starving! If I was dead and turned into a ghost, then there'd be no reason for me to be starving. Part of me just wants to die! I'm not living, I'm just surviving! I can't run around with the other kids and play because I have to beg people for food and water every day just to get to the next day so I can beg for some more food and water. What's the point of living a life like this! But one day something extraordinary happened!

I was begging for more food in the village when I saw two young women come in with nice-looking robes. They were talking with some of the villagers and made their way to the village chief's house. I figured they were probably here to deal with a magical beast problem that we've been having recently. The beasts would always attack at night so they just waited in the village until dusk. After it turned dark, the beasts started to appear around the village. The two women went rushing out of the village with their swords and charged towards the beasts. They attacked the beast and I could feel the ripples in the air from their attacks. It didn't take them long to slay the beasts. They then collected their reward and immediately left. This was my first encounter with cultivators and I knew that I needed to become one if I wanted to be able to live how I want. The only problem is I know nothing about cultivating.

I started to ask around for information regarding cultivating, but nobody in the village knew anything and it's not like they'd tell me anyway. The most they ever do is throw bread at me and give me the occasional cup of water. I really hate this place and these people!

After asking around for a while, I finally got some information about cultivating. Well, I overheard someone talking about it. All I heard was that the Battle Maiden Sect just had their triennial Entrance Exam and that the next one will be held in another 3 years. They then described what they saw and I knew that this place had cultivators! I have to go there in 3 years to see this! I need to learn how to cultivate! This is when I start planning to make a one-way trip to the Battle Maiden Sect and hope that someone there can take me in.

Over the next 3 years, I would ask everybody about the Battle Maiden Sect. Things like what direction is it from the village? How far away is it? What's it like? Do they have cultivators there? Would they accept someone like me? Who participates in this Entrance Exam every 3 years? And so on.

Most of the time I just got laughed at while they threw food at me and walked on, but I was able to collect enough information. I know that the village is to the northeast of the Battle Maiden Sect and that only the strongest women under 30 are allowed to participate in this Entrance Exam. I don't know how far it is from here, but that's okay! As long as I know what direction to go. I started saving up little pieces of food and storing them in some old rags that some people threw away and I started to collect anything that could store water as well.

It was now 1 year before the Entrance Exam and I just started my journey to the Battle Maiden Sect. This is the most difficult thing I've ever done! I felt like I walked forever! I had to ration my rations as well to be able to survive! I luckily came across some small streams for water and I just kept walking in the Southwest direction. I was on the brink of death every day and only survived off of roots, plants, a few berries, and the occasional stream of water. After what felt like years, I finally saw a large wall in the distance and knew that I've made it to the city! It took me a while to reach the city, but I finally made it! I slowly walked to the nearest gate and saw two female guards keeping watch. They asked if I lived here and I just shook my head. They then asked me to pay the entrance fee of 2 Spirit Stones. I just tilted my head at them. What the heck is a Spirit Stone?! I need to pay to get in?! What do I do now?! I dropped to my knees and cried out what little water is left in my body. The guards seemed to at least pity me a little bit so they took me into the city and led me into a small room that they seemed to use when they are on breaks. They gave me some food and water then just left. Like I wasn't their problem anymore. I was used to this by now, but why do these people even ignore me? Am I cursed? Am I not able to talk with people? Why me? Why is this happening?! I just shook my head away from these thoughts, ate the food, and left the small room I was in. Since the guards didn't pay any more attention to me, then I will just help myself. If I die, then at least I died trying.

I started walking in the streets and heard a ton of people talking about the Entrance Exam for the Battle Maiden Sect. It seems it was only a few days away! I made it! Yes!! I made my way over to where the Exam Site is so I can see who the participants will be. I had to sleep in the streets for the next few days, but this is nothing new for me.

I finally made it to the Entrance Exam Site and got to see the thousands of people flowing into the place, wanting to participate in the Exam. But there was 1 person that caught my attention. A girl with a black mask and beautiful icy-silver hair. The aura this person exuded was extremely cold. Like she didn't care about anything in this world. I could also feel a malicious intent exude from her body like she's killed countless people before. I then looked at the so-called Elders of the Battle Maiden Sect, but the aura they exuded was nothing like this person with the silver hair. I could see that they were stronger than the silver-haired girl, but the silver-haired girl struck fear into my heart with just a glance. The Elder just gave me a warm yet strong feeling. I kept watching people enter, but my mind was still on the silver-haired girl from before.

I got to spectate the Age and Elemental Affinity Test, but this is nothing interesting and I only wanted to know more about the silver-haired girl. It was finally her turn and I figured out that she had an Ice Elemental Affinity. I wonder what affinity I have? I hope it's ice like that person! I also learned that her name is Mira!

I then got to watch the Strength Test, but like before most of this was boring. They were only punching rocks and nobody was able to break the rock or even crack it. Sure they looked strong when they punched, but nothing happened! I only cared about the silver-haired girl and after what felt like forever she finally approached the rock. But she did something different, she got a lot closer to the rock and extended her arm like she was going to shake the rock's hand. She curled her hand up into a fist and punched the rock. It was nothing special, but all of a sudden the rock exploded into a million pieces! I couldn't believe what just happened! All of these other people are getting a running start or swinging their arm, while this person's fist was only a few centimeters away from the rock when she punched it! And she was the one that broke the rock! Amazing! The next person also broke the rock, but I didn't care about her! This person, whose name seemed to be Mira, is just too amazing! I have to learn from her!

I also got to spectate the Test of Will. All of the people participating were groaning in pain while Mira just had a nice chat with the girl with the golden blonde hair like she wasn't affected by the pain at all. Yes! This is it! I want to be like this! I want to live a life where I'm strong enough to hold my own in the world! A life where I don't struggle for food! A life where I have the power to not be held down by my crappy life! She's the person that I want to teach me to be like that! She's unmovable like a mountain while being colder than ice! She's too awesome!

I wasn't able to watch the Group Hunt since it took place far away from here so I just waited a week until they were back.

After a week, they finally made it back and started the Endurance Test. This test was incredibly boring to watch since nothing happened, but people started to groan in pain and I could even hear bones popping after a while. It seems that some kind of pressure is being applied to them, but I don't know how. I looked over towards Mira and never once saw her expression change during all of this. Like this pressure was nothing to her! I let out a small tear as I watched Mira. I knew that she is what I need in my life right now. Someone who can train me! Someone who can take care of me! Someone who might even be able to love me!

After the Endurance Test came the tournament, but I didn't care about any of the other people other than Mira. And after a few hours, I finally got to see her in the second to last round. She walked onto the stage without a weapon and then proceeded to utterly destroy her opponent in 1 move! Her opponent then entered into a melee with her, but Mira ended that in an instant and even dislocated her shoulder and popped it back into place like it was nothing. She gave her opponent one more shot, but it ended in the same way! What an amazing fight! I'd love to do that to one of those stupid villagers! Maybe then they'll actually look at me for more than 2 seconds!

I watched her next fight only to see her fight with her hands behind her back and only using her legs to attack. It seemed to be against her friend, but she didn't hold back at all! Her friend should be incredibly thankful to have someone that pays so much attention to you! You two even train and spar together! Oh, what I'd give to have Mira teach me!

Obviously, Mira won and that was the end of the tournament and Entrance Exam. I panicked a bit because I didn't want this to be the last time I see her! I immediately ran down towards the stage where Mira was. Once I reached her, I bowed and pleaded.

"Miss, my name is Dominique! Please teach me to be strong like you!"

There seemed to be a pause, but then I heard her cold voice speak out.

"Oh? Why should I teach a little shit like you?"